FC2 merc conversations

Started by PZ, March 23, 2017, 01:06:01 PM

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I still enjoy the varied conversations one hears in FC2

[spoiler text=merc conversations][/spoiler]

Art Blade

yep, they're great :anigrin:

Also note the animals (voices) in the background. That's something else I like, the devs actually went to Africa and recorded the stuff there.


Indeed; all part of the ambiance, which is still the best I have ever personally encountered.

Art Blade


One of the reasons that makes FC2 was so fun was the mercs. Unfortunately, while FC3 and 4 make some improvement over it, the baddies in those games are worse. I don't really understamd what Ubisoft were thinking.  Absolutely agree about the ambient/animal sounds.


I totally agree - feels like UBI*bleep* had it perfect the first time and then has gone downhill ever since

🡱 🡳

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