Far Cry 4

Started by PZ, February 22, 2017, 04:10:31 PM

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Good to be able to read your game thoughts, JRD - it has been a long time since you were able to properly log in and post - I am looking forward to more of your FC4 thoughts as I am still on the fence a bit regarding the game, but still leaning toward getting it.

No worries nex, I cannot remember how many times I have posted something that was not entirely part of the topic - that way it feels more like a conversation  O0


You will love the "monster" dart gun and the  Buzzsaw JRD   :anigrin:

Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

I believe that harpoon was either a pre-order bonus or a DLC. I haven't got it.


It's not with the other weapons, you need to complete the 3 Hurk missions, after the last mission the Harpoon Gun is located at the spot where you meet up with Hurk
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

Thanks :)

I know I haven't got it and I am sure I completed the whole story including all side missions. I also remember that when people were talking about the harpoon, that I knew I didn't have the DLC necessary and that I was a bit sad about not having the harpoon gun. I got a standard game version as a gift from UBI*bleep* (after having screwed up so badly with Assassin's Creed Unity they had to do something to calm down the customers)

Now what you said made me wonder and I searched the net a bit. It turns out that you need a pre-order version, a Deluxe Edition or a DLC. I have got neither of those.

From the FC4 wiki
QuoteThe Harpoon Gun is a new weapon in the DLC Hurk's Redemption for Far Cry 4. It is obtainable in the signature weapons menu when all three Hurk missions have been completed. The Harpoon Gun also has paint optimizations available.

Well, we do have a forum archive with some FC4 topics.. Should have checked that first. Anyway, I dug into the old forum and found this:

From D_B Thursday, January 29, 2015 (old forum link here)
QuoteNew Hurk DLC now available, which sounds sorta OK. Five new weapons, well four if you don't count the harpoon gun if you already have the Hurk redemption missions, and five new missions to save his sorry a$$. At $7.50 this one might be worth it.

A little further down in that topic I stated that I was not willing to give UBI*bleep* any more money so that's why I don't have it  :anigrin:


Quote from: nexor on March 03, 2017, 08:09:11 AM
You will love the "monster" dart gun and the  Buzzsaw JRD   :anigrin:


I love the video, Nexor.  :thumbsup:

I just found out about the amazing Elephant Gun. A two barrel long shotgun that can kill a rhino in one well placed shot. Imagine what it does to enemies. I've been walking around the map carrying this beast for two main reasons. 1) seeing how far I can launch an enemy with a single blow (I like when they charge... I can aim for the chest at close quarters for better results  :evil2: ) and 2) hunting. Seriously, bears and rhinos, one well placed shot, done. Skin. Craft. Rinse and repeat.

I am having a great time playing FC4. Much better than FC3 in my opinion. Far more side activities, better graphics, better characters overall. The interface is more intelligent. The weapons feel badass and powerful ones are available at early stages in the campaign which makes using them much more fun.

I also experienced one of the best Far Cry moments so far. I was sneaking upon an enemy outpost trying to get the best approach and clear it unnoticed. Obviously, as the true spirit of the game dictates, nothing ever goes as planned. I was attacked by a tiger and had to open fire to save my bacon. It alerted the guards at the nearby outpost and, to my surprise, they had a freaking mortar and were zeroing on my position really quick. Not just a regular mortar but one that fires a special round that pops mid air and breaks into several smaller projectiles, carpet bombing a pretty wide area!! It reminded me the dreaded mortar guy from Bowa Seko. So I was trying to kill the tiger while dodging mortar rounds and AK-47 bullets, running from cover to cover, tossing grenades and molotovs and picking the guards one by one with my assault rifle as they manned the mortar. It took me a while but I managed to clear the outpost without dyeing. The scenario was catastrophic. bodies everywhere, fire speading, vehicles wrecked....

What a lovely day that was.  :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: 8) 8) 8)
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


What a great adventure, JRD, and it does sound like something you'd experience with the mortar guy in FC2  :D

Art Blade

animals are fun in FC4 when unleashed upon unsuspecting enemies. Like, they tend to have caged-in beasts. Shoot open the cage and watch the ensuing mayhem from a safe distance  :anigrin:


Glad you're enjoying the game, JRD. I agree, I think it's a big improvement over FC3.

I like to sometimes throw a bait into an enemy outpost and have it attract a wild animal. I've sometimes managed to clear entire outposts that way :evil2: Doesn't always w0#k though, sometimes a message will appear saying "No animals seem interested in the bait".

Did you know you can throw rocks to lure animals around as well as humans? As long as the animal doesn't see you, you can throw a rock near it and it will amble over to check it out. I've done that to lure an elephant into visual range of bad guys (done it with rhinos too). For some reason, elephants leave you alone but will attacks Royal Army guys on sight. Be warned, though - if an elephant starts attacking baddies while you're nearby and it sees you, it'll go after you as well. But if they finish with the enemies and you leave them for a moment, they cool down and go placid again.

I like that double-barreled shottie too, the .700 Nitro. Drops just about anything with one shot :thumbsup: It actually fires sniper rifle rounds, not shotgun shells (even though the guy appears to load shottie shells into it when he reloads) so running over a dropped shotgun won't net you any ammo for it.

