The Great Toilet Paper Rush of 2020

Started by fragger, March 05, 2020, 01:00:24 AM

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Another positive note is that the health care providers in our area are telling people to stay in their cars rather than waiting in the waiting room. Telemed is also taking hold in which you can use your phone or other device to have a doctor's visit so we need not go into a doctor's office. All of these kinds of changes in the way of doing business will help keep people apart and safer from infection.

Art Blade

Sars-CoV-2 / Covid-19 = home office boom, and you don't have to wait to get home after w0#k to get to your gaming rig. And best excuse to play games rather than socialise somewhere. :)

YouTube and other services have announced that they will reduce the video quality in Europe to something lower than HD to free bandwidth for well, probably home offices and online communications.


Nice thing for me is that I live on 10 acres in the woods, with no near neighbors. We walk around the area for entertainment, and on rare occasion go into town, but thankfully are still relatively he@lthy. Both my wife and I have some kind of virus, but it is clearing up and the symptoms are not that of Corona - keeping fingers crossed that nothing bad happens.

Art Blade

indeed.. we're probably all knocking on wood these days.. albeit catching it without noticing (and without infecting other people) and then developing an immunity against that virus would be the best.

Art Blade

today I the supermarket had posters on those TP shelves stating something like "only 2 rolls per household." Nice.

The shelves were empty.


What is wrong with these people - they cannot possibly be shiting more than before the virus!

Art Blade

unless they caught a gastrointestinal virus on top :gnehe:

but yes, of all things, TP.. and then came soap, disinfectants, rice, noodles, oatmeals, muesli but let's not forget those billions of paper masks (albeit not from supermarkets) and who knows what comes next. Torches (flash lights) perhaps and batteries and candles.. geez.


Well, all I can say is that people care about nothing but themselves rather than the community at large. It is pathetic that people are so selfish.


Going to the grocery store(s) today to get the last thing I needed that I forgot yesterday - bread. First three were nearly out of most any kind of bread, some were completely out, one had a few loaves of some weird multi-grain dark stuff that obviously no one likes, so it sat there. The fourth store (the biggest chain market) had some loaves but not the exact kind I like to get so I settled for what they had.

And still nothing in the paper goods isles, all completely barren.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, people have gone completely nuts.


I went shopping yesterday at our local Superspar which is one of the three major Supermarket franchises
in the country, although very busy all the shelves were fully stocked and I could not find one single item not being available.
Respect is earned, not given.


I've stopped doing my volunteer community w0#k for the time being. I picked up one of my elderly regulars to take shopping the other day and she was no sooner in the car than she started coughing, sneezing and blowing her nose like a frigging mucus refinery. Considering present circumstances, the last thing I need is someone sitting right next to me while they broadcast germs and snot and God knows what kinds of noxious microorganisms within the confines of my car :undecided-new: So much for social distancing... In any case, let's just say that she's not one of my favourite clients (not all elderly people are the soul of sweetness, let me tell you - a few are major pains in the arse and I've had to bite my tongue and practice some slightly heroic forbearance at times. Most are nice enough though). I still took her out, but I decided that it had to stop for the duration. At the risk of sounding callous, I have to look after myself. I'm no spring chicken either, and I won't be much use to people in future if I end up in hospital, or worse. More importantly, I have my 92-year-old parents to consider - I would never forgive myself if I passed something on to them.

On the shopping front, it's still pretty much the same story over here - TP shelves stripped bare within minutes of the supermarket opening. Seriously, how much do these people need?

Art Blade

same thing here. At 8AM people were queueing in front of a chemist's shop inside (but at the front) of the supermarket. By "people" I mean about 15. All within infection range as it wasn't exactly a queue but a cluster, everyone trying to be as close to the door as possible. :banghead:


fragger, I see Shane Warne decided to change his Gin distillery to produce hand sanitizer for now, quite nice of him   O0
Respect is earned, not given.


Ok, our President last night announced a total lockdown starting Thursday midnight
for three weeks for now, all businesses except food, medication, fuel and essential
traveling. People overstepping will face heavy fines. 
Respect is earned, not given.

🡱 🡳

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