I'm thinking about leaving OWG

Started by Art Blade, March 29, 2020, 08:59:23 AM

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Art Blade

I put this into the general public area because this isn't a private matter and I want everyone reading this to be able to comment.

I've been with this organisation almost from the start (joined about 2 months later) and that's over 10 years now which is a long time. Back then it was all about one single common subject: FarCry2. It was a great time. It evolved to covering other games and topics not related to games, and it was still fun.

I think that since this current "new" forum structure went public, things started to change and from my point of view, things have virtually come to a general stop by now.

The few people who still post here typically limit that to "their own" topic(s) like for instance, they'd post only in FallOut4, only in Wildlands and so on. Even fewer people occasionally "visit" and post in "other people's" topics.

I know that you guys have got your reasons. Be it your personal private real life situation that keeps you from posting as much as you'd like to or whatever other reasons, the fact is that overall, this forum lost its spirit.

Sharing something isn't really fun any more because of the lack of response to it. It's no longer motivating. It's not rewarding. It's more like, "please, someone, anyone, read this and say something." Then days pass without any new posts.

All in all, the "oasis on the net" that this place used to be lost its magic. It degraded to something where people more out of a habit keep posting once in a while and keep returning out of a habit, for nostalgic reasons, because they still feel the reverb of times long gone. It's like still sitting in a theatre after the show, when everyone else has already left, coming to realise that sad as it is, the show is over.

What I find amazing is how often I see "users online" who are "looking at the forum" without contributing. Like, they're coming not because they like to see the front page but hoping to find something interesting to read. So someone has to write it for them to keep them entertained. And then, when I posted something here and there, and I notice that people out there were looking at the forum but never replied to any of my posts.. I can't help but think that my posts weren't interesting them. Sometimes my posts stayed without anyone replying for days, or worse, at all.

Then someone else posted something new. The only difference is that I typically reply to them. "Hey, I do read your stuff and I do interact with you." Not everyone is able to do that, some people simply are not that type of person, I know that. But I already said it once, what if I didn't reply to those posts any more? Of course there are still one or two people who will reply to this or that post, but it would be a lot less. Would that encourage people to keep posting if nobody replied?

Why do you post something that isn't a reply but something new?

Don't you expect some kind of reaction? Come on. You do.

Anyway. I posted a lot and the replies are getting fewer and fewer, sometimes I don't get any AT ALL.

I am seriously losing any interest in posting here any more.

What I've got to contribute of my own stuff doesn't seem to interest anyone any more, anyway.

I get more fun out of interactions with my YouTube subscribers and I get a lot more fun out of a lot more steam chats with my steam friends than out of this forum.

Funny enough, those steam chats are often with friends from OWG.

So if communication has shifted from OWG's forum to steam chats.. why exactly do I need the OWG forum?

Makes me wonder whether or not I should actually leave.


I'm one of the guilty ones Art, but for the same reason. if you recall, I raised the same subject some time ago, and
other than you and PZ very few other members responded to my GRW posts. While playing the game the first time
the game recording software I had (Fraps) wasn't working so well, I couldn't take screenshots nor video clips.
Then I found D3DGear and I re-did a number of missions which I recorded and posted, you were basically the only one
besides PZ commenting, the interest was poor and I stopped posting and the same time stopped posting on other
member's posts.
The last GRW post (video) I posted was October 10 2019, I cannot see how many read the post, but no one responded.
Maybe it's the lack of interest in the available games, I don't know. I often read your posts but do not comment which is
not what OWG is all about and for that, I do apologize.
Some time ago I asked myself if we all turn into a bunch of grumpy old men? I hope not!!
It will be a sad day if OWG becomes a ghost town.
Respect is earned, not given.


It is sad that it has come to this  :(

If our members do not find OWG useful, then it might be time to abandon the domain, which is due for renewal in a few days (I might as well not pay for another year if the site is not enjoyed).

It has been a fun ride gents, ever since we all played FC2 and started this thing.

Art Blade

that's a strange coincidence, that timing.. only days to think about a change and to put it into practice.

I could imagine keeping the initials OWG but changing its meaning, and the domain accordingly, and the forum as well.

