Red Dead Videos

Started by Art Blade, December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM

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Art Blade

I was busier dealing with the image of that Nazi woman you painted in my head than the actual story around it but I think that was probably the point.. what a horrible experience that must have been. Also the horse headbutting you back into the saddle.. some horses may evolve into something really nasty. I don't think it's their nature but the fact that they're forced to endure new people mounting them every day with all kinds of different ideas how to "handle" a horse. Some horses just don't mind, they remain friendly and calm but there are some real devils among them that would do everything to get rid of their riders without ending up at the butcher in retaliation. I think that type of behaviour isn't limited to horses alone.

But yes, that other story.. the girl from next door.. what happened, exactly? :anigrin:


Quote from: Art Blade on March 03, 2020, 08:31:02 AM

...Some horses just don't mind, they remain friendly and calm but there are some real devils among them...

Having seen programmed riding arrangement of the ponies being tethered to a revolving tree in a never ending small circle at State Fairs and carnivals.  And then again at iron clad established riding tracks without any free roam or deviation allowed courses as fragger described.  It saddens me that there is a third type of horse that results from being pressed into these types of conditions.

When you see one of them you'll recognize their broken nature instantly.  They trod along with flat dead eyes that have zero spark of interest and a shuffling posture that reveals every bit of spirit has been drained out of them.

Many of the "Get a picture of your kid on a pony for 5$" horses are also included in this group.  :(
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

oh man, you're so right.. it saddens me, too. Like, I really feel so much pain when I see mistreated or even tortured animals.. even in this game, I rescued a horse, that sweet poor thing, that nobody else would have even remotely thought about keeping, it doesn't show in online data sheets, but it has been the best horse in the whole game for me. You can see her in several of my vids, most notably at the end of the horse theft videos, and in many of my screenshots. And in main topic. Everywhere here :gnehe:


Thanks for the responses, guys :)

@mandru, yes indeed, none of the horses I saw on that day looked terribly happy - not that I'm any kind of expert in equine moods. Whenever I have thought back on that experience, it has occurred to me that if that woman had indeed been such a lover of horses, she wouldn't have subjected them to that kind of moribund existence to start with. My lack of riding skills aside, I do love horses for the beautiful animals they are and I believe they should be given the room to roam around in wide expanses and be ridden only by those who they know and love instead of having clueless and reluctant dudes like myself thrust upon them. I got the impression that lady (barely) tolerated her customers as necessary evils and if she could have made a living by just leading the horses around with nobody on them, she would have.

There is still a mounted police unit in Sydney (the only one in my whole state) and if horses have to be in a city at all, they should be the only ones. These days they're more for ceremonial purposes than anything else, but they still pull some active duty from time to time. That horse-riding venture I took part in was well over 40 years ago now and in all the times I have visited Centennial Park since, I haven't seen any horses in it. That's as it should be.

@Art, you're probably right, I think I got the crankiest horse out of the bunch. And I don't blame him one whit for what he did. I'm sure I would have felt just the same in his position.

About the neighbour girl - hey, this is OWG, not Pornhub :gnehe: Sorry fellas, you'll have to rely on your imaginations to fill in those blanks ;)

@mandru again, thanks for taking a moment to look at my ever-so-slowly expanding gallery. I didn't think anyone here bothered - in fact I'd quite forgotten that I even had a link to it as my sig. I'm glad that still works, I haven't checked it in ages :anigrin: I'm perfectly fine with that, since we're here to talk about games and such and not art (visual art that is, not gamer Art :gnehe:), but it's nice to know someone had a look. I've got some more works in the pipe, but I tend to w0#k on them piecemeal between gaming sessions and dealing with general life stuff. I love building 3D models and I've got a whole folder full of things that I've made but haven't yet gotten around to including in pictures. I'm sure some of them will make it there eventually! Cheers 8)

Art Blade

OK, no dirty stories, then :anigrin:

as to your gallery, I did check it out but it was quite some time ago. Going to take a look right away :)

Art Blade

..and back. Two new pics there that I hadn't seen before. Nice stuff :) And the Selene is horse-related, in a way, at least.. :gnehe:



Great reads mandru and fragger  O0

@fragger - I had an experience similar to yours when I was a kid and my dad wanted to ride a horse. Thankfully nothing like what happened to you happened to any of us, but my dad was just not a horseman. I still have a picture of him way behind the group because his horse was more interested in eating the grass at the side of the trail than in walking with the group. My picture is of him with head bowed just watching the horse eat as we all ambled up the trail.

@mandru - Tony must have been a good sized Shetland to carry a full grown man! We have mountain lion and bear  here too, but for some reason we never had any problems with them the entire time we had horses. Thankfully we do not have horses any longer because they were a real pain to properly maintain.  :gnehe:

Art Blade

I keep telling you how even war horses are sissies and that Tennessee Walkers are the really cool horses when it comes to handling under stress. My horse here is the very first horse Arthur gets (from Sadie Adler's stable) and he's calm as a coma until after an attack. Snakes, bears, wolves, actually any predator can be hunted from horseback without getting thrown off. He only complains AFTER the kills. I love this breed. :) I've been using Tennessee Walkers for hundreds of hours and I think nothing compares to them regarding coolness. They're "calm as a coma," as I like to call them :)


I haven't played the story in a few days so I still haven't checked what my horse there is, but in the online game it is a Tennessee Walker and is still a bit skittish, the odd snake along the road will make him skitter a bit but as long as I keep riding he usually calms down after a while. I haven't hunted any bears while riding him so no idea what his reaction would be there.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I don't know how online horses compare to single player horses but anyway, I was thinking, if your SP horse was a TW, you'd make me laugh a lot. :D

What I do to prevent it from freaking out is indeed trying to steer clear of the danger while shooting whatever it is or just galloping past it so the horse doesn't have much time to panic. Distance is the key, either keeping it or trying to get as much distance between horse and danger as quickly as possible. Once the danger has disappeared (either by killing or by increasing distance) the horse can be calmed quite easily.

However, I got a vid that shows a 5-minutes "hunt" of a snake, tracking it with the horse and seeing the snake every now and then. The horse is nervous but controllable all the time. I didn't upload it because I think it's boring to watch 5 minutes of that but I had you in mind when I recorded it. Maybe I'll upload it as an unlisted vid, if you want to watch it, I will. :)

Art Blade

I just read in the trapper ingredients post about you never tracking a snake. I'll quickly upload that vid now and post it here.


Yeah there could be a difference in the online horses, I'll take a look at the story horse this weekend. No need to upload that video, I'll figure it out eventually. heh
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

too late, it's already processing on YT.. matter of minutes now. :anigrin:

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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