JRD, you can get a portable weapon that fires cluster-bombs like the mortars. It only becomes available when you do the final Longinus mission (in the northern region). It's called a LK-1018, and when you first get it, it fires a rocket that you can guide in-flight using the default scope that the launcher comes with (like the Carl G in FC2). You can also fire it "from the hip" or immediately stop sighting after firing and the rocket will go in a straight line to wherever you were pointing it, like an RPG, while you go and do something else. But you can buy an alternate scope for it (called an L-CAM sight) which turns it into a different kind of weapon altogether, and how it then works is this: when you fire while using the L-CAM sight, the rocket shoots forward but then immediately flies upwards to a great height. Then it comes back down to wherever you aimed it and cluster-bombs the area, like the mortars do. It's like a portable artillery barrage, and once you've aimed and fired, you can stop sighting and move on. The cluster bombs will still fall wherever you aimed, even if you break line-of-sight.

(This is not as far-fetched as it sounds, there is a similar real-world counterpart to this, the American FGM-148 Javelin. This is a fire-and-forget anti-tank weapon which features a rocket projectile that when fired travels forward a short distance before shooting upwards, then it comes down on its target using its own on-board infrared tracking system. It doesn't cluster-bomb or anything like the LK-1018, being a single armour-piercing rocket).

When using the LK-1018 with the L-CAM sight, there's two things to be aware of. First, you need a TOTALLY clear line-of-sight to the target spot. If there's so much as a twig between you and the target, the rounds will land around that twig (and if the twig is close in front of you, you'll cluster-bomb yourself). The second thing is a known glitch - if you have L-CAM fitted and you swap he launcher for some other weapon, then if you later re-equip the launcher, L-CAM will no longer w0#k. You have to detach the L-CAM, go outside and fire a regular round, come back in and re-attach the L-CAM. Then it will w0#k fine.

Using the L-CAM sight, you can aim at anything, even just a random point on the ground, and the cluster-bombs will land around it. You can target a vehicle - you'll hear a few beeps, then a continuous tone when the rocket is "locked-on", and what is then supposed to happen is the rocket will home in on that vehicle by itself. I could never get it to w0#k though, the cluster-bombs keep falling around where the vehicle was when I launched, i.e. the rocket doesn't appear to track the vehicle. Still, it's an awesome weapon with a great range, good for clearing out outposts and forts from a distance, if you can find a good elevated vantage point to launch from with a nice unobstructed line-of-sight O0


Great tips fragger. Thank you very much! I'll wreack some havoc in Kyrat for sure!  :evil2:

I used a mortar to destroy one of Pagan Min's wrath convoys. Really enjoyed doing this. I love the idea of being able to autodrive and shoot either a secondary weapon or a shot gun. It makes things so much easier and fun. Not to mention flying over outposts and bell towers using the buzzer dropping molotovs and grenades like an evil Santa.

Quote from: fragger on March 15, 2017, 04:19:43 AM
I like that double-barreled shottie too, the .700 Nitro.

Not sure if we are talking about the same weapon. The Nitro is a shotty all right but there is another double barrel shot gun called Elephant Gun. It is  signature weapon. I bought the deluxe package and it came with a lot of extras so maybe this gun is included in one DLC. Anyway, if you can get this gun..... do it. It's a beast. Only downside is its mobility which is not quite good since the barrels are fairly long, but it is worth it, even if only for hunting large animals and launching enemies 20 meters back.
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


I didn't use the mortar in FC2, but it was quite fun in FC4


JRD, the Elefant Gun is basically the .700 Nitro with a different look on it ;) Unfortunately, it can't be customized :(

Btw, the Nitro is technically a double-barreled large caliber rifle for hunting large animals ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: JRD on March 14, 2017, 07:10:54 AM
I love the video, Nexor.  :thumbsup:

Thanks JRD.

The miniature crossbow is the best stealth gun I've ever come across, the rapid fire is awesome and it can reach quite far  :anigrin:
You making me want to play it again   :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.


Interesting... I don't have, nor have ever seen, the Elephant Gun, only the standard .700 Nitro. Apparently the EG is (or was) only available via pre-order with season pass (or as you reported JRD, the Deluxe package). Which explains why I've never seen it. There is also signature version of the PKM called a Driller. Same story regarding availability - apparently. I've never seen that one either.

I wish they wouldn't do these things :angry-new: Just make one version of the game for everybody, dammit.

I poked around on some game forums and there doesn't seem to be any consensus on how to get these weapons now if you don't have them, or even if you can.

Early in the piece I bought a special weapon through Uplay, a full-auto pistol called the A.J.M. 9. You don't have to unlock it or buy it, it's purchasable for 30 uplay points. It then appears in the Sidearms menu right from the beginning of the game. There was also a special variant of elephants, called "Painted Pachyderms", also worth 30 uplay points, which makes some elephants appear with their heads all painted up in ritualistic patterns. I haven't been to uplay for some time so I don't know if these are still available (I always play FC4 offline).

I also like the D2 sawn-off sidearm shottie. That's my favourite drive-and-shoot weapon :thumbsup:


Fragger, you can simply buy the season pass to get them ;) Uplay awards are accessible for any Uplay game. As long you have the points to buy them, you're good ;)

Yep, I would rather have access to buy those things as a separate item rather locking it behind a pre-order/season pass
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

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