Uncharted 4 - my videos

Started by PZ, February 22, 2017, 01:39:09 PM

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While Uncharted 4 is linear, well, now called open linear, it is still a favorite, and I've played all the way through a couple of times.  The graphics are great, and the play is thrilling


Hi PZ,
I recently got a PS4 bundled with UC4. It has great graphics, story, voice acting, the only gripe I had with it was the climbing was a bit too much to my liking, but overall, it's a verry good/great game. I think UC2 was better overall and I think is the best in the series, but I have to confess, as soon as I finished it, I never touch it again, but for some reason, I started playing through UC4 again. One of my favorite parts is when Elena fighting alongside Nate in New Devon. Elena looks good, has sexy voice and I like moments such as one in your video when she helps Nate. This games has many beautiful secenries but I like New Devon best.

Art Blade

wow, it's durian! Last time we read from you: Monday, August 25, 2014. Good to see you again :)

And no, I didn't memorise it. I actually had to look it up.

See you in 2.5 years if you keep the pace :anigrin:


Art Blade


I'm glad you're enjoying the game durian, and am equally glad to see you back online again  O0

There is much I like about the entire Uncharted series, and I'll replay them all again when the mood strikes.

Yes, there is quite a bit of climbing in this version, but the mechanics are good enough so it does not bother me that much - I love the graphics, the characters, and the great variety of the places you visit.  Still one of my favorite games, and one of the few I have bothered to play through more than once.  ;)


I've always enjoyed the catacombs in games like the Assassin's Creed series, and also in the Uncharted games

Art Blade

there were tons of riddles like that. I watched a playthrough, that's why I know and recognise that part as well  :anigrin:


I like those almost more than the main game line - I liked the catacombs in all of the Ezio games  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

I'm not so much a cave dweller. :anigrin:


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