RDR2 Trapper: list of all ingredients he needs

Started by Art Blade, March 03, 2020, 02:40:04 PM

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Art Blade

I want a list. You don't find an easy and complete list anywhere.

I'll sort it like this: first the stuff that will cost you honour like killing livestock (and perhaps a few farmhands) but I won't add all the legendary animal stuff because it's kind of logical that once you hunt them, you'll get trapper and fence stuff for them. OK, I'll then add the stuff you can get just by hunting (listing feathers separately) and last the stuff that requires you to go beyond chapter 6 into the area behind Blackwater, meaning you can't do that and get certain items before reaching the end game.


small birds that you pick up yield 1, 2 and 3 feathers per poor, good and perfect carcass. If you accidentally cook them, the feathers will pop up in your inventory. If you sell the carcasses, the feathers will be added to the total amount of the trapper's inventory.

kind of the same goes for rodents and other small animals, only the quality of the carcass determines the quality of the resulting pelt/skin.

3 bull
4 chicken (feather)
5 cow
7 goat
3 ox
3 pig
4 rooster (feather)
8 sheep

1 alligator
2 badger
3 bear (black)
2 bear (grizzly)
9 beaver
3 bison
10 boar
4 buck
4 cougar
3 coyote
5 deer
5 elk
3 fox
3 iguana
4 moose
7 muskrat
4 opossum
3 panther (NOT Florida panther)
4 pronghorn
7 rabbit
1 raccoon
6 ram
16 rat
3 skunk
15 snake
6 squirrel
3 wolf

3 blue jay
3 cardinal
2 cedar waxwing
2 crow
3 duck
4 eagle
2 goose
3 hawk
2 loon
5 oriole
1 owl
2 pheasant
2 pigeon
2 quail
13 raven
7 robin
1 seagull
2 songbird
4 sparrow
6 turkey
1 vulture
6 woodpecker

2 armadillo
4 collared peccary pig
1 condor (feather)
2 gila monster

Also, just to avoid unnecessary research: these
legendary animals are in New Austin (epilogue)
Tatanka Bison

Art Blade

I copy-pasted the list to a .txt file on my desktop. I open it and keep it open when I go to the trapper, then I write the amount of items behind the corresponding items on the list right before I sell them. Then I sell my stuff and save the game.

That's the most reliable way for me to keep track of what I've actually ticked off and what still needs to be done.

And it is definitely better to keep a list. Hunting random stuff because you've got no idea what the trapper needs is not as effective as checking the list before you kill or hunt. :anigrin:


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I added a "carcass" info to the first post.

Damn, that list looks long and it IS long. Just for the livestock stuff alone: you go to a farm, see 3 cows and none of them is perfect or just one. Sometimes save scamming helps but still, if you need 5 cows.. travelling back and forth between farm and trapper is also time-consuming, not to mention possible distractions that can or cannot be avoided. :anigrin:

I recommend getting a temp horse for the heavy stuff like cows, at least you can take two at the time and spare yourself a lot of travelling around.

For that matter, the Dutch Warmblood that I had stolen from the gold washer was stabled. I made it my temp horse now, along with the original Tennessee Walker. That way I get to level up the Warmblood now. :)


I've never even seen some of those animals. I was playing online when I saw a bird by the water that was pink and thought flamingo? but no, a roseate spoonbill or something like that. OK, fetched a decent price at the butcher.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice w0#k, AB  :thumbsup: +1

One of the reasons I do not get the most out of a game like this is there is too much to keep track of, particularly with my failing memory as I age. A list like this is definitely a plus, and checking off items on a PC file makes good sense.

Art Blade

thanks, PZ.

You need to be strictly methodical about ticking off items from that list for it to w0#k.

For instance: you get a rabbit pelt, later another, and then something stupid happens and you reload a savegame. You can imagine how ticking those rabbit pelts off lets you lose track the instance you load a savegame. You'll start to wonder whether or not you had it ticked off already or not, whether you corrected the list after you reloaded the savegame and stuff like that. It obviously gets worse the longer you collect stuff without delivering it to the trapper.

So, from experience, my advice is: tick off each item the moment you sell it, ALT-tabbing back and forth between the list and the game will pause the game every time so you won't accidentally move on to something you didn't intend. Then Save Your Game. And THEN save your LIST.

That is the only way to keep it as error-free as possible. :)

And D_B, yeah, during my last playthrough I already collected ALL of those so I know what it feels like. I didn't even know there was a Robin let alone what it looked like, hundreds of hours into the game. :)


Because I'm using the console, I'll need to have a tablet or some kind of device nearby to manage the lists, but I get the general idea on how to proceed.  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

nice :)

I know it looks a bit pathetic, armed with a list and instructions as to how to operate that list since it's just a game.


The hunt for those ingredients lets you explore the world far beyond what you normally get to see and by that, the game experience is better than it would be when playing it strictly mission-based.


You can still make your own list if you're only interested in certain, not all, items the trapper has to sell.

For instance, what you REALLY should do, first thing, is getting 10 perfect snake skins so you get that snake saddle. I compared them all and the snake saddle gives you both the highest boost for your horse and the best balance of those boosting factors (core drain related) resulting in a horse that doesn't require just as much food as without, doesn't tire just as fast and adds 2 speed and 2 acceleration to your horse's base speed and acceleration.

The rest you can get from the trapper is essentially cosmetic stuff except for perhaps warm boots and chaps that you won't get otherwise.

Art Blade

I've got all the livestock stuff. Took long, as expected, but I've got that behind me with Arthur now :)


Snakes you say? Too bad I only see them when riding and they spook my horse and then they are gone lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Whenever I try that they are always long gone, follow the tracks for ages, nothing. I usually give up and turn around and another animal is standing there a few yards behind me like nothing is going on and I shoot that one, but that's with deer, I never tried tracking a snake.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

OK. Go to the vids post.. I'll leave a message there


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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