Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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It sounds as if the game will oblige you to get the nuclear trouble running, because of some benefit over coal energy. Peak output maybe? Or something like that? Which is required for the start of a rocket that can escape gravity? Anyway, since neither the story is complete, nor the experimental status is gone, I'd say indeed, sod the nuclear *bleep* and develop your own perfect setup :)

However, on second thought, there's got to be a way to optimize a nuclear production line, don't you think? :huh-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

not sure but if there are alternate recipes that I can unlock, maybe.

Art Blade

Now that I've started to take care of the "oil biz" I am thinking about the old pipeline and how to go on.

The old pipeline is still filled with crude oil. I've still got plastic from back then when I had a refinery and everything next to the still young YellFac. Pipelines are currently maxed out at 300 m³ per minute. My oil nodes produce way, way more than that. Simply put, the pipeline is a bottleneck. Plus, pipelines need special pumps as soon as you transport liquids uphill and I have had my share of drying-out pipelines thanks to who knows what reasons, likely something that needs fixing by the devs. They have announced "faster" pipelines and that they're going to overhaul the physics of how liquids handle. In other words, I don't have access to any of that yet. But I do have conveyor belts and lifts that w0#k perfectly well.

My thoughts right now are: Let's keep pipelines at a minimum and w0#k with packaged liquids.

Not wanting to let good stuff go to waste, I'm currently draining the old pipeline. I suck all the oil into a machine that can package oil into plastic barrels. Barrels can be transported with conveyor belts. My maximum speed with Mk5 conveyor belts is 780 units per minute. And I can stack them to the sky :anigrin:

Here I'm collecting the remaining oil from the old pipeline. Once it's sucked dry, I'll remove the whole pipeline between YellFac and oil site which is about 1.5 kilometres away. I might also change the old path/sky bridge. Maybe I'll dismantle that whole thing and build something different. I don't know yet.

saving my old oil
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Art Blade

It's sucked dry now. 3,378 barrels of crude oil saved. :anigrin:

I'll pack them in my backpack (lol) and dash over to the oil site to start construction over there. I already created a flat concrete floor just above "sea" level (it's a lake there) so all the water and oil I need won't need pumps to compensate height differences. Now.. the whole oil-based stuff.. I have no idea right now where to start, I know it's just going to be massive. Oil, rubber, plastic, residue, petrol coke, fuel, fuel generators, and lots more.

*Sigh* :anigrin:

As to the nuclear power: I think "optimisation" isn't alone what I am looking for. My concerns are that the YellFac won't be able to handle it. It is set up to w0#k in a way of "production on demand," like one-offs, while the nuclear power plant requires a constant flow of materials and products in order to run and produce a constant power level. So that doesn't w0#k with my YellFac. If I ever have to set up a nuclear power plant, I'll have to build a factory capable of constantly producing everything needed. And that means that I'll have to find and tap into different nodes than the YellFac. Should be possible but right now, I don't need any of that. That's something for later.

Now, I need to set up the whole oil production. Plastic and Rubber are required basic products for the YellFac and I really need those or I won't be able to produce certain higher level and high end things there.

Alright, I'm on it :gnehe:


Quote from: BinnZ on September 13, 2020, 11:57:49 AM
It sounds as if the game will oblige you to get the nuclear trouble running, because of some benefit over coal energy. Peak output maybe? Or something like that? Which is required for the start of a rocket that can escape gravity?

However, on second thought, there's got to be a way to optimize a nuclear production line, don't you think? :huh-new:

Combine that with waste management. Nuclear waste cannot be destroyed, only stored. Also, the radiation hazard from products and the storage area is a problem. The reactors need water + uranium fuel cells to w0#k. So, gotta setup a water production line and optimize fuel rod manufacturing.

There are quantum machinery present in game files, but not implemented. I guess the developers are working from home and had to reschedule their plans regarding update 0.4.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah I watched a video on the nuclear production and you have to have an enormous amount of space just to store the waste. And the entire area is radioactive and lethal, so yeah, there's that too. It doesn't seem there's a need for the amount of power it can generate, even taking into account the amount it uses just to make the items needed to keep it running. So they must have something in plan to use all that power.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

as long as I don't have to deal with nuclear power, I can do without.

A quick note about those pipes. Turned out that I didn't (couldn't) drain the whole pipeline. Somewhere was another dead pipe area that simply couldn't be resurrected. The pipe was full on my right and dry as bone on my left without anything in between. No valves, nothing. It's as silly as to imagine (for you to get an idea) a water tap in the kitchen that's turned on and you see the water simply stop in mid air, not going anywhere, just cut off. That's why I am very keen on keeping pipelines short and to avoid height differences (uphill) at all costs. That's also the reason why I decided to get the oil biz going on site rather than piping oil to the YellFac. I'll transport dry goods (even if that means packaged liquids) and keep the wet stuff on site.

