RDR2 Trapper: list of all ingredients he needs

Started by Art Blade, March 03, 2020, 02:40:04 PM

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Good list Art! When I need lists like this I print them, so I can manually check items I found with a pencil. Works best for me. I did that with the skin deep achievement, and the other where you have to study all animals. There's so many, damn!
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thank you :)

So.. digital data transferred electronically to an analogue data carrier :anigrin:

Whatever works for you guys, I've long abandoned paper, whenever I can I use digital means. It's just an ALT-Tab away and can't crumple or serve as a beer mat or collect coffee stains. :gnehe: And most importantly, it doesn't litter up my desk :anigrin:

Art Blade

I was just ticking off another item from that list when I thought hey, might as well report back here.

I don't know exactly but I think I came up with that list when I started or had recently started my 2nd playthrough. Since I haven't really focussed on collecting all the stuff I'm not exactly fast but still, every once in a while I've had a hunting bout and kept taking my stuff to the trapper.

This here is what right now is still on my to-do list. Not much but looking at how much time has passed since my original post, you can imagine what an enormous amount of stuff it really is that the trapper needs. :)

7 muskrat 1
3 panther
16 rat 4
6 squirrel 1

3 blue jay
2 pigeon 1
7 robin
6 turkey 3
6 woodpecker

CHAPTER 6 and beyond
2 armadillo
4 collared peccary pig 1
2 gila monster


Nice w0#k!  Having lists like these are make me feel kind of like having D_B's FC2 maps - really nice to have an overview.

Art Blade

cheers :)

Something with my panther count went wrong and I don't know how. You can see in a previous post that I still had to kill all 3 panthers.

Well, I had killed my 3 panthers in the meantime but today at the trapper's I was short one panther. Reloaded a savegame with what I knew was my last panther, rode to the trapper and I was short 2 panthers, so the one that's missing must have been the first. Then I loaded my recent save with my "extra" 4th panther, checked my compendium, panthers killed: 4. Trapper: needed 3, I checked every garment and clothes he can craft, including saddles. He sells two vests and one saddle.

You see, I don't lose my stuff thanks to dying (you lose ALL skins and stuff that were on your horse if you die) because I'd always reload the last savegame. And I haven't died during my panther hunting sessions. I killed them, not the other way around. And I don't sell stuff to the butcher, especially not when I've got stuff on my horse that I know I need for the trapper.

So.. where the F is my missing panther gone? I've definitely got 4 kills and the trapper definitely only needs 3. Yet to get his 3 I needed to kill 4.


Art Blade

hmm, there might be an explanation. One of my first 3 kills was a Florida panther, the other kills were "regular" panthers. It could be that the Florida panther didn't register with the trapper and therefore I had to get an additional regular panther. My compendium states 1 Florida, 3 regular panthers killed.

If that's the case, that Florida panthers don't count, then that's one more notch for Rockstar's screw-ups. It's kind of like the misleading bears on the trapper's list: it comprises "black bear" and "bear" items and I know that "bear" is a grizzly bear, hence I had added those "private" descriptions in parenthesis to my list in the first post. Following that logic, "panther" is not a Florida panther, the same as "bear" is not a black bear.


I just added that info to the first list, "NOT Florida panther" :banghead:



LOL!, Imagine going out and shooting 3 or 4 panthers, only to find out they are the wrong kind! ARRRGGGHHH!!!
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