Red Dead Videos

Started by Art Blade, December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM

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Yeah I'm rarely ever close enough to anything to see more than a little bit of them, or they are only a few pixels on screen so seeing if some part is red is impossible. I just usually try for a headshot and really so far dead eye is rarely used, I just find it awkward. A few times fighting people it has come in handy as they usually get close on their own while animals will be running away or hidden in grass or trees. Next time I use it I'll have to try to notice if any part of the animal is a different color.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Finally I made a vid about my fave horse.


Yeah I know I missed my opportunity getting one, here's hoping eventually I run into another one.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep, especially at night, typically near the trapper, in the red zone shown in the vid. But as long as you're staying within that red zone, you're in Murfree land and chances are that you run into a couple of 'em.


Yeah the ones I've run into since had no horses.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

indeed.. Murfree encounters with horses are very rare. They're typically involving coaches of sorts, either they drag some people around in them or, even rarer I think, came on horses to attack a coach so you'd find them looting the scene while their horses are standing around nearby.

Art Blade

here another guide.

Ever wanted to see two of your horses outside the stable at the same time? Here is how to do that. Making a stabled horse a temporary horse and using another stabled horse along with the other. Two horses at the same time can be very useful because they can carry twice as much cargo (two large pelts or skins or a passenger and a skin and so on) and if both horses are trained (level 4 bonding) they are more reliable than just any random horse. It can also be just nice to have two of your horses with you if you like both of them very much :) I think "temporary" horse is misleading. They are as good as any stabled horse and won't get lost. Enjoy. :)


Interesting technique, nice that they don't get lost, that was always annoying, waiting for the other horse to catch up all the time.

I was with Binn today doing a moonshine mission and had a bit of a glitch. When he started the mission, the wagon with him on it didn't show up for me. It was there, just not rendered. Pretty funny really. Made a GIF of it, but it's still pretty big and mediafire might take a few minutes to show it, or you might have to download it it and view it locally if you want to bother.

Don't bother, gfycat link below plays inline.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Thanks :)

OWG seems to be getting quite a bit slow here and additionally, that site there, the GIF file won't load. Did a normal steam screenshot not w0#k?

Art Blade

hmm, it's not slow on my end..

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You should be able to download it directly and view it locally, but here's a screen grab from the video, it doesn't have quite the same impact. I'd upload a regular video, but it has Binn's voice on it, I suppose I could mute the entire thing. The video capture doesn't catch my voice because it forgets I have a microphone every time I unplug it and it reverts to SPDIF input.

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Hmmm let's see if gfycat works

There you go
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe, yeah, that worked :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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