Finally my oil production is up and running. It is very experimental at this stage as I don't have much experience with any of that. Back in the day I just plopped down a couple of things without any order or plan whatsoever and stored everything I produced in containers. That's why I could keep on going for so long with the YellFac even without any active oil biz. I simply had an enormous amount of stored resources :anigrin:

However, now it's different. I've got plenty of space and water. I can play around with the different types of production lines and see how it goes. I can experiment, dismantle and rebuild as I see fit without doing any harm to the YellFac and that's nice.

I managed to start my plastic production and to actually start to fill the corresponding container column at the YellFac. About time, too :gnehe: I also started fuel production and with that, a couple fuel generators to give me some extra power for all the stuff that's going to happen. And I finally managed to deviate a little bit of fuel for packaging. That's for vehicles and whatever else there might be. In my case, it's for the bloody jetpack that I've had sitting around without wanting to use up the few gallons that I had bought with coupons. Now I've got an industrial container filled with fuel canisters and I can finally fly around with the jetpack :)

The jetpack isn't really powerful and the fill gets used up rather quickly. Even if you've got tons of fuel canisters in your inventory, it will only allow you to use one at the time and you better be on the ground when it runs dry. You can't switch out fuel canisters mid-air. You have to be on solid ground. I find it very useful for descending from very high positions. Like, jumping off the YellFac and just fire it up a sec for a very soft landing. It's good in combination with those "blade runners" which is some kind of exo-skeleton for your legs which allows you to run faster, jump higher and to survive a fall from any height.

I dismantled not only the old pipeline by the way, I also dismantled the entire sky bridge. Then I built a new one and guys, I did give it some thought so I'm not going to change it even in case you don't like it ;) I then built a complete hyper tube and a conveyor belt on it and now plastic is streaming into the YellFac :bigsmile:

new sky bridge and plastic supply

to YellFac
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from YellFac
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Oil Biz
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I just now see the mark on the oil barrels; "Fresh oil" :laughsm:
How the H*** can they come up with this description for a product that is as fossil as a dinosaur. LOL :gnehe:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


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Not too long after I started, at this stage I didn't know my *bleep* from my elbow, slightly mixed up   :anigrin:

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What it looks like now, looks can be deceiving though   ;D
I still have a lot of tiding up to do, most of the machines and all the containers
are behind the building, the containers are feeding into the building where I basically have two floors
with machines. The bottom floor have eight Assembler machines with two intakes which will be
producing specialised parts, the top floor have five Manufaturer machines with four intakes also
about to produce specialised parts.
There are Thirty Two container stacks each housing five double containers, most of them are full, I'm in the
process of working out how to feed the new parts to empty containers without causing too much of a mixup   :banghead:

Respect is earned, not given.


"Fresh Oil" lol, well, the official designation for good oil we use today is "Light Sweet" so it seems weird names in the oil industry isn't a strange thing.

I wonder what they call the radioactive waste from the nuclear power plants?

Oh yeah, the hazmat suit you have to wear while doing nuclear can't be used at the same time as the jet pack so don't build a nuclear power plant that needs a jet pack to get around in, lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, same goes for those blade runners and everything else in the "Body Slot" of the inventory.

I managed to set up and complete the oil biz.

What I realised afterwards was that I did not need any water for that. Must have to do both with alternate recipes and what I'm actually producing.

What I did was set up just two oil drills, each of them feeding five refineries. The first set of refineries produces plastic and heavy oil residue. The second set produces rubber and heavy oil residue. Each of them feed their heavy oil residue into another five refineries, each producing fuel. So in the end, each module (rubber, plastic) feeds five fuel generators, making that 10x150MW at default settings. Now I've got 1,800MW from coal and 1,500MW from fuel.

However, in order to consume enough of the residue not to create an unwanted tailback and by that stop the plastic or rubber production, I had to boost the fuel generators.  :D

So now I'm running my whole factories at around 4 GW of power which is a byproduct of my plastic and rubber production :gnehe:

Now back to the YellFac to add more of those higher and high end modules. Super computers being one of those.

Art Blade

I realised that 4 GW is actually enough power to run several highly integrated modules at the same time without blowing the fuses :anigrin: I might even upgrade some lines to Mk5 conveyors and lifts, for more throughput.


hmmmm 4GW could run the flux capacitors in exactly 3.305785123966942 time travel DeLoreans!   :D
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

 :anigrin: need to find a way to run my reactors on banana peels..

🡱 🡳

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