"Only Weird Geezers" is likely quite fitting but probably not adequately as becoming which leads me to consider something like perhaps Open World Group so we could leave the games out. Apparently games aren't the centre of OWG any more, anyway. It would make the whole thing open to everything, including new members, and of course, including games. But not games at its centre. Essentially that is what this new forum tried to achieve but it kind of failed. Maybe because of "games" in its name. I wouldn't look up a site with "meat" in its name if I wanted to find "vegetables," so I think the domain is not matching the latest changes.

As to the forum, I'd not even try to categorise anything, just ONE general board and see what people are posting there. Could be just anything, from games to cooking, who knows. There's always a chance to start a child board IF many posts gyrate around the same subject.

Just to be clear, I wouldn't enjoy being without OWG. But we had that discussion already without changing anything: the way it is, is not what we want any more or else we'd have a LOT more activity here.

So either start something new (like the transition from farcry2maps to OWG) or quit altogether. I'd rather try something new and see how it develops.


Quote from: Art Blade on March 29, 2020, 12:52:34 PM
"Only Weird Geezers" is likely quite fitting ...

:laughsm: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I think you may be right about needing to change things.

Art Blade


A while ago I sent in a post echoing some of what Art said at the start of this topic. At the time I was having a hard go of things (being evacuated due to bushfire risk, facing the heartbreaking possibility of having to put my beloved dog down (she's still going strong after her surgery, btw), getting financially stuffed around by the government, and a few other personal things). I lamented how general enthusiasm for OWG appeared to have waned, and even though I later sort of recanted because I thought maybe my circumstances were spilling over into my online attitude and I was being excessively negative and downbeat, truth be told I have never really changed my mind.

The site isn't what it once was, that's obvious. It had to happen eventually. Members have come and gone. Some original members stuck around for a while, then for whatever reasons left. Some new people came for a while, then left. And some came and stayed. I've been a member for almost as long as Art, ten years, and I have enjoyed all of my interactions with you good fellows. It's been a fun trip, but let's be real, nothing lasts forever. I've spent one-sixth of my life span coming to OWG, and it's been a decade of online laughs and good-natured banter that I don't regret any of for a second (I hit the big six-oh last January and didn't even mention it here...)

As for members not replying as much to game posts as they used to, well, that had to happen. We have all branched off into different gaming interests which aren't shared by all. The Far Cry franchise was what brought us all together, starting with FC2, then 3, then 4, then 5, with popular member interest declining with each new title (I never even played 5). It's nobody's fault, it's just the way it goes. The only reason I have been posting comments in the Fallout 4 topic is because I know for sure that one other member (mandru) is still actively engaged in that game, and if he wasn't playing it, I might not even bother doing that. He, Art, Dweller and sometimes T.V. reply to my FO4 posts, but nobody else ever does and I don't know if anyone else even looks at them.

I'm no better. Several members are avidly into Red Dead Redemption 2 at present and although I occasionally reply, I know I don't do so as much as maybe I should. But let's face it, it's hard to become interested in something in which you - well, don't have much interest. I tend to just skim through the posts and look at the screenies. I don't reply much of the time, not because I don't care about what my friends are doing, but because the subject matter is simply not very interesting to me (I was never much of a fan of Western-themed anythings). When people are talking game specifics which mean nothing to those who are non-participants, I think it's unrealistic to expect much enthusiastic feedback from those "on the outside". It's not because of indifference, it's simply meaningless to those who are not likewise engaged.

I never expect a lot of response to my FO4 posts for the same reasons. Factions and quests and story details don't mean anything to those who are not players. Art is, as always, a faithful responder to me and to everyone else, and it's a trait I admire in him. I know I'm not like that myself and in fact I think he is quite unique among the members in having that quality. Or maybe he's just a blabbermouth :gnehe: If so, he's the most friendly and generous blabbermouth you could ever hope to meet, and I think I'm a better person for knowing him.

But anyway, whatever happens with the site, I'm okay with it. I must say though that if it's decided to keep the site going but drop the gaming part altogether, there won't be much left. It will simply become a mini-Reddit. That might still be a good thing though, I dunno. At least we know each other and won't have to worry about trolling online halfwits giving us grief.

