Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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Art Blade

yeah, I just went into a bandit's hideout, a whole ranch, and had to defend myself, too. No remorse. I got a race horse out of it, a shotgun (already owned it though) and tons of cash. I like that kind of self-defence. :anigrin:

found a race horse
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Art Blade

I went on a stroll. When I came back with probably one of the best horse sales deals in the game, the temporary race horse was gone, unfortunately. I checked the stats and I think it wasn't so special despite being a race horse but well.. I don't know. But I am quite certain that the new horse is rare because comparing the payments I got when I sold other horses (between like 2 and 5 dollars) and then this one, $45, it can't be bad. I like that horse and even made it my main horse now. I called it Paint Job because it looks as if someone splashed white colour randomly across it :anigrin:

my new horse "Paint Job"
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Shouldn't that be "Bad Paint Job"?   :laughsm:

As far as the good/bad thing goes, I don't play games like this as a role play character, as in, "I'm going to play this as a good guy and only do good things" but as a game player, and such "What will get me the most money/weapons etc and still let me wander around and not get randomly shot at?" and that's how I go with it. So I'd take Binn's point of view and if someone is running a shady gambling den, then they are asking for it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that is actually a very good point and I do acknowledge the benefits :anigrin: Maybe I've got a different approach when playing but it's just as well a choice. Since shooting up that business is something everyone can do (I did it as well but then reloaded a savegame to undo it) I try to do without and still advance :anigrin: Those shoot-ups also involve losing good reputation that took time to build up and it involves quite a bit of hassle like escaping for instance the shop and at the time the town of Valentine alive while trying not to rack up more and more murder cases all the way to the nearest post office so you can pay off the bounty on your head.. all that hassle only to rob a fricking revolver.. well.. I think it's perhaps one type of challenge and "fun to play style" that is the opposite of my way which isn't necessarily easier but at least I only get into trouble when I can't avoid it. :anigrin:

You know I blew off the heads of two white lawmen (screenshot further up) just to free a female black prisoner. That was early in the game and my first encounter of that type. I wasn't so sure whether or not it was worth it. I did lose honour by killing lawmen but the lady told thanked me for the help and as a reward told me about a house I could rob which is now marked on my map. Well. I restored my honour over time so, well.. in a way it was "OK." But killing lawmen to help convicts.. not really my style. See, I found an escaped prisoner who wanted me to shoot off his shackles. Instead, I lassoed him and took him to the sheriff for a little reward in money and honour. :anigrin:

I ran into a guy in the wilderness who needed help. He then decided to rob me instead, pointing his pistol at me. I didn't kill him. I shot his arm and knocked him out, looted his body in a reversed type of robbery, thanked him profusely for his donations and left him behind unconscious. No need to kill that idiot. :anigrin:


That's actually what I was wondering, if someone tries to do you harm, what options do you have. Nice to know you can try to disarm them, knock them out, or in best coward fashion, run away, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Art Blade

found another thoroughbred. :)
Left: Flour Power, right: not yet named.

Crazy about horses or horses about crazy? :)
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lol :D

What you get when you cross a horse with a mountain goat :gnehe:


I'd call him "Sticky Hooves" lol

Just noticed the title of this thread is "Read Dead" and not "Red Dead" so are we reading the screenshots then?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I thought it's funny so maybe it was intentional. I think we can leave it to the topic owner to keep it that way or to change it :anigrin:

Unfortunately the game only allows you to keep 3 horses stabled and 1 to ride = 4 total owned horses. The one I "bought" for $0.00 (the DLC horse from the special edition, I called him "Frisbee" rather than "freebie") is a thoroughbred just like those two horses in the pic but the stats are cranked up beyond what I can do with a tamed wild horse. Since that freebie horse cannot be sold (why, R*, why can't I get rid of it if I want to?) I decided to sell off those that aren't really special. So I sold Flour Power for nearly 14 bucks at level 2 bonding. I noticed that bonding increases the price. I've kept the other one for now, same breed but level 3 and worth almost $20. I'll sell her at level 4. I named her "Breakfast" by the way. :anigrin: But I will try to keep Paint Job, a rare Arabian with good stats and at level 4 bonding worth $90 which is a lot in this game.


Lol @ read dead!  :anigrin:

Completely my bad. I' Change it as soon as I' On my rig again ;)

I think I have that same free dlc horse as you have. Good to know you can only have 4 in total. I only have 2 now. I might ditch the one I got from that supplies mission in the snow
"No hay luz"


Done! Well, only the original post, which apparently also includes the new additional ones. So for the rest, it's just some marks of my dyslectic typo I'm afraid :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

aw, come on, we know it was intentional. :)

Art Blade

Friends :)
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Nice, but the one on the left looks a bit unhealthy, like he's shedding or something?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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