Far Cry 2 is being dusted off, BinnZ jumps back into Africa

Started by BinnZ, April 01, 2020, 04:11:50 PM

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... I chose a vanilla playthrough, on the hardest difficulty. Challenging, the way it was meant to be. That's how I like it. I bought the fortunes edition because for once I want to be able to play with the crossbow :)

... will keep you guys posted
"No hay luz"


I'm all in BinnZ  O0 I still love FC2, and will fire up my PC tomorrow.

I'm very interested in reading of your experiences with the crossbow.


Cool, BinnZ :thumbsup: With the Fortune pack, you'll also get to drive Unimogs with mounted .50 cal guns. I loved charging around in those beasts! Ah, the days when you could repair an entire vehicle with a socket wrench :gnehe:

I think the last game I played of FC2 was on the highest difficulty. I also bought no weapons (except a pistol which you have to buy during the intro/tutorial). In fact, I bought nothing else at all and ended with, I think, 997 diamonds :gnehe: Played all the way through relying on just that pistol, the few golden AK-47s that could be found (since they last a lot longer than regular weapons) and whatever crummy guns I could scrounge off dead mercs, like the occasional sniper rifle or shottie when I needed one, which were usually only good for a few shots before they clagged out.

It was frigging tough and I got killed a heap of times, but it was by far my most memorable romp through Far Cry land (which, as I recall, we eventually deduced was set in Mali or Burkina Faso given the apparent proximity to the Sahel region and the abandoned Dogon villages).

I might have another go of that myself once I finish my current playthrough of FO4. FC2 should run smooth as silk on my current PC, which has considerably more grunt than the one I originally played FC2 on.

Keep us posted mate O0


Yeah, maybe Ubisoft travelled around in the central African countries during development. It's still getting modded by the community :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I still have my original install, with my old save games as well. You get that when you never get rid of old hard drives, lol! I think I had a new game started up to test something out and it's fairly close to the beginning, probably the first couple missions after the tutorial. Haven't fired it up in a while though.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Respect is earned, not given.


It has been almost long enough where I bet most of us (me) have forgotten a good portion of the game, but once into it, you'd (again, me) realize "Oh yeah I remember this bit!" or sometimes "I don't remember this at all!"  :D

I bought the bundle from UBI*bleep* for all the FC games except 2 - for some reason, that's not on their store? But anyway I tried the original FC and one thing I noticed right away was that is was much more difficult than I remembered. I got killed pretty early on. FC is almost old enough that I wonder if the same thing would happen there too.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

while many of you may remember me as the guy with like 10,000 posts on FC2 alone and tons of screenshots and lots of experiments all around FC2, not so many will remember that I actually found this site because I needed cheats for FC2 to be able to enjoy it. Somehow I ended up here. I hated degrading weapons, I hated malaria, I hated that habit of rubber-banding pursuing "Datsun-dummies," I hated invisible walls and I hated a lot more stuff in between, but thanks to the interaction with members of this site as well as modding and cheating, it was a fun game to explore. Mostly because of the infamous "mercs" and their unbelievably large repertoire of funny lines and individual conversations. However, I kind of explored every inch of the game and heard probably 99% of those merc lines. In other words, I'm through with it.

You guys have fun, though O0


I'm looking forward to a new adventure. As many of you know, my memory is not what it should be, and much of what I enjoy is a brand new experience.  :gnehe:


FC2 is now my favourite "in between games" game, and I have played it a lot since "back then", both vanilla and with PZ's patch (with ridiculously high jumps  ;) ).
I keep it to Normal mode though, as I am not found of doing things over and over again, and consider myself just a "casual" player.

So I'm also looking forward to this (after I get tired of, or have a "vacation" from, FO4), especially because the most irritating bug is fixed (Jackal tapes), after LowPoly led us to a modder's patch (http://www.openworldgames.org/newowg/index.php/topic,27.msg65881.html#msg65881). :)


I'm very much like Art, although I love the game I doubt if I will install it on my present pc  :-\
Respect is earned, not given.



The problem I initially experienced with the high jump is being killed when getting back down to
the ground, so after searching around I found a mod to counter that   
Respect is earned, not given.


Well, turns out my install of the old game must have gone away in a hard drive crash last year. So even though I have the original DVD I bought it off the Uplay store, finding it this time, either I didn't look far enough last time or just didn't see the need to get it there as I already had it. But since I didn't have it anymore and it was easier to download it again than dust off the DVD drive to get the old copy installed, I just got it off the Uplay store this time. Since it was on sale for $4 and I had enough Uplay points to turn in to get another 20% off it cost me $3.46 which is less than the tax on the original purchase, hehe.

So after installing it I see there's a couple 1% progress games saved somewhere on my PC somehow, one from 2011 and three from 2017. No sign of my old original save games, they must have been swept aside when I upgraded to Windows 10. Not that those are a big deal, probably just saves right before the end cut scene where you decide to blow up the road or turn in the diamonds and off yourself. So I started it up and ran through the tutorial and got to the free roam part of the game where you can do what you want. I left it there, and like T.V. will bounce back into it now and then when I'm not feeling like playing anything else.

So back to the aforementioned hard drive crash, looks like that's where all my map files were stored too as there's no sign of any of that on the drives I have now. Any chance anyone has at least the JPG files I uploaded to make the maps for the old site? I'd like to at least have a copy of those, as the original layered file in Corel Photo Paint was over 200MB and I don't think I uploaded that anywhere, so it's gone for good.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

for any of that, you should check the forum's archive and there the downloads. We had a lot of stuff ranging from your maps to prepared save games.

🡱 🡳

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