Far Cry 4

Started by PZ, February 22, 2017, 04:10:31 PM

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Art Blade

I'd rather have all of them in the game from start and not having to acquire them independently in whatever form.


Remember guys, this is ubisoft we're talking about here    :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.


Art Blade


Thanks GKID :) I'll have a look and see if I think it's worth spending money for the sake of a new weapon or two. Especially considering that they are weapons I already have, in standard form. The standard .700 Nitro is still quite a formidable weapon and has the advantage that I can mount a sight on it, and I don't use the PKM once the U100 (and later the Buzzer) becomes available. I only use a LMG weapon occasionally anyway, usually for particular missions. Otherwise, the Trooper version of the MS16 (or sometimes an unsilenced standard version, just for the sound of it :gnehe:) or the Warrior version of the Ak-47 are my skirmishing weapons of choice (I also like the A52 assault rifle, but it comes late in the game). My favourite shotgun is the silenced Bull, which is good for dealing with nasty animals without alerting nearby bad guys or giving my position away.

I still love the recurved bow, I've been a big fan of that since FC3 8) Good multi-role weapon - plain arrows for stealth and hunting (and you can use them for distraction purposes, like being able to throw a rock a really long way), explosive arrows for blowing up groups of people and stuff (good for those "loot the lieutenant" mini-missions), and fire arrows for causing pyro mayhem (good for dealing with LMG heavies early-mid game). Just call me Katniss Everdeen :gnehe: Actually, please don't.

I've still got the DL code for Hurk's missions and I think that Yeti thing, which I never got around to redeeming. I guess I should sometime...


Maybe Fraggerdeen would be better, eh?  :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade


Actually, I don't have the code for Hurk's missions or anything else, I was thinking of FC3. I looked in my FC4 case and there's just a promo slip for the Season pass, no code or anything. I don't think I'll bother at this stage.

Art Blade

write to UBI*bleep* support. "Dear UBI*bleep*, I seem to have misplaced my codes. Please send me new ones."


"No hay luz"



I'm not impressed with the intelligence of those animals running right into the blast  :-X


I can say I am addicted to FC4!!

There are so many improvements over FC3 I believe they've reached an incredible level with this installment. It is very well balanced. You can finally move bodies (it was so stupid not to be able to do it in FC3), excellent array of weapons and really good ones available from start. The buzzer is incredibly fun. Kyrat is beautiful and alive, The main character is far more interesting than Jason, the rich spoiled kid from FC3 (Willis even mention what a moron he was once you save him at the airport). Missions and side missions are less linear, although still quite linear, and side quests like bomb defusing and hostage rescue really test your steath skills. All in all they took FC3 and made it much, much better.

If I had to mention what I don't like in FC4 I'd say mainly two things.
1) Sometimes there are too many things happening at the same time. Too many activities distracting you or getting in the way when you are trying to explore or just have fun. For example, I hijacked a truck and was heading to the delivery point when I saw a courrier passing right in front of me. Since I carry a grenade launcher as my secondary weapon, getting rid of him was an easy task. I pulled over to loot the contents and the docs when a group of Pagan soldiers came over to check the noise. One of them found a mortar across the river where I was at and started to fire. I had to run away from the blast zone and came across a skirmish so all of a sudden I was fighting soldiers on both sides of the river and dodging mortar rounds. As I was trying to kill the last soldier on the skirmish before trying to land a headshot on the mortar soldier I saw a leopard attacking my men so now I was also fighting animals. Lucky for me the mortar guy was also being attacked by an eagle so at least dodging mortar rounds wasn't an issue anymore. It took me a while and all my bullet proof vest (and half my siringes) untill everything was clear and as I was heading to the truck to, finally, head to the deliver point, another truck with soldiers came by.... shoot, shoot, boom, boom, boar attack.... and I managed to get the truck delivered. Fun and annoying at the same time. It is hard to keep your body armor and ammo full for more than two minutes in this game.

2) Even though Kyrat is beautiful, specially from above, I'd like to see more environments. I'm still in the south zone so maybe things get more varied once I get north but I miss having different areas like in FC2 with savannah, jungle, desert....
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


That's cool, JRD  O0

I've the PS4 version, but I'm planning to get the PC game when it goes further down in price just so I can do mods

🡱 🡳

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