Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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Art Blade

strange, a horse named after illegal booze? :anigrin:
A mustang was one of my first wild horses that I tamed. Enjoy it O0

let's talk about those Wild West days.
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taking screenshots with a contemporary tool.
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your Moonshine inspired this "sunshine" screenie. :anigrin:
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Art Blade

I love horses in this game. I'm not a horse fanatic in real life but there was a time I used to ride in open fields and valleys and forests every day.. heh. So I'm really enjoying this in the game. And I'm usually travelling with two horses but also with three :anigrin:

horse trio 01
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Three horses, OK, how'd you manage that?

Here's the obligatory drunken urination scene outside the saloon.

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I like how the prompts (bottom right) got more and more messed up the more drunk you get.

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But all in all, I really didn't enjoy this mission at all. Not my favorite.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, yep, that prompt getting messed up more and more the more drunk Arthur gets is indeed a funny idea :) And no.. I said it before: I didn't like the whole game and didn't want to buy it after I watched a playthrough of only the story missions. That suddenly changed and I decided to buy it while watching White Lock's live stream which was more of a "let's play" so he ignored the missions as soon as the tutorial part was over and Arthur can free-roam. For maybe 100 hours only random encounters, hunting, crafting, exploring.. I was absolutely convinced it was the right thing for me. And it has been. Over 400 hours into the game while STILL in chapter two after the free roaming was unlocked. I did play a few missions to unlock stuff but so far.. I rather avoid missions :anigrin:

How do I do that with three horses? It's a horse master thingy.. :gnehe: You need to make the others follow you, that's essentially it. One main horse, one temp horse and one that is neither but still at least bonding level 1 so you can give it orders. ;)


"I'm not as think as I drunk I am" :gnehe:


"I haven't been policing tonight, drink officer! Honest!"

Nice trick, Art, but with the amount of maintenance horses need, I'll never do that, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

everything in this game needs maintenance, so two or even three horses is indeed a bit much :anigrin:


Nice!  I think we're having fun in the game; at least, I am enjoying this new play through.

Art Blade

yes, I enjoy this game tremendously and have spent over 400 hours on it already. And I am still in chapter 2, haha  :anigrin: Because I play it a lot, I keep bumping into its flaws a lot, hence the rants. But, as Binnatics put it, that stuff is "not game-breaking."


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Two more pics from my favourite place in the game
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice :) and is that a temp horse following you there in the 2nd pic?

Art Blade

"that's my girl"
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 :laughsm: :thumbsup:

Yes that was a temp horse indeed :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

cheers :)  And.. that's my main horse. :bigsmile:


The landscape and detail is beautiful. You can spend lots of time just exploring

🡱 🡳

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