Red Dead Videos

Started by Art Blade, December 19, 2019, 11:27:39 PM

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Yeah that's interesting, I'll keep an eye out definitely for one next time I think of playing. A dependable horse is one of the things that I need in the game as it really annoys me that the horse doesn't do what I want it to do all the time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Overweight Arthur and the End of the Aberdeen Family (Pig Farm)
Enjoy :)

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on December 29, 2019, 11:12:02 AMI found a way to make horses my accomplice when stealing cow and bull hides.. hop over the fence, silently kill the cow/bull with lasso and knife, skin it, and call your horse to come into the fenced area through the doors where there are guards. Stow the skin, jump over the fence and call the horse again which will run through the doors to you. Nobody cares about a horse, only the rider IF he sits on the horse :bigsmile: So I got away with stealing those skins, no wanted level, no shootings, nothing except losing honour for killing farm animals :D

Here it is. I used a bow this time and didn't even lose honour :anigrin:


Yeah nice, the bull didn't even wake up hardly. But for a second there I thought your cargo horse was a person riding up to catch you.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


you can look at the mini map and see the white horse head icons moving around and homing in on me. On with (main horse) and one without (temp horse) bridle.


Yeah just like in the game, I forget to look at the minimap, or look at it too much and miss the action on screen!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

unlike in the game, you can pause a video to check some things without a menu blocking the view :gnehe:


You can pause videos?!?! Now he tells me. lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it's a secret feature, don't tell anyone.


There is far too much going on in a game for me to effectively play like you have done. I too forget to check the mini map enough, and I too thought the other horse slowly approaching was an enemy rider. I would have probably started shooting!

Art Blade


Actually, I wasn't checking the mini map while playing that. I simply watched them disappear and then I knew from the sounds that I heard my horses coming back. I only look at the mini map when I expect predators or bandits. :)


I often miss the sounds, or misinterpret them. I find that using the mini map at times has helped me advance beyond places I would have stalled. It is kind of like marking the enemy in Uncharted 4 or in Ghost Recon Wildlands - that feature alone really helps me to keep on track to solving the mission.  :gnehe:

Art Blade


In this game I've learned to listen to my horse(s) because they react to a lot of things, to listen to sounds in the background "screening" it for predator sounds like the ones coming from a cougar, particularly the cougar.. and that cougar made me learn how to constantly move my focus back and forth between mini map and the rest of the world when I'm in "enemy territory." I mean those parts of the map that are notorious for gang attacks and predator attacks. When I'm in a normal area, I barely use the mini map. :)


That's good to know - I have heard my horse making strange sounds and acting nervous, but never discovered the source of the problem.

Art Blade

it could have heard a bear or seen the tip of a snake's tail sticking out of a bush for a second.. bears and snakes seem to be the horror monsters for horses. But they also react when you ride them through foliage like bushes or worse, cactuses, they really don't like that. Or too close to a ledge of a cliff. I find it funny :anigrin:

If your horse is really skittish, especially when predators are close, you best hop off your horse before they pop up. That way you avoid being thrown off and into the opened jaws of whatever monster spooked the horse :anigrin: You can instead stand your ground and stare the mini map to death for red dots to pop up.

If you are in that kind of situation, it's also a good tactic to use "cover scent" lotion so predators can't sniff you out, and run/ride away from that area. :anigrin:

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