Red Dead Videos

Started by Art Blade, December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM

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Art Blade

edited to free up the front page

RDR2 videos :)


I like how you sneak up on the guys at the safe only to obliterate them with tnt arrows!

I'm sure I'll be adding some videos once I get it installed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm counting on it :)

The problem is that you can't plan to record stuff like that. If I had screwed this up and wanted to do it again with a reload from exactly that spot, the game would have spawned me somewhere in the area and the random event would MOST likely not happen right there and then. I tried it many times, it just doesn't w0#k. But of course, you can keep recording and something might happen (like the fist fight) or like with the safecrackers, take the opportunity and don't screw it up. :anigrin:

Art Blade


"No hay luz"


Do they do anything to you? Like attack, bite your ankles, and give you rabies? Or could you just ignore them?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Art Blade on December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM
Would there be any way out of the fight?
Took him a long time and a lot of some sort of stamina boosts to win the fight  ???
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 22, 2019, 12:42:05 PMDo they do anything to you? Like attack, bite your ankles, and give you rabies? Or could you just ignore them?

I could ignore them. I don't know of rabies. Attack me, those small rats? Not that I know of. Other small animals however do. Something like a musk rat (way bigger than those rats in the vid) or perhaps even a raccoon came homing in on me once and I thought it was kind of cute but when he arrived the bugger bit me in the foot. I stomped him out like those rats and that made me laugh. You know, cat-sized, and you see Arthur stomp on it which was how I found out that you can actually do that. Just don't draw a weapon but still fire, it's a melee attack. :anigrin:

Quote from: nex on December 22, 2019, 02:21:49 PMWould there be any way out of the fight?
Took him a long time and a lot of some sort of stamina boosts to win the fight  ???

Yes and no. I should have immediately defused the situation when I bumped into that guy (works like greeting someone) but I think I was too fast for that anyway. It could have been worse even, I had something like that happen before, I bumped into a guy by walking into a saloon too fast and seconds later he drew a gun on me and Arthur automatically responds with drawing his gun so I ended up with people calling the law for "assault" and of course it escalated in a mass-shooting. Back to our guy: The next best option would have been to run (or ride) away until those red dots disappear. However, you saw how it happened, it would have very likely led to yet another accident. By the time the fighting actually ensued I wasn't even prepared for that. I wanted to get into the stable but the game refused ("not when you are in combat") so the first guy punches me right there and then. I could have tried to run away but you saw how many people came to participate in the brawl.. So, all in all, I'd say the only way out would have been loading a savegame. Which I did after the beating :anigrin: Knowing that I would reload the savegame, I decided to punch out "that guy" and was more and more surprised by how endless the supply of fist fighters was. I haven't counted them but it must have been around 20 people I had to beat up :D

Art Blade

something you won't see often. :gnehe:

It's normally kind of hard to find pigs on roofs at night but here you go. Perfect skin, too. :D


Well, of course he's on the roof, that's why he's perfect. I mean, obviously.....

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Funny one, AB!  :thumbsup:

Of course when I first saw the title I thought I was going to see a boat

Art Blade

 :anigrin: PZ, you should check the comments section on YouTube for that vid (read Binn's comment) :-X :bigsmile:


Art Blade

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