Red Dead Videos

Started by Art Blade, December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM

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Art Blade

Vampire Fun. Took him to a poker game, too. :anigrin:


Buy-in for that game must be higher than one vampire, I guess? lol That whole video is pretty funny. I take it after he disappeared from the poker game, he respawned and you could start the search for him again and then get the knife?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thank you :)

I don't think he respawned, what I did was reload a save game and kill him :)


 :anigrin: :anigrin: :anigrin:

"Ah see yer vampar, an' ah raise yer a werewolf!" :gnehe:

Hehe, funny video Art O0 The "vampire" wasn't very immortal at the end there, was he?

Art Blade

cheers mate :anigrin:

No.. a tomahawk to the chest was bad medicine for him :gnehe:


ah OK, so is the goal just to kill him and get the knife? And what about the honor loss you mentioned?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm not sure there is an actual goal. First you need to find a couple of clues and make the connection. What you do with it is up to you but in the end it leads to that vampire. You can decide what to do then. However, if you want his dagger.. from what I found out and experienced, the only way to actually get it is by making him attack you (that's when he whips out his dagger) and then you need to make him drop it. In other words, kill him when he's attacking. You can see in the first part of the vid that he didn't drop the dagger nor could I loot it from him which is the reason for the second part when I killed him while he was wielding his dagger.

The loss of honour happened a LOT of times during the random encounter you can see in the vid before I get to the vampire. Observe how quickly I jump off the horse and run towards that group as soon as I notice that event taking place and which one of them I tackle. Many times before I heard the group and saw the flashing dot on the mini map but arrived too late. Or killed the wrong people. The guy will almost instantly kill the woman as soon as he demands her purse or whatever it is so if you're not extremely fast, she'll be dead and that causes the loss of honour. If you kill him, you'll have another problem, too: bounty on your head, thank you very much.. and quite a few times I would have been there in time but obstacles like a wagon or a rider stopped me from arriving in time, bang, loss of honour.. In this vid it looks so easy but believe me, it's not. :anigrin:


Ah that explains it. I thought you were losing honor killing the vampire.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

if that was the case, you would have heard and seen that happening the moment I killed him at the end of the vid.

By the way, using the lasso on someone doesn't cause you to lose honour. For instance, imagine there was a lonely shack you wanted to check out and found someone in there or around the shack. If you killed him, you'd lose honour. But hogtying them stops them from attacking you and you can just leave them behind without losing honour. Of course you'd loot the shack first.. :gnehe:

However, using a lasso on someone in town with witnesses around will gain you a bounty for abduction. :anigrin:


Nice trick, though I'm terrible with the lasso, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

for people on foot it's simpler if you're on foot, too: equip the lasso and run into them. Try it  :anigrin:


Well, sure isn't that how it's supposed to w0#k? lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

Here you can see how easy SPT handles when under pressure. Notice how the horse's stamina core turns into a red exclamation mark ("panic") the moment I go into dead-eye mode as the wolves appear and how quickly that panic symbol disappears. She stayed calm until after the attack, then she found it was time to complain :gnehe: The horse's movement was controlled by me, i.e. not the horse slowed down but I slowed her down. A few pats to calm her, and then closing in on the carcasses. After skinning the wolves you see the horse doing some funny moves with her head but that's a normal idle animation when horses are bored that can happen, it wasn't related to stress. She's so easy to handle.. just great. You may remember the story I posted about the great escape, you all seem to have enjoyed reading it. It is just the best horse I can think of. :) Really, the game has become wonderful again since I got her back. I never know how any of the other horses will react, even "war" horses panic way more than they should, and frankly, it doesn't matter which horse you've got and how cheap or expensive it is. They are all fast enough to outrun any pursuing riders, even a regular Tennessee Walker with 2/2 stats managed to do that. The difference to me is: how well do they handle under stress. I'm not saying SPT won't ever freak out. Ride her into a gator and you'll see what I mean :gnehe: But she's the most reliable horse I've come across and I tested them all. The only horse that is somehow comparable to her calmness is a Missouri Fox Trotter. I got one in the stable. But ever since I found SPT again, she's with me. Sometimes I level up a temp horse but she's still with me all the time. :bigsmile:

it's an unlisted video just for you guys.

Art Blade

I wish I had a recording of what happened just now. Got a new wild horse to level 1, a pack of four wolves pop up. The new horse (American Standardbred) starts to freak out properly so I jump off to avoid getting thrown off, hop onto SPT while there was still just enough time, the other horse runs away panicking, and I take aim from SPT's back. I kill all four wolves that are homing in on us up to perhaps 10 steps away.

SPT remained calm as a coma as I like to call it. Didn't flinch, didn't even complain, just waited for me to finish off that pack. I did not have to calm her, nothing. The other horse.. almost out of earshot. I just jumped off SPT's back to skin the wolves while she remained there patiently.

That.. was bloody amazing :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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