I'm thinking about leaving OWG

Started by Art Blade, March 29, 2020, 08:59:23 AM

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Quote from: Art Blade on March 29, 2020, 05:47:47 PM
Alright, I'll stay.

I think you guys understand my situation and why I was pissed off. I'll have to think about how I want to handle it. I'll likely adapt and just do what everyone else does here, saves me a lot of trouble and the site continues, the contacts remain, and all that.

I'd really miss OWG (the members, more precisely) so.. alright.

In the end, I don't want it to be dissolved. I just need to adapt.

Quote from: PZ on March 30, 2020, 09:15:22 AM
You gents are much valued friends, and I would despair losing any of you. I think we should keep OWG going in one form or another - we might need to think of what direction we want to go, but it should be an interesting trip. I think games will always be a part of who we are, but we might expand into other areas of our lives - of course in private boards. It is amazing that I have friends from Germany, Australia, South Africa, and many places in the United States - that alone makes me feel good.

Coincidentally I just received the email today reminding me to renew the domain, which is due 4/1. I'm going to do it.

I'm not the one posting "all over", but You should all know I'm enjoying reading "all over"! And if I were a better writer in English, I would probably be better at posting replay's as well  :-[

Posts like these are the reason for why I stay (usually in the background though), and open up the link (still called "Far Cry 2 Maps", named after DB's maps) a couple of times every day:
This kind of understanding among the forum members is unique, and as others has stated, cant be found elsewhere.  O0


Quote from: T.V. on March 30, 2020, 09:58:13 AM
I'm not the one posting "all over", but You should all know I'm enjoying reading "all over"! And if I were a better writer in English, I would probably be better at posting replay's as well...

Rest assured T.V., there is not a single person at OWG that would fault you for English skills. In fact, I personally enjoy seeing the influence of other countries and languages in the writings of our members. I actually find it endearing.


PZ's right TV, don't worry about the language, we had a member here from Russia for a while, and thanks to
Google Translate I chatted with him in Russian, some of the guys here were biting their nails hoping I didn't
insult or swear at him, he was quite impressed    :anigrin:
Respect is earned, not given.


Sorry for being late in adding to this thread.  While I see that some resolve has been reached I'd still like to add my thoughts.

Having been faced with what amounted to (from my perspective) a flip of a coin on whether I was going to be able to keep or lose my membership in OWG has changed my posting habits.  I find I am highly critical with myself as to limiting my posts, their content, and length.  I may spend twenty minutes crafting a post and then end up spending another hour or three self-editing.

Under this probation I don't have as much to say as I previously did.  If I don't have something specifically relevant to say that adds to a topic I feel it's best I don't say anything.

It's true that I don't read every topic outside of my specific interests but I do log into the site 4 or 5 times a day to see if there have been updates to catch up on the posts I am following or if something new has been posted that falls within my circle of interests.

I've learned that my participation in OWG depends on the decisions of others and I don't feel it's my place to persuade the site's directions one way or another.  But be aware you'll have to toss me out or slam the doors and lock them to get rid of me.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


T.V., I honestly would not have known that English is not your first language. You speak - or should I say write - very well indeed. Better in fact than many native English-speakers I see online. I look at the comments section on You Tube sometimes and am appalled at the dreadful spelling, grammar and writing efforts I see from people for who English IS their first language ???

Echoing mandru's concluding sentence, as long as OWG remains in existence I intend to remain a part of it unless I'm told in no uncertain terms to clear off :) If there has ever been a day go by during the last 10-11 years when I haven't fired up OWG, even if it's just for a quick glance to see what's going on there, I don't recall it.

PZ, I'm glad you've decided to keep the site going. I would have understood if you had decided otherwise, but I honestly would be sorry to see it go, even if it might not currently be as effervescent as it was. Who knows - all it might take to reinvigorate it may be the appearance of a game which appeals to all of us, as FC2 once did. Until then, however the overall level of enthusiasm may rise or fall, I'll be pleased to see OWG staying afloat O0

I think the important thing is not to confuse reduced correspondence with indifference. If I don't comment much in topics on games that I'm not playing myself, it doesn't mean I don't read what you guys have to say nor that I've lost any of my affection for you. That last thing isn't going away :)


The same on this side fragger, mandru, I have an OWG shortcut on my desktop and I'm on site two-three times a day sometimes even more.
Because I'm retired I don't have daily pressing responsibilities, so often you'll find me in front of my pc in the early hours of the morning.
I mostly look at the posts but very seldom have any comment, If I have any, I will believe me.
Yes, there were times when I had an itch that needed scratching, I'm sure there will be in times to come, I also doubt if I'm the only one,
but hell, we've been chatting to each other for 11 years, we're all friends, some very good friends, some just friends, so a head butt now and again is inevitable,
as long as we accept we're all human, we're all on equal standing and most importantly, we make sure that mutual respect remains a priority.

Pz, thanks for keeping OWG up and running my friend, from my side I will try to be more active, hey!!!!!! why do you all think
did I bombard this site with GRW clips, huh?   :evil2:
Respect is earned, not given.


You gents words are heart warming, and I suspected the thoughts you all expressed. We have known each other for a decade or more in many instances, and like all good friends, words do not often need to be said in order for others to know your feelings.

I don't play many games these days, and the ones I play are old games not worth posting about. However, I still love to cook, and should post more about food since that is my passion  :gnehe:


Yeah and make us all hungry    :o   just a few days at home and I've already gained some weight     :-[   ;D
Respect is earned, not given.



My wife and I made home made pizzas today - not in the outdoor wood fired oven, but inside because it is so cold outside. I did take pictures however. The pizza was a cheeseburger pizza with a mustard and ketchup base, freshly ground brisket sauteed with baby bell peppers and onions, mozzarella, cheddar, and finished with Parmesan.

Art Blade

Quote from: PZ on March 31, 2020, 04:57:25 PMThe pizza was a cheeseburger pizza

For Europeans, reading about all those various pizza creations you've posted about (I am thinking particularly about those involving Sauerkraut) is essentially torture. Kind of like what Americans feel if they see other nations burn the American flag. And for Italians who invented pizza, your recipes would be more than enough to kill you. There are quite a few sources out there (like on facebook) where Italians complain very explicitely about what other nations have done to their recipes, how they violated the original recipes for pizza, pasta or other things.

But that's America, the land of opportunity, where you can do all that and feel good about it, too :anigrin: Even though I would probably try to find any excuse not to taste any of those "American" pizzas, I still enjoy reading about you having fun and enjoying them :anigrin:


Oh, Art, where's your imagination and sense of culinary adventure?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

how am I supposed to answer that.. :anigrin:

Art Blade


I like to think of a pizza crust as a blank slate waiting for me to paint food onto it.  :gnehe:

I'm definitely not a traditionalist when it comes to pizza.  :anigrin:

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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