Crew Dragon "Endeavor" docking to ISS

Started by Art Blade, May 30, 2020, 08:36:36 PM

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Art Blade

American test flight astronauts are on their way from US soil on an American SpaceX rocket to the ISS, first time manned pure American spaceflight takes place since 2011 when the last space shuttle flight took place and the program was terminated. The pilots named the vehicle "Endeavour" after a shuttle both of them were flying back in the day.

Art Blade

docking to ISS in about 2 hours

they've been live-streaming all the time :)

Art Blade

hard docking complete

hatch open (between dragon and ISS) in about 1 hour


I watched quite a bit of the coverage of the new mission. I think that's the first launch I've ever watched live, there might have been one before, but usually they are at an inconvenient time. This one fell on Saturday afternoon for me so the timing was perfect. I also watched the docking this morning, but not the hatch opening, I was playing Generation Zero with Binn probably when that happened lol. Now we just keep our fingers and other extremities crossed that the re-entry and landing happens without any problems.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

oh man, yeah, fingers crossed.

I watched almost all of the SpaceX launches, at least those that were streamed live, even when they took place at an inconvenient times :gnehe:


Reentry will be the real nail-biter for sure :undecided-new: Hope it all goes okay.

Art Blade

if you want to try your hand at docking Crew Dragon to the ISS..

My only "problem" was to the bottom the blue yaw % was 0.1 which forced me to constantly tap the ship up and right as it kept "drowning" down and left. But I managed, all green values were exactly at 0.0 while a margin of error is up to 0.2 :) I'm quite happy because during the live stream a lot of people mentioned that they had tried it, several times, and that they succeeded only after about 3 or 4 attempts mostly because, they admitted that and I made a mental note, they had been too fast. Allegedly nobody had heard of anyone doing it at the first go. So I wanted to know whether or not my patience is good enough to succeed at the first attempt (you all know that a lot of you have occasionally commented on how patient I am :anigrin: )

My mindset: "I really don't want to explain to my bank manager why I have to pay for a new Crew Dragon and a new ISS." :gnehe:

So, I came, saw, and conquered. Veni, vidi, vinci. I AM ONE OF THOSE who did it in just one go. :gnehe:

ISS docking success (needed only that one attempt) :bigsmile:
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Art Blade

I split this off to create a new topic. :)


Yeah I watched a live stream of someone playing it, took him two tries I think lol. Looks really demanding, you can't just run in there like in Kerbal Space Program and hope it works heh. People don't realize how slowly things are done in real space tasks, it's not like Star Wars where you just point the ship and full speed ahead.
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