Far Cry 2 the worst of the series?

Started by Dweller_Benthos, July 09, 2018, 08:00:23 AM

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Oh yeah I played it quite a bit, even though it was essentially an online game, there were decent enough AI for the single player, it just wasn't as dynamic, and you could fool the AI and pretty much win every time. There were a ton of mods for it, mostly that add more authentic vehicles and weapons, but some were more outlandish, with sci-fi stuff and modern weapons and such. The Battlefield series is still going, I don't know what the most recent version is, but once they left WWII behind, I lost interest.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The AAA industry do whatever they can to make the most out of their formulas, before moving to something else.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Well, they jumped on the Call of Duty bandwagon which also left WWII and went modern and uninteresting.

On another note, I was scrounging around in my old games drive, where all my old games live, surprisingly. What I do when a hard drive fills up with games, is buy a new drive and start installing games on that one, so I've got games drive 10-15 years old with all sorts of stuff on them. Anyway, I found my old install of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and it still runs. Even more surprising, there's still servers with games going that have players! I was astounded that a 12 year old game still has online players. I spent a lot of time in that game, on dial up no less.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Everybody did WW2 as well, since that was popular. The market got oversaturated with WW2 shooters so people got tired. The next big thing is batte royale and almost everybody is jumping on it. Except for Ubishit and Rockstar, which apparently prefers to do their own thing. The first insists on making everything the same across all of their games, while the latter focus on doing things well, one game at the time :)

I think the AAA industry is doing one thing well: Find new ways to make more money out of people, at the cost of delivering quality...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


There were a lot of WWII games a the time, that's for sure. I see that the new Battlefield 5 will be set in WWII again, "going back to their roots" as the developer says. Maybe it will be good, I'll keep an eye on it, see what it looks like. If it's "battle royale" I have no interest and will pass, if it's more like Battlefield 1942 but with better graphics and smother gameplay, I'd consider it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Battlefield V is under fire for having a female amputee in combat and again, people are upset about the lack of Nazi symbols... Do people find it hard to understand that Germany/Austria and other nations have those symbols banned, unless they are used for educational purposes? :banghead: I'm certain that BFV is solely an entertainment product and I am not playing it to learn what actually happened during WW2.

Soderlund defended having females, just because his daughter asked why BFV would not have women in the game, while Fortnite allows you to...

DLC will be free, like in GTA Online, although they will have microtransactions on top. Purely cosmetic, but it's EA...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


ummm... there were very few (none?) females in combat in WWII, so ummm, what? OK, I'll see how it pans out.

As for not including the swastika, it's a matter of economy as well, some games include it for the rest of the world but have region specific texture files for those areas it is banned. So, twice the w0#k for some things, which they just decided not to hassle with. I can understand that, and yeah, it's a game so does 100% historical accuracy matter?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

here swastikas are banned unless they're part of a w0#k of art like documentaries, movies and so forth. Games are not considered art, hence they ban those games that don't replace swastikas. Germany is one of the major markets for the gaming industry so they can't easily afford to miss out on that. And indeed, having to publish and update two versions is more expensive than just one global version which is why some companies publish one version only. If that version includes swastikas, they'll lose a big piece of the cake. Which is why these days it's more common to find games without swastikas.

I think it's silly. People who can't differentiate between games and reality are a lost cause anyway and the rest should simply consider this: if you're willing to play (or, to allow publishing) WWII games, why pretend there were no swastikas in WWII?


Just a couple of days ago, I finally completed FC2. I've got to say: the endgame is fantastic. A little too much like the ending of Shakespeare's Hamlet for my taste, but good nonetheless.
In both cases, everybody of importance dies at the end
I, personally, like unlocking stuff with missions, and I also like the AS50's signature bang. The only thing I modded was the weapon degradation and the vehicle degradation. Basically I went everywhere in my tanked up assault truck like a badass.
All in all, an awesome game. O0
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


Quote from: LinkHero on September 02, 2018, 03:23:06 AM
In both cases, everybody of importance dies at the end

Pretty much FC5's story ::) It's literally "doing all for nothing" in the end.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

nice :)

Although I spent a massive amount of time in FC2 and posted even more about it, essentially I hated it. Malaria attacks and degrading weapons were my number one complaint, then the "buddies" who were essentially useless and betrayed you, the camo vest that was more like a bright orange vest in the eye of any merc, silenced weapon but missed the target and every merc in the country knew it was you and where your exact location was, a mortar guy in the middle of a lake makes you out and blows you up.. the list goes on and on.

I had to resort to cheats. And then the game suddenly started to be fun. Later I added PZ's mod with the silenced AS50 and so on, it was even better then. Unfortunately, I didn't have a car mod like LinkHero which I think would have been a blast :)


Digging through the game code, weapons had spray factor set to "2". Which made it impossible to hit anything at longer distances. I can imagine a programmer confusing degrees/radians and left the weapon handling code undocumented. FC2 was a developer's nightmare (no animation directors and features had be hastily hacked in on the last stages before launch). Even RDR1 was a mess, R* had to throw GTA devs into it. I guess UBI*bleep**bleep*/R* learned something important, regarding managements of teams. FC3 was developed across many of the Ubisoft studios and R* did the same thing with their next games.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: Art Blade on July 17, 2018, 01:14:25 PM
here swastikas are banned unless they're part of a w0#k of art like documentaries, movies and so forth. Games are not considered art, hence they ban those games that don't replace swastikas. Germany is one of the major markets for the gaming industry so they can't easily afford to miss out on that. And indeed, having to publish and update two versions is more expensive than just one global version which is why some companies publish one version only. If that version includes swastikas, they'll lose a big piece of the cake. Which is why these days it's more common to find games without swastikas.

I think it's silly. People who can't differentiate between games and reality are a lost cause anyway and the rest should simply consider this: if you're willing to play (or, to allow publishing) WWII games, why pretend there were no swastikas in WWII?

I think it lunacy to ban swastikas in anything because the moronic youth of today do not even know of it's significance in WW2. As example of stupidity in the U.S., a reporter was asking people on the street to name countries in the world, and at least half of the youthful morons could not name the United States as a country.

Most people do not know that the swastika symbol is an ancient religious icon and a symbol of good luck (I just saw the swastika on an old Navajo blanket the other day)

I am completely and entirely disgusted at how uneducated and idiotic people are these days, and find myself retreating to my safe haven so as to not be exposed to such stupidity.

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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