PC Myths you should NOT believe

Started by Art Blade, November 14, 2019, 10:28:34 PM

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Art Blade

Interesting for your next upgrade or PC build.

edit: pushed the vid out of sight to clear up the forum's front page.


I'll have to watch that when I get home, strangely enough, I'm busy right now at w0#k setting up two new computers we just bought! A little too late lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Well, I see my mistake, I'm off to download more memory, here I've been doing it wrong all this time.... tsk tsk.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

"off to download memory" sounds as if hardware could be downloaded.. and miraculously materialised on your desk..?

Art Blade

D_B, you'll love this one I suppose :) I actually think everyone here is going to love this one. Well, I do. :anigrin:

Seriously.. this is encouraging for people like me who have never built a PC to maybe try it. At least not to be afraid of trying to.


Yep, as usual, 99% of advice on the internet is inaccurate or outright wrong. Computer assembly at companies like HP or Dell is an entry level assembly line worker position, they will pretty much hire anyone off the street to do it. It's not that hard and as they show in the video, these components will take a lot of abuse before they create errors.

Having said that, my next completely new computer will be a pre-built system that I can customize, I don't want to spend the time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

My bigger "problem" is that I can't order components online (I don't do business on the net) and even if I did (or ordered it elsewhere) I wouldn't want the package to be delivered to neighbours when I'm not at home, nor would I want to have to pick it up from the nearest post office. And I'd have to spend time on getting up to speed regarding which components do or don't go with one another or what's currently considered "good" vs "not so good" to get. So, as always, I'm going to get either a prefab PC or have one custom built within the range of products the computer shop offers.


I used to build all my own PCs up until I moved to the country. I could still do it, it's not like "going bush" meant leaving all the trappings of civilization behind (even in my little seaside village of only a few thousand people, we have a pretty good computer shop with guys who build custom PCs). I don't do it anymore because like D_B I don't particularly want to put the time in, and like Art I'm not as knowledgeable about the range of hardware products/options as I used to be. And that is simply because I haven't kept abreast of developments closely enough.

Another consideration was that building one's own rig used to be a lot cheaper than buying a pre-built or getting someone else to build one for one - in this country, anyway - but I don't know that that is so true anymore. Or if it is, the savings are a lot slimmer than they used to be.

There is also the very distinct possibility that I'm becoming a lazy old bugger and just can't be bothered :gnehe:

My last two PCs have been pre-built, and I'm really happy with my current one.

Art Blade


There's just too much of a jungle now regarding components and I lost interest in keeping up with everything. I mean, we probably all have heard of something called "2080 Ti" or "Ryzen" but the rest belongs more or less into the "no idea" compartment of my brain. :anigrin:

That channel does help, though. And that guy is fun to watch, too. :)



Yeah pretty much my thoughts as well. I found a pretty decent online retailer that does custom builds, pick the main default layout and then add what you want, if you don't need a big extra hard drive, take it out and add a slightly faster video card, stuff like that. They build it and ship it to you. There are also local places where they will do essentially the same thing, though having a walk-in store costs them more so they have to charge a bit more so you pay for not having to have it shipped and having a real person to talk to.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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