Ultimately, the decision with what to do with the site falls to PZ (no pressure mate, heh). If he decides that it is no longer worth his while to keep the site going, I for one will certainly sympathize. There's not much point trying to keep something alive when it's clearly ailing, and ultimately PZ is the one who bears the time and costs of keeping the site up. Whatever he decides to do, he will have my full backing, support and understanding. He will also have my undying gratitude and friendship for giving us all this haven and meeting place for so many years. All I ask, if he decides to pack it in, is that we get a chance to exchange email addresses or other means of contact, should we wish to do so (I have some members' email addresses but not all).

It would be a fun jaunt should I ever have the wherewithal (and pandemics are no longer obstacles) to embark on a world trip visiting each of the far-flung members of OWG and meeting them in person 8) I might even add that to my bucket list.

Art Blade

thanks for mentioning me so fondly :anigrin:

I don't use emails but I'm always available on steam for a chat.


Quote from: fragger on March 29, 2020, 02:34:13 PM
... Or maybe he's just a blabbermouth :gnehe: If so, he's the most friendly and generous blabbermouth you could ever hope to meet, and I think I'm a better person for knowing him...
:laughsm: :thumbsup:

I feel the same  :bigsmile:

I always think fondly of you gents, and after a decade of knowing most of you, I feel that we have become good friends.

OWG will likely change, for the better I hope. I do want to keep a gaming part of the site because we have always talked gaming  :gnehe: I do not respond to many posts (my bad), but I do read them and enjoy the content.

Art Blade

you call apostrophising being a blabbermouth and on top find that funny? SHAME ON YOU :anigrin:

But thanks, guys. :anigrin:

And I too want games.

However. I have got to say something about that.

Quote from: fragger on March 29, 2020, 02:34:13 PMI must say though that if it's decided to keep the site going but drop the gaming part altogether, there won't be much left.

I couldn't get that line out of my head :anigrin:

It's strange but I remember you saying that you wouldn't post about some of the games that you play like I believe it was Civilisation because you didn't expect anyone (except perhaps me) to read it. So when you say there won't be much left.. that kind of sounds as if we needed something you'd be willing to post in. Like FO4. And even that, you just said it yourself, is only a topic you keep posting in essentially because of mandru. Looking at the others: Nex was posting to himself in Wildlands, I was posting to myself in Hitman, and so on and so forth.

See the dilemma? It's obvious that people here, including you and me, want to post about games but the lack of response or the fear of the lack of response results in those topics to die out or, looking at FO4, to grow by one post every couple of days followed by a couple of days of.. nothing.

I'm all in regarding games, don't get me wrong, I love to read about them and you (all) know it because I've been the one who actually read all of those posts AND replied in each and every topic.

But for this site to w0#k, we need more than just me. I'm sort of tired to be alone out there replying alone to everybody else's posts while my own posts are mostly left alone.

At this point I want to thank Dweller for how much he has been active across the boards. Posting his "own" game (NMS) and participating in a lot of "other people's" game topics, including and sometimes all by himself, in my game and video topics. Without his loyalty and support I would have felt completely lost by now.

So, games, yes, but you guys need to think about who you are. Can you change yourselves and suddenly find everything interesting and start to post like crazy? I don't think so.

Prove me wrong. I wish I knew how to revive that old spirit. I think I actually haven't changed. I've ALWAYS participated all across the boards and in all topics. Just look at my post count and you'll instantly understand that there's no denying that.

In other words, it's your turn, guys. Show me.


I would be sad to see this place go away. It is unique, there is no other place on the net like it that I know of. I can also understand Art's feelings of being alone in doing something if no one responds about it. I know none of you play No Man's Sky anymore, if you even did in the first place. But still when something interesting (at least to me) happens, I post about it, even if it's just a funny picture. I try to keep the details as limited as possible so someone who isn't familiar with the game can at least understand what's going on.

