Sniper games

Started by PZ, April 26, 2017, 08:39:49 AM

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Art Blade

hehe, the fall damage worked unnecessarily well :anigrin: Usually injuries have to be treated with either bandages or med kits. However, it's "cheaper" to get yourself injured so badly that the team mate needs to revive you which saves you a med kit :gnehe:

When Binnatics did something that put every enemy around us on alert, twice, he twice came up with the same explanation. "There were two guys, and I wanted to get a double kill." Didn't go as planned, though. Plus, masking the sniper rifle shot by using ambience noise? After the alerts, I came to the conclusion that to Binnatics the kills were more important than avoiding detection. Like, masking sound, that's for pussies. :anigrin: At some point we were exploring part of a map that was completely empty, no enemies, although there should have been plenty. They must have run towards our starting position when we were killing everyone and that ruckus must have drawn more and more enemies from all over the place. Until it was empty  :gnehe:

I once got myself into trouble by alerting a guy whom I hadn't seen and he started to shoot at me. Only very, very few rounds. I was desperately trying to find cover and didn't quite understand what happened, it was dark, I had no working cover at all, yet that guy had ceased to fire at me. Binnatics, who was in a very different location, had seen me and noticed that guy preparing to kill me so he sniped him before he could do any harm to me. That support was a really pleasant experience.  O0

Fort Refugio after we cleared the place
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 :bigsmile: :thumbsup:

Yes, killing is important. Especially double killing. You know my style :anigrin:

Anyway, on my second attempt to perform a double kill, I actually wanted to make good use of a graphical glitch; two soldiers standing at exactly the same position, merged into each other even. All I needed to do was wait for the ambience noise. A split second before that noise would start, one of the merged soldiers decided to go on patrol, so I was in a horrible dilemma; kill them and alert a bunch, or wait and miss this special opportunity. In the end I fucked up both ways, since I only blew one head up and alerted a bunch :(
"No hay luz"


Nice  O0

Graphics look fairly good as well  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

Quote from: BinnZ on April 28, 2017, 07:37:16 AMYes, killing is important. Especially double killing. You know my style :anigrin:

LOL :laughsm:


For a sniping game, this is some FUCKING BULLSHIT! Even Ghost Recon Wildlands/Battlefield 4 do better than this...
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

damn, that's sloppy programming and extremely sloppy for a "triple A" game.

🡱 🡳

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