Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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Art Blade

that creature is a random thing, I didn't even see it when I reloaded the save. Even if, it would have disappeared eventually and respawned with or without a new random item in its inventory. Likely it wouldn't have had anything in its inventory because typically they "forget" they had been tamed.

And yes, ending up over-encumbered is my biggest issue with that type of games, too :anigrin:


Hey but, the radio-active barrel had disappeared with the creature? Idea!  :main_ideas:
Can you somehow trick them to grab radioactive barrels? Make them disappear and.... Bob's Your Uncle!
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nope, they don't really find stuff. It spawns in their inventory. See, I don't have any nuclear power plants nor anything nuclear at all, yet that little fellow got a byproduct of a nuclear power plant, a barrel full of waste. Also, you can't find enough of the creatures to make an ongoing production of whatever (like nuclear waste) disappear by feeding them with it. I actually never tried to feed them but it doesn't matter because there's always only one of them in the region.


Yeah I had thought of that, using them to dispose of stuff, but didn't think it was something that it actually "found" in the world, just a RNG to fill it's inventory when it spawned. Would be cool, though, just feed it stuff you want to get rid of.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

farm simulator: breed them in the thousands and then feed them radioactive stuff you can't dispose of anywhere else. :anigrin:

But seriously: Let's assume you could feed them that stuff. Remember watching LGIO's vids that showed the conveyor belt weave? A whole valley filled with radioactive waste barrels and getting close killed him. Now if we run on nuclear power, those power plants are going to keep adding waste barrels. You'd have to find lots of those creatures to feed those barrels to them.

Spending time finding them is one thing, but you also need to feed them that stuff. Meaning, you'll have to bring it to them because you can't drag creatures around. Bringing that stuff to them will require you to wear a hazmat suit and consumable filters. You'd be so busy producing filters for your hazmat suit, collecting nuclear waste, finding and feeding creatures, refilling filters.. that whole endeavour would take up so much time that you wouldn't be able to do anything else.

So even if it worked, it would be pointless. ;) What you'd really have to do is find a remote barren place and build a radioactive waste repository there, presumably by continuously adding tons of industrial containers that are connected to a conveyor belt system so you can automate the process. Not really something I want right now.


I was mostly joking, but it would be cool if you could breed the creatures to eat the waste.

When you have something on a belt or other transport, if the belt ends in nothing, do the items fall off, or does the belt just stop? I think from videos I've seen, it just stops and the stuff doesn't fall off. Too bad, you could just have a belt running out over a cliff that leads to one of those areas that is empty and let it fall into the abyss. But yeah, I think you have to make a huge amount of storage containers for it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep, it stops and yep, storage is the end of it.

Art Blade

Remember this?

Quote from: Art Blade on July 27, 2020, 09:41:10 AMAs to how BIG.. there's been something on my mind for some time now and you'll see it when the time is right for it. :gnehe:

Well.. I believe the time is right. :gnehe:

Satisfactory - Radio Tower taller than Space Elevator
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Check it out in moving pictures. :gnehe: The World from above. Diving down in free fall, going up with hyper tubes. Also a very quick overview of the YellFac site.


That is quite the ride up the transport tube! I like how it spits you out at the bottom and you smack face first into the factory support, I mean, that can't be good, can it? LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

"I just got a taste of all its glory! Or maybe it's just all the blood in my mouth.." :gnehe:

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on September 11, 2020, 12:13:38 PMlol guys, consider it done. Albeit, not right away but later. :)

done. :bigsmile: The tube now follows the "main stream" at conveyor belt level to the YellFac.

fixed ugly tubes
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Nice. So what's the toxic looking container of goo in the foreground? I thought you weren't doing nuclear? LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

haha, that's neither toxic nor nuclear and has been there from the start of that coal site :anigrin:

Remember your comment on my video? That green stuff is actually a basin filled with a, hmm.., let's call it "damper jelly." Think of it as a sweet woodruff jello you land in after the tube spits you out, it slows you down instantly. :bigsmile:

in order to build that thing you need to collect a lot of plants so the green leaves are responsible for the colour.

Art Blade

I've been on some kind of a house cleaning tour meaning that I've been trying to "fix" some of the optically not so appeasing not to say unpleasant let alone ugly elements that I had left in the environment. One of which just had to go, mostly that is, and that's the massive rocky arc near the YellFac where I used to have my base after the smaller rock in front of the YellFac wasn't big enough any more. I did tune it down somewhat already but.. that hyper tube sticking out of the middle of the building, leading to that arc.. I couldn't stand it any more. Same goes for the massive glass floor construction on top of the arc. I removed it, left a very small observation deck up there and built a hyper tube that goes straight down. Even deeper than you can guess, I made a second tube that continues all the way down into the cave below the arc where there is an ominous S.A.M. ore node of normal quality. I created another tube from there following the cave to the far end of the map where my caterium node is. There already is a hyper tube leading all the way back to the YellFac (it ends right next to the fuse box switch board) so now it's kind of a sight-seeing tour around a certain part of the map :gnehe:

rock arc tube
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Art Blade

I learned long ago that it is a good idea to question every now and then whether what you're doing is still valid or perhaps worth changing. It is good if routines are still valid and even better if you can improve them. Even if it takes time to get accustomed to changes.

Well.. I did check something out of curiosity and man.. epiphany.. time for changes.

Old: complicated feed (evenly divided)
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The above is something based on the experience that feeding machines with splitters can only be done by twos and threes. I explained it more than once. It isn't wrong, not that you think it was. If you follow splitting, then it's correct. It was also based on the idea of feeding resources evenly into machines. Like, same amount at the same time into all of the machines.

However. I realised that my discovery of the tailback/backlog also works, in a way, when feeding machines before creating a tailback of the output. Like, this time a tailback of the first input, of raw resources. But of course it also works throughout the whole production process.

It led me to experimenting with series connection. Simply overflow the first machine with a massive input and let the overflow go on into the next machine until it starts to overflow, and the next and the next.. It's not exactly like that but close enough to explain what I've done to the same module and what shall I say, it works. This time it is based on the idea "let it sort itself out" because once one machine is full, the tailback kicks in and it will fill up every machine as long as you stay within the maximum amount of what you're actually transporting to the module and how much the module is going to consume. If you try to feed one chunk of coal to ten machines.. you get the picture. ;)

This saves me a LOT of trouble setting up splitters. I don't have to think about how to divide a stream. Unlike the way I used to set them up. It makes thinking in 2s, 3s, and multiples of those obsolete. I can now use 5, or 11, or 7 or actually any number of machines. Not only the blocks I used to build but any amount. Now all I need to check is that the amount I can actually feed (limited by conveyor speed) is either matching the amount the module can consume or higher which will create a tailback.

This gives me unexpected freedom, I will need less resources when building stuff, and either I need less room for the same amount of machines or I can put more machines inside of rooms I already got.

I think I'll have to revolutionise the YellFac once more. :anigrin: Of course that's horrifying, the amount of w0#k, interrupting production processes, rebuilding a whole infrastructure from scratch.. I might have to tear down the whole factory once more! :D Oh my goodness :banghead: But it is all good fun, it's what makes this game so great :bigsmile:

New: simple feed (let it sort itself out)
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