Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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What you would do is:

  • Connect all the coal generators to the first Mk2 line. That should give you one connection slot left. This will combine the power output of your coal generators into one line
  • Conect another power pole to the last slot
  • Keep dragging cables until you have connected all your machines
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

The mk2 power poles can have seven lines,

one from the source and one to the next pole,
= 2/7

then three to whichever machines you need to supply.
= 3/7

= total 5/7, you got 2 more to use.

does that mean you run a pole from each generator to wherever you need power, or do you run one combined line to your factory and then split them up into six again?

You can do either one and anything in between.

It is simply about distributing ("connecting") power, that's all.


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New coal power setup. I made two 4 pumps/8 generators @ 200% Clock Speed systems. The other system is visible to the left.

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Fixed this pipe mess too  :)

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Current power output :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that's really nice. :)

I can only hope that you won't run into that pipe bug I keep encountering. I fixed the coal power with short 1:1 extractor-coal generator connections but now I got an oil pipe problem. It fixed itself eventually, just as it occurred eventually. Total random nonsense.

bugged pipe
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You can see in the spotlight the widely expanded ring segment with black (for oil) segments between two rings showing that it is quite full. Those rings are pulsating. That is how it should be. Then you see left and right that there are one ring segment each, tight, no black segments visible, rings aren't pulsating, and the pipe is dry as a bone. The "funny" thing is that there are no valves or anything that could block the oil to the left, it is one long pipe segment and the centre of it is filled with oil. To the right is a pipe pump so it should actually be pumping oil but it's empty there. Crazy.


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: Art Blade on July 14, 2020, 11:49:00 AM

does that mean you run a pole from each generator to wherever you need power, or do you run one combined line to your factory and then split them up into six again?

You can do either one and anything in between.

Initially I thought that should be the way since there's no main substation, but then I remembered not seeing any such setup in the videos
I've seen and the devs would have made something like that available. When LP confirmed my thoughts ( thanks LP ) I opted for a combined line.
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

Hey nex.. time to play and experiment, almost like playing with LEGO. I suggest you let go of videos and start fooling around, then get more serious about logistics.. :anigrin:

I think YT videos can't show everything you can come up with in your own mind.

Sometimes they show things that no longer w0#k (see coal without water) and are typically extreme either in chaos (by Let's Game It Out aka LGIO) or proficiency (see the one "pro" vid I posted or what Dweller posted) and the few that I saw were more about huge setups and not essentials. I can't be sure as I only really watched LGIO for the fun aspect which got me hooked and made me buy the game. I watched the vid posted by D_B and I skimmed through the one I posted.

Otherwise I haven't watched any Satisfactory videos. I haven't read anything in the wiki nor other sites.

The game is pretty simple regarding freedom to build anything anywhere and to dismantle stuff returning all the stuff used to build them so you don't lose anything if you experiment and restructure/rebuild your factory.

I hope you'll enjoy the game more if you're using your own head rather than other people's vids  ;)


Yes pappa    :undecided-new:

What makes you think I'm not playing and experimenting    ???
If you see what I've already done in the short time I have the game and the game
time I have available then you wouldn't assume I waste time watching videos of what other
players get up to.   ::)

Good thing you mentioned you're not watching videos other players post, I almost
made the mistake of posting a video.   :-\

Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

nex, I really don't understand why you're that aggressive towards me.

But you don't surprise me. ::)

You know, you asked questions (that I spent a lot of time answering in order to help you) and you don't even found it worth a "thank you." Let alone admitting that your "correct method" wasn't correct, in various ways.

Instead you referenced videos you used for research for starting a coal generator and how to draw power lines and a wiki that you thought confirmed that your (wrong) setup was correct. That was why I said skip them and experiment on your own. It is indeed not easy to imagine for me how you could have built something big if you didn't know how to use multiple power lines or thought power poles Mk1 were incompatible with your coal generator that you couldn't get started on your own to begin with. Connecting 3x20W extractors to 1x30W biomass burner and stating it didn't w0#k.. it seemed you needed all the help you can get. Maybe you should indeed watch more rather than less videos.

And you didn't get it right about me watching videos. I clearly stated that I watched LGIO's videos for entertainment. I said I didn't watch other videos that show how to build stuff efficiently.

So if you wanted to upload videos that are meant for entertainment, I'd watch them. I'd be inclined to skip them if they were purely educational (as in, how to build efficiently) because I want to find out stuff on my own.

If you think that my opinion is so important that you make your decision whether or not to post a video here dependent on what I might want to watch and what not, even calling it a mistake to post it just because of me, then you're not going to disappoint me but everyone else here who might be looking forward to you posting your videos here.

And by the way, I won't bother any more trying to help you. We've been there before, several times, and you've always managed to make it mount to something like your previous post, in public, so I don't hesitate to respond in public, too.

However, I recommend you post your videos even if you think I won't watch them because you probably don't want to punish everyone else along with me.


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I encountered the dry pipe "bug" like Art and I think I found a solution. Added another powered pump on the right side and now, the oil is flowing perfectly :)

Also, what AB said is correct. LGIO and the other youtubers have had the game for, like a year or so before us. They are well-established and not something you would use for starters. LGIO has hit the end-game and decided to see if he could break the game for those comedic videos. There are probably other channels out there that covers the basics. Being an early access game, me and Art jumped on it at version 0.3, which changed some of the fundamentals, like the coal generator's fuel behaviour.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

It's quite obvious how advanced those people are when you look at the amount of items circling around on their conveyor belts. I paused one of LGIO's vids (the 600 m human cannon) to read the amount of points needed for the next coupon (like, his 951th coupon.. he produced 950 in ONE GO) from the Awesome Sink, and it was already like 50% of that, yet it STILL needed like 16+ MILLION points. I need like about 630k for the next point and I found that to be already quite a lot :D


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My fuel power setup  :bigsmile:

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4.68 KW capacity :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Now that's a right fine heavy industrial setup you got going on there. Yep, right fine. LOL   :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

currently in the process of rebuilding my factory (3rd time) but this time differently. It is what I had had in mind for a long time but you can probably guess why I didn't do it like this before.. ;)

I'm making good "structural progress" hehe.. like, preparing a setup that processes raw ingredients like iron ore into basic ingredients like iron ingots, putting each type of basic ingredients into a set of industrial storage containers, which will always stay in the same place. That allows me to lead those basic ingredients (like ingots) to the first simple production lines (like iron ingots > iron plates and iron rods) which will also stay where they are, they also end up in sets of industrial storage containers. And that is the basic structure. Next step would be to process basic ingredients like iron rods into screws and other simple components. From there I can set up more complicated production lines (that require those simple components) which I may alter if needed.

That preparation should prevent me from having to tear down the whole factory all the time if something needs change  :anigrin: But I have to be careful to set up that structure properly, no screw-ups or the whole future of the factory will be a mess again.

This is a glimpse at w0#k in progress. The modular setup 1 is actually 6 stories tall. It's only for the simple stuff and far from ready, you see only iron- and copper-based (well, and one limestone to concrete) production lines. Module 2 is oil-based, produces plastic and rubber, and feeds fuel generators as well as one experimental coal generator running on petroleum cakes or something like that.

modular setup 1
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modular setup 2
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Satisfactory Centre of Operations
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