Home made Falafel

Started by BinnZ, February 11, 2020, 10:20:12 AM

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Completely vegan, except for the pita bread
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Looks good, BinnZ! :thumbsup:

Sort of coincidentally, I just had home-made "rissoles" (a kind of meatball) for dinner tonight, with garden vegies for a side. My rissoles look a lot like what you made, slightly flattened balls about 7cm across and about 4cm thick. I use beef mince though, so they definitely aren't vegan :gnehe: I mix the mince with diced onions, mixed herbs and a beaten egg, coat them in flour and bread crumbs, then grill them on the barbie for about 10 minutes, turning every couple of minutes or so to grill each side twice. Yummy!

Art Blade

that sounds damn good, fragger :anigrin:


Yes Fragger that does sound delicious!

I didn't post all the ingredients, but it as all fresh. Yo give an idea; welled chick peas, freshly ground cumin seeds, kurkuma powder, coriander seeds (ground) fresh coriander, fresh parsley, garlic and onion. Mince that with a kitchen machine and make those balls. I flattened them, it's actually an eating spoon full, to make sure the inside would be well cooked, because chick peas (dried, but welled) are tough.
The white 'tahini' sauce was my own design, and probably not the way it's used to be made; I just put tahin (sesame paste) and fresh cream together and whip it until it gets a bit less liquid.
The salad; tomatoes, green salad, red onions and good tomatoes (not the Dutch water balls). Seasoned with gooood olive oil (Italian, virgin, cold pressure) and some expensive balsamico I never used before. I always thought "vinegar is vinegar, don't waste your money" but this is the first exception to that rule.
The red sauce on top is a Sriracha chili sauce (rooster brand).  :)
"No hay luz"


"No hay luz"

Art Blade



To give you an idea in the meantime, I found this picture on the net. These look very much like the ones I make. Mine are a bit more spherical though, and I manage not to char them quite so much on the outside :gnehe:

Simple, but tasty!

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Looks delicious! O0

I do like proper meat balls like that, not that much of a veggie you know :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

yep, those patties look edible :)

when I make some burgers, I like to use lean meat of high quality so I can cook/eat them "medium" and even "rare" :anigrin: What I do differently though is: pure minced meat. Nothing else. If the meat was in the fridge (not frozen, just chilled) the uncooked patties keep their shape before, while, and after cooking them. Treat them like a steak: resist the urge to poke, squeeze, and flip them. Just let them "burn" on one side, flip, other side, off the fire onto the buns. :anigrin:


Man, I missed this one completely!

Looks fantastic guys, even the vegan ones (even though I am a carnivore as my food posts tend to suggest). I must try to expand my culinary horizons.  :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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