Sniper games

Started by PZ, April 26, 2017, 08:39:49 AM

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Some of this has been covered in the old site, but I thought I'd start a thread here to update favorite sniper games. Have you played any of these and if so, what likes/dislikes do you have?

Has anyone played Sniper Elite 4?

How about Sniper Ghost Warrior 3?


I played Sniper Elite V2 and I really loved that Sniper game. Until then I never had a real sniper game experience but what I liked about Sniper Elite was three things; the kill camera with blistering close ups on how a bullet travelled through the air and finally hitting the target, the great way how they dealt with distance and wind influencing your shot and point of impact and the raw chaotic, almost post apocalyptic Berlin in which you had to find your way to good spots to do a perfect walk through. The game was linear but you had the feeling you had quite a bit of choice in approaching an area. In which order you would kill your opponents and from which position. It was a lot of trial and error but it kept me going.
What I missed was real open world, and what I didn't find that important was the close ups from exploding hearts, heads and livers and whatnot. In the sequels that last parts seems to be overly milked out. I don't know if that is true, but somehow the newer games in the series seem to have lost its rawness. Art can certainly throw some light on that since he's currently playing SE3 in Africa.

Another game I really liked because of the sniping was Arma III. Although not a sniper game pur sang I played it like a sniper game. And it provides the open world feel and, although short, an interesting storyline. I love the new fancy rifles with blistering range and thermal scopes and night vision. What I didn't like that much was commanding a small squad, it would have been better alone. Or with a coop friend, how about that? ;)

I checked the video of Sniper GW3. To be honest, it made me puke. I hate those military oneliners they throw at you almost every half sentence, and the cutscenes are so stereotype I can hardly believe they still make them like that. I kept watching to be able to see actual gameplay, but it seems linear as F*. The sniping is so dictated by modern tech stuff like the enemy tagging with drones, all the fun and excitement of approaching, observing and planning is gone. The actual shooting was nothing spectacular. The game probably was on easiest difficulty with lots of help and no wind or distance effects, because only straight aiming was needed. The game does give you the indication of distance and wind direction and strength though, so probably you can make it more realistic, same as in SE2. The graphics aren't that great either.
But then again, it's only the first 15 minutes. Maybe the game evolves into something more interesting and enjoyable with more options and choice farther along the storyline, who knows.  ::)
"No hay luz"


No, it's not. It's buggy as hell and even Phil Spencer (Xbox CEO) didn't liked it... The game runs like arse...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Sniper Elite 2 was fun mostly because I played it co-op with Abletile a lot and I think with Binnatics at least occasionally, too.

Indeed, currently I dip into Sniper Elite 3 "Africa" once in a while. When I purchased it, I had a couple of other things going so I only took a quick look, was OK, and left it. Now, months later, I picked it up again and it kept crashing like crazy. At first, I couldn't even start it, insta-crash. Checking the net for solutions, I noticed that every Sniper Elite game seems to be not only prone to crashing, it's apparently mandatory at some point in time. I remember that Able at some point couldn't play it any more because it started to and kept crashing on him. Now it was my turn. I tried at least 10 different "solutions" to fix the problem with SE3, yet the crashes kept coming. At least I was able to start it but after some 15 to 20 minutes, the game would start to lag and stutter, advising me of an imminent crash and sure enough, it crashed moments later. It kept doing it. Now, the final solution was a tip on the game's forum by some of their staff. They said that newer nVidia drivers caused problems. We should try to revert to older drivers, the newest of which was 376.33 and oh wonder, it fixed my game. No crashes any more. What the hell, nVidia?

The game itself is a hybrid of open world and corridor game with a few scripted events. Which means, each mission puts you in a map which is your new open world. You can do what you want and tackle the objectives any way you want. It is possible to kill everyone, someone, or no one (except your objective is to kill a target and it usually is) which also allows a stealthy crawling around enemies. There are at least two suppressed pistols which make kills go unnoticed unless someone watches it happen or they find the body. You can pick up and throw away bodies, so you can discretely dispose of some enemies. Sniper rifle shots can be masked by sources that emit noise, like a broken generator, aeroplanes flying by, FLAK fire, stuff like that. So you can fire your rifle without anyone hearing it but they might become suspicious if you keep doing it from the same spot. Maps look quite nice. It's a comparatively new game, so.. no pixelated ugly *bleep* but it doesn't look high-end, either.

So far, the freedom is rather enjoyable. I can take my own time and usually end up killing everyone  :anigrin:


"No hay luz"


Watched that review, I guess I wasn't far from the truth indeed :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I remember playing sniper ghost warrior many moons ago. I also remember it as being sterile, it lacked atmosphere and it really annoyed the living daylights out of me that in a sniper title, I only spent a fraction of the time actually sniping. Worse even, I remember sitting on the back of a truck, tied to a mounted gun, on a chase away from pursuing enemies and of course I had to take care of them. A gunner. On a truck. Yeah, that's what we want..

So I never touched SGW2 and I think I never finished the first one.


Good to know, gents - this kind of information is exactly why I find you chaps thoughts so helpful  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Art Blade on April 26, 2017, 07:12:56 PM
I remember playing sniper ghost warrior many moons ago. I also remember it as being sterile, it lacked atmosphere and it really annoyed the living daylights out of me that in a sniper title, I only spent a fraction of the time actually sniping. Worse even, I remember sitting on the back of a truck, tied to a mounted gun, on a chase away from pursuing enemies and of course I had to take care of them. A gunner. On a truck. Yeah, that's what we want..

So I never touched SGW2 and I think I never finished the first one.
<rant> Yeah, I support that. I went to the trouble of buying this game early in my gaming "career", and it felt like a Call of Duty rip-off. No sniper feels were experienced, like, at all. Seriously,what is the use of a sniping game when every alternate mission gives the player an assault rifle and says, "Go blow some stuff up."(needs citation) That's just plain bullshit. All in all, a game worthy of being made by Ubisoft.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade


Is that game also Ubisoft? :o

Man we should have a quicklist we can use to check whether a title is a UBI*bleep* title or not ;)
"No hay luz"


No, but LinkHero compared it to the mission structure usually seen in the UBI*bleep* games I guess ;)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

he basically said the game was so utterly bad that it could just as well have been made by UBI*bleep*. :anigrin:



I guess I'm the out lander of the bunch because I mostly like the open world UBI*bleep* games. Sure, there is much to complain about, but I have the same kinds of complaints of just about every game developer


Yesterday I had a funny struggle trying to get Sniper Elite 3 to w0#k. Funny because it didn't take too long, and Art was there to help me with suggestions, and funny because there were crazy solutions required to make the game working.
For example; the suggestion to add the executable of this steam game to my steam library as being a non-steam game :huh-new:
This trick allowed me to at least start the game without it crashing after the first 2 introduction images.
And then there was this crashing as soon as I started a mission. Solution; disable the steam overlay. Weirdest of all; the steam overlay was still working although I had unchecked it in the settings. After that trick the game worked fine ;)

I find it so 2016 2010 that you have to try a complete arsenal of tips and tricks to make a game w0#k properly ::)

Anyway, now that it worked Art and I did a couple of missions of the main story in coop. Great fun! The sniping is the way I remember it from SE2. The graphics, although not spectacular, are very nice. And the game runs very stable now. Playing those first missions together seemed easy. I fucked up quite a few times alerting the enemies resulting in us being in the middle of a fire fight but we survived. We both had to be revived once, and both because we fell of a high place like a sniper nest or a watch tower :anigrin:

Art's avatar looking mean into the camera while his real-life connection was taking a dump:
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"No hay luz"

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