Outer Worlds

Started by Dweller_Benthos, October 28, 2019, 07:59:06 AM

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I'm putting this in now being played because I probably will be soon. I've watched a couple hours of this games and so far don't see anything that will make me not want to play it, so most likely I will be playing it soon. It's on Epic Games though, and for no other reason than I don't want to install ANOTHER game launcher, would that be a strike against it. But I probably will, unless there is a Steam version then there's nothing against it.

Since it's from Obsidian, the devs that made Fallout New Vegas, it has a huge Fallout look and feel, even the humor and retro-fifties style. Toss in a little Bioshock and Borderlands spice and there you have it. I'll probably watch a few more videos of it just to be sure, as so far I've only seen the tutorial and beginning missions, so unless something drastically changes, I don't see me not getting this game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well, there WILL be a steam version according to this page.
No release date available yet ;)
"No hay luz"


Yeah I put it on my follow list in steam and it says "available on Steam one year after launch on other exclusive digital PC platforms". So, the question is, do I wait up to a year, or break down and get the Epic launcher and play it now? The thing is, I don't have anything against the Epic launcher except that they are pulling this move to make games exclusive to force people to use their launcher. I don't like being coerced into doing anything, rubs me the wrong way.

We shall see if that chafing subsides and I get it sooner rather than later.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I've just put it on my whish list. I've been watching the first hour and a half of a playthrough and I have to say, this is what Fallout should look like these days, not like that blasted 76.

I won't get this game on those other online platforms (Microshit and Epic *bleep*) so I'll have to wait until 2020 when it will be released on steam. I guess it will take one year for the other platforms to profit from the "exclusiveness" so it's probably going to be end of October 2020. But it's not going to run away from us and by that time they should have patched the game and fixed (at least some of) the inevitable bugs.

Before it will come to steam, I'll have Cyberpunk2077 to play :anigrin:


Yeah if it was on Steam right now I would have bought it already (how's that exclusive deal working out for you, Obsidian?). I'll probably wait as well, and by next year, as you say, the patches will be in place and maybe a decent DLC will be available or a GOTY edition, I was thinking it might be cheaper too, being a year old, but now I think that is unlikely, as it will essentially be a "new title release" on steam at that point and be full price still.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 28, 2019, 07:59:06 AMI'm putting this in now being played because I probably will be soon.

I'll put it back there once we actually start playing it :gnehe:

And mandru.. yes, I know you're posting right now so thanks for "pointing" me to it :gnehe:


 :) @ Art

This game has caught my eye also but have heard some unsettling things about Epic's business practices so I too will be impatiently waiting for it to complete all of it's game breaking patches and becoming available on Steam.

One evaluator said that The Outer Worlds has between 5 and 15 hours of game play.  However contrasting that the YouTube channel I'm watching deep dives into gaming the way I do.  Which means that I'm about 38 to 40 hours deep following his exploratory play through (posted in 4 to 6 hour chunks  ::)) with no game conclusion in immediate view.

The various worlds in the game are each very rich for nosing around to uncover a bounty of amusing encounters and discoveries.

The way you handle your Character Build and how you approach Dialogue options widely affects game play if not the end results of the game's final conclusion.  ;)

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Hey.. I'd love to check out what you're watching there, mandru, because I wasn't happy with the ones I found. Please leave a link to that guy's channel or any of those OW videos or simply just the name of the channel, I'll find it. Cheers O0

Unless.. what I didn't like was ESO because he missed so much stuff, was all over the place and by that changed the course of side quests and he kept misreading on-screen messages in a sense-changing way, finds tons of armour and weapons yet completely ignores that Parvati was running around in a t-shirt.. I couldn't bear it anymore. And the other guy was Oxhorn.. at first it was quite cool but then he started to be his old full-of-himself again and kept missing stuff, too.. you know, like looking at his screen with useful/important descriptions flaring in his face but he didn't read them nor did he check help menus.. instead he kept wondering aloud.. and he couldn't even pronounce PARVATI despite the fact that it's his companion's name spelled out on his screen all the time, he called her PAVAROTTI and later HARVARDI.. bloody hell  ??? He too completely ignored that Parvati's armour (and his own) needed repairs but throws away perfect armour suits instead of using them, let alone repair old stuff with them.. after quite some time I just couldn't stand it anymore and decided to ditch that as well.

Art Blade

now, that.. is funny. :anigrin: I was just thinking about you, mandru


:D ) Sorry I'm so slow getting this posted.  It's been a day I wouldn't care to repeat.  Filling out too many Govt. forms, a dead car battery (25 miles away from home) where the emergency road service we pay for on our auto insurance never showed up and more time on my feet than I really cared for.  Fortunately a good Samaritan saw that we were in a pickle and gave our car the battery jump we needed to get to our mechanic for diagnostics and the fix.

Oxhorn is the person live streaming the segments and he's currently up to day 12 which I'm going to jump into once I've posted this.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


cheers O0 And I hope that you can put that horrible day behind you and one day laugh about it. :gnehe:


Current speed run record, 12 minutes and ~45 seconds. Two of the developers comment on how it's possible and what tactics the player is using. Spoilers, of course, but really this speed run skips 98% of the game content.

I've read some comments on the game and reactions from real players, so not "professional" reviewers. Most seem to think it's a decent game but not worth $60, maybe $30 as it's fairly short, 25-30 hours. Also not really open world, more a bunch of smaller, mostly linear maps that you "teleport" to with your space ship. You get a quest, go do it, return. It still looks like a decent game I'm interested in, but I do think I'll wait until it's on Steam and maybe been knocked down in price a bit before I get it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that was indeed impressive, I watched the whole clip.

I think if you are willing to explore and collect everything the game has to offer it will take a LOT longer than just those couple of hours some people claim it took to finish it.


D_B, I found that "Speed Run" on YouTube and swung by to drop it here only to find you'd beat me to it by several days.  :)  :thumbsup: +1

The reaction of the two developers commenting and agonizing over the player's various skips and shortcuts to shave every possible second cracked me up.  I was impressed with the choice to not have companions to avoid their interrupting comments.

 Well technically...
Best approximation of a quote from the Developers: "Well the "Dumb Ending" and blasting directly into the Sun is technically a valid ending":D

I agree with Art.  If you fully explore there's a lot more game play possible than might be accounted for than the reported opinion of players who simply seek to hit Start and drive directly for game completion.  There's goodies and Easter egg gags hidden all over the game map in unexpected places.  There's a lot more than one way to skin a Sprat.  ;)

If I'm not mistaken this game was released by the makers of FO New Vegas and elsewhere PZ had said that NV was his personal favorite of the entire FO series.  So on some level I gotta believe that the game developers came out punching to make this a good game.

I watched Oxhorn's entire play through which convinced me that once the price drops (now knowing where many of the best Legendary weapons are stashed  :evil2:) I'll probably keep this on at least on my wish list.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I will wait for a price drop or for it to come to steam. If it was on steam now I'd have it already.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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