Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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Art Blade

I'm currently trying to balance out the whole oil biz power production and power consumption. Now that I've got plenty of power, of course I switched on ALL modules at once and allowed the container columns to be filled with high end stuff. High end means that there are several production lines involved in the making. Allowing all of those modules involved to resume production as soon as resources or products are being used causes a massive consumption of both power and resources.

The power peak I saw was at slightly over 4GW.

So I just added another oil drill in order to produce fuel (a side product that I don't need goes straight into the ticket machine) and the fuel is then fed into a couple of fuel generators, all of which boosted. My new maximum power output/production is slightly above 5GW.

And boy, do those high end modules run through plastic and rubber. I've taken the opportunity and fed all but one of the old container columns into the production. Even those weird blue clusters of oil residue stuff from my old refinery, I kept it because I thought I might need it. Now I just temporarily built two machines and one water extractor at the small pond next to the YellFac and the whole purpose is to turn that blue stuff into plastic. That production does need water but one extractor for two machines is enough, and those machines are boosted to the max.

It won't take too long now and all of my old containers from before the YellFac era will be emptied and dismantled. All the stuff in them put to good use, it was worth saving and keeping that stuff.


Art Blade

just a somewhat funny note for you guys.

Ever wondered how to manage those enormous amounts of container columns, as in, how the hell does he know what's in them?

This is how. :gnehe:

container "labels"
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Art Blade

oh man, I'm done with my "duties." Essentially finished the game. :bigsmile:

By that I mean that I'm currently finishing the last two research projects. Building super computers was one of the last requirements and it's indeed the last module I built in my YellFac. I didn't have to expand the building upwards, there was enough room for the last couple of high end modules.

As we speak, I just finished one of those two research projects and unlocked something I had been looking forward to and I am very curious about it: geothermal generators. They need geysers. I already know a spot with geysers because I came across them on my way to discover the oil site. So now I can finally check that out :)

The last research project is a "programmable splitter." So far, I haven't really needed anything like that but maybe I can use it somehow. Normal splitters take in any one sort of "dry" (as opposed to liquid) item and create up to three new streams by dividing the incoming one. That's how you feed multiple machines. Programmable could be anything from sorting different incoming items to telling the percentage of how much per split stream will be sent out. I'll be able to see that in a few minutes. Tic Toc Tic Toc, done. OK, the answer is...

I got a smart splitter that I can tell which ONE part goes to the left and which ONE part goes to the right and which ONE part goes to the centre. Meaning, I can select from a list like "iron ore goes left and super computers go right, the rest goes straight." I never used that because building one required high end parts I didn't yet have modules for to produce them. The new programmable splitter does the same but you can keep adding parts it will divert left right and centre. All of that could actually come in handy. This type of splitter requires a super computer among other stuff. So that is high end for high end production. Not bad for future projects..

However, having completed every research and unlocked everything I could now go on and start to build a NukeFac in order to produce everything needed for a nuclear power plant to run but I don't really want to for reasons already explained.

So I think it's going to be some sort of cleaning up the environment: Removing weird stuff like remaining unnecessary sky bridges and taking down hyper tubes like the one you guys spotted at the coal site.. stuff like that.

And then I might actually go and explore some :)


Quote from: nex on September 16, 2020, 06:41:02 AM
Not too long after I started, at this stage I didn't know my *bleep* from my elbow, slightly mixed up   :anigrin:

What it looks like now, looks can be deceiving though   ;D
I still have a lot of tiding up to do, most of the machines and all the containers
are behind the building, the containers are feeding into the building where I basically have two floors
with machines. The bottom floor have eight Assembler machines with two intakes which will be
producing specialised parts, the top floor have five Manufaturer machines with four intakes also
about to produce specialised parts.
There are Thirty Two container stacks each housing five double containers, most of them are full, I'm in the
process of working out how to feed the new parts to empty containers without causing too much of a mixup   :banghead:

Nice! Looks like you figured out how to get the new Tesla aswell :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks LP, got my hands on it some time ago, took it for a test drive square wheels and all,
parked it next to the HUB and forgot about it.
You don't actually sit inside it but underneath, you can see the persons head underneath the vehicle.

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


So I take it that's just a placeholder truck for now? lol
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


It actually goes, very slow but goes, square wheels and all   ???
I will post a clip.
Respect is earned, not given.


Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

I've decided to add a few more modules that produce stuff that's not yet needed for other production lines. Kind of literally "end of the line" stuff. It is so advanced that I only run one or two machines per item, can't really call those "modules" any more. They need so advanced resources that I simply don't have tons of them. Well, I do, but I can't produce them fast. It's like "1 item per minute" slow. And the containers can keep thousands of items. I just produce that stuff because there will be an update, eventually, and I want to be ready for it.. it's a "pre-produced stuff" kind of thing. I don't like "pre" in modern or fashion words, like "pre-order" or "pre-purchase" because actually you order or you purchase. It may make sense in expressions and terms like "pre-war/post-war money" or "pre-natal" but all the new stuff is just silly. In my example, I don't pre-produce but I produce. Maybe in advance, ahead of demand, but it's still a proper old-fashioned production going. I store that stuff away for later, my container columns are set.

Speaking of containers and all that.. I checked out of curiosity how many there actually are. Only at the YellFac, not at the coal and oil sites.

Right now, I've got over 40 columns and each comprises 6 industrial containers. All except the ultra high end stuff are full, and the remaining ones are filling up. All of them except those containing the "useless" new ultra high end stuff are connected to production lines (modules) so they all get filled by something and feed something else.

If you stand in the gap between those container columns and the YellFac building, it reminds me of star wars, one of those mazes inside of the death star. :anigrin:

death star
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Oh, I nearly forgot to mention a slight change in the YellFac building. I realised that I was really running low on copper. That one node just didn't cut it any more so I added a new copper node. Only where to smelt that ore.. so I went down and created a sub-level with sufficient room for a ton of smelters there.

YellFac sub-level
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@Nex - haha! That is too funny, and definitely a placeholder!

@Art - Pre-producing for pre-production needs on a pre-order of the new update being prepared?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Art Blade on September 21, 2020, 05:23:16 PM
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention a slight change in the YellFac building. I realised that I was really running low on copper. That one node just didn't cut it any more so I added a new copper node. Only where to smelt that ore.. so I went down and created a sub-level with sufficient room for a ton of smelters there.

YellFac sub-level
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That must've been a hard decision, to go away from the perfect square form the YellFac has been so far :huh-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

D_B, kind of.

Binn, no.. you wouldn't notice from anywhere but from where I took the pic. It is actually below the fuse box switch board so the place has always been there. Except now it's got a sub-level there.

A funny anecdote:

There are those friendly red animals that you can tame (it's a temporary thing, if you go away too far and too long, it will forget you tamed it) and there's a prompt to pet them in order to see whether they found something. It opens your inventory and a single inventory slot of the animal. It is either empty or something random is in there. When I tried it for the first couple of times, it was never spectacular. Like, some iron ore or a chunk of lime stone.. stuff I can do without so I quit taming those creatures.

However, sometimes I still do it when I feel like it. I did it at the oil site and after some time I left. When I returned, I saw the creature sitting on a machine I had just climbed onto. I didn't pay attention to it but saw some white noise on my screen and my health was degrading. What the hell..? Turned out that getting close to the creature caused that. I checked its inventory and.. it had brought a barrel of radioactive nuclear waste. That stuff was radiating enough to damage my health without even touching the creature ???

Since I had a ticket machine, that sink, nearby, I decided to test feeding the barrel to it. So I grabbed the waste barrel and on my way to the sink I kept speed-eating nuts to replenish my constantly degrading health. The ticket machine can't be fed directly so you need to connect something to it, in my case it was already connected to some oil-related dry residue stuff and by that blocked. So I had to quickly plonk down a container, disconnect the sink from the residue, eating nuts like a nutter, connect the container to the sink while still speed-eating nuts and finally drop that barrel into the container so it could be fed to the sink.

I got a warning that I wasn't allowed to put any radioactive material in the sink and had to remove the barrel.

The good thing was, and that's why I did all of the above, that the game had auto-saved just before I decided to grab the nuclear waste from the creature. Now that I found out that you really can't get rid of that stuff (I did read LoPo's comment that you cannot "destroy" radioactive waste but "destroy" wasn't exactly the same as saying "you can't feed it to the sink") the best thing I could do was reload the savegame and be done with it until the game forces me to deal with nuclear power.

Art Blade


I just finished analysing another hard drive from a crashed drop pod and for the first time, one of the three rewards was not an alternate blueprint. Instead, I received a player upgrade: +5 inventory slots.

That's so cool :bigsmile:

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So what did you do with the creature and the waste barrel, after you loaded the save game? Just make them go away?

Inventory upgrades are always nice, it's one of the things in games that really annoys me, limited inventory. Whether it's in Generation Zero or Fallout, I'm always just a sliver away from being over encumbered. I'm just a pack rat by nature, I guess lol.
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