Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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Pretty cool looking. I like the idea of getting to buy anything you want while someone else pays. But robbing someone does sound fun too.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes, whichever way you want. :)

Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on December 18, 2019, 02:48:20 PMIf you ever happen to kill a guy close to a camp fire, put him on top; he'll fry :anigrin:

OK, I skipped the kill part and put him straight into the fire. That did the killing for me. :evil2:


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AMGuests are not allowed to view images in posts, please Register or Login

Alright, got it :)

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Quote from: Art Blade on December 20, 2019, 08:24:40 PM
Alright, got it :)

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Now that's a lousy spurt! ???

"No hay luz"


I happened to visit the doctor the other day. Not for myself, luckily :bigsmile:

The game told me not to stay around, because it would get nasty. Of course I didn't do what the game told me to :evil2:

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Lousy spurt? He was hosing down that wall for some time until I thought I could take a screenie of that and by the time I did, he was just finishing. :gnehe:

And yes, I know about the doctor but haven't seen it in my game yet. :)


Wow, I really need to pay more attention to the details in the games - good reports about the game!


Quote from: PZ on December 22, 2019, 09:24:07 AM
Wow, I really need to pay more attention to the details in the games - good reports about the game!

You need not do anything, but it would be awesome if you join the peeceeage of this experience :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


deffo! And share pics and stories with us :) It is finally a game MANY of us are playing at the same time. Join us, PZ O0


Pics soon, I promise! I just forgot, lol, and I'm only in the tutorial still, so nothing really different to report yet.

OK, decided to do the online version for a bit, see what it's about. Created a character, did the intro and got to my camp which is decorated for xmas, where I left it off. Not sure how much of the online stuff I'll do, but it's there if I want to.

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Oh yeah, since it seems to be the theme to dump guys on fires, here you go.

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A little touchy getting them to land exactly where you want, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice. :anigrin:

yeah, I only prepared my online character for almost no reason as I don't plan to do anything serious online.


Well, there's that bit of a story and such for the online stuff, so I'll see what it looks like once I get the urge. If it's full of asshats just out to ruin other people's game, then OK, I'm out.

But if we could get a crew of us together and rob a bank or train or something, that would be fun.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

if it is anything like the GTA heists, then I don't consider that "fun." I never liked the heists, it was simply the only way to make a reasonable amount of money.

🡱 🡳

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