As it is, the other game I play the most is modded Minecraft. It is an open world game, that's for sure, maybe the most open world game there is. I don't post about it here because I doubt anyone would be much interested, except maybe GKid who I think plays as well. If we had a Minecraft topic, would he and I be the only ones posting with the occasional, polite "That's nice" post from someone else who felt obligated? I'd rather not have any posts if the only alternative were ones from people who felt obligated to post.

I bring up Minecraft, a game I love, because without this site, I'd probably not be playing it. Well, maybe. One of our old members a long time ago, who's name I've unfortunately forgotten, posted in the old boards about it and I looked it up and have been playing ever since. Without this site, I'd not have known that game as early as I did, I probably would have picked it up much later as it exploded in popularity, but because of this site I found a new game I love. And that's the essence of what this site means to me.

Now, if it was decided to close the doors, I would hope to stay in touch with everyone here, a few ways spring to mind, Fragger mentioned Reddit, and making a subreddit I think is still something anyone can do I believe. They can even be made private as far as I know. But a subreddit that essentially becomes a place to post about our current interests be they games or not might be an alternative. Same goes for Discord though that's more a chat related site that wouldn't retain discussions like a subreddit would.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I too would be sad to see OWG go away, and yes, it is a unique place where people can talk about anything. Sure, maybe not that many people post, but when you look at the stats, many people read the posts. I'm guilty of not posting that much, but it doesn't mean that I am any less fond of everyone - life just gets in the way at times.

I'm getting old, quite tired much of the time, and often just do not have that much to say, but I still have OWG as my first tab, and visit every day.

Art Blade

Alright, I'll stay.

I think you guys understand my situation and why I was pissed off. I'll have to think about how I want to handle it. I'll likely adapt and just do what everyone else does here, saves me a lot of trouble and the site continues, the contacts remain, and all that.

I'd really miss OWG (the members, more precisely) so.. alright.

In the end, I don't want it to be dissolved. I just need to adapt.


Looking at the current 8 "active" members.
PZ, Art, D_B, Mandru, fragger, BinnZ, lowpoly and myself, besides lowpoly which joined years later,
we were the ones who got this site to what it became, including JRD of course.
All other senior members came and left, yes, the site had a lot of members up to the time
the new site came in operation but most of those members didn't post much although I'm sure they
found a lot of answers to game problems or picked up a lot of tips.

So what has changed?   
Just look at the jokes topic, the last joke posted was by fragger in October 2019
I complained a while ago about the only topic mostly posted in was about Trump and politics, a scarce topic pre-Trump
For sometime now a lot of bitching and downright rude remarks about Ubisoft, yes there are problems with their games,
but show me games from other developers with no or very few problems.
We've endured and bitched about all the glitches but enjoyed Ubisoft's games for a long time, don't forget,
it was a Ubisoft game that started all this, and as far as I'm concerned I'm playing the best Ubisoft game since FC2,
for that matter, I actually enjoy it more than I did FC2, once you've reached the end in FC2 you have to start a new game,
in GRW not, everything is still like it was at the beginning of the game, the only change, you can select which mission to
do and at your own leisure.   
I'm not saying we all must jump in and start playing GRW.
So, I ask the question again, what has changed?
I can only think of one answer at this stage, we've all become older, PZ retired in the meantime,
fragger, you say you hit the big 6 last Jan,
*bleep*, I was there a few months before I joined OWG in 2009, so are we getting too damn old or what?

I would like to stay, but it's your call PZ. Whatever you decide I'm ok with it.
If you call it quits then I will salute you all and say thanks for the friendship the past 11 years,
it was great fun, changing habits with no daily visits to the OWG site will take some time
and it will be sad when the OWG shortcut goes missing from my desktop.    :sad-new: :sad-new:
Respect is earned, not given.


You gents are much valued friends, and I would despair losing any of you. I think we should keep OWG going in one form or another - we might need to think of what direction we want to go, but it should be an interesting trip. I think games will always be a part of who we are, but we might expand into other areas of our lives - of course in private boards. It is amazing that I have friends from Germany, Australia, South Africa, and many places in the United States - that alone makes me feel good.

Coincidentally I just received the email today reminding me to renew the domain, which is due 4/1. I'm going to do it.

🡱 🡳

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