Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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All fine matey ;)

I just thought it would be easier to get an idea of the setup and the scale of things with moving images. And I could imagine an over-enthusiastic Art Blade telling everything there is to tell about the YellFac would be good entertainment :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

@Dweller: you...! :anigrin:

@Binn: I don't think that I'd be over-enthusiastic while commenting such a vid. It would be more likely calm and informative, perhaps like a tour guide. All the details.. that would be separate vids showing and explaining stuff I came up with, like the tailback.

Speaking of which, yesterday I spent the whole evening creating the copper production to run at maximum efficiency while implementing a working tailback.. 24 machines and 16 machines for copper wire and copper sheets. Today I'll have to do the wiring and then it's done. It's menacing looking at that army of machines on a single floor :anigrin:


Quote from: Art Blade on August 12, 2020, 04:05:00 PM
Voice over is something I really don't want to do because my mic from my headset really won't cut it when it comes to video commentary. You need good gear to produce a good voice in a video and essentially a good voice quality in a video requires a whole lot of things to get that right.

You also need a good environment for voice recording. A silent, non-echoing room that is fairly soundproof so that traffic or other background sounds don't intrude.

Art Blade

indeed, and that's included in what I meant with "a lot of things" :anigrin:


Right :bigsmile:

The Yellfac and associated systems are looking very impressive mate, as is your operation :thumbsup: You've put in a shipload of w0#k there!

Art Blade

cheers, matey :) And yes.. most of the stuff inside the building is just too massive to be captured in a single pic. Some floors house so many machines that it resembles a small neighbourhood lol, impossible to show, let alone all the details that make them w0#k the way they do.

Even if anyone could set up 32 machines, they'd probably struggle with what I call tailback. I route some materials through several of those massive collections of machines so that the same flow of materials can be used for various things and it all ends in containers from where the next modules draw them in the same fashion. I'm really glad that I discovered how to use that tailback to my advantage. Normally a tailback isn't an advantage at all and I bet the vast majority of players will avoid tailbacks.

Art Blade

I love watching those cascades.. like the intro of the movie Matrix, except it's yellow instead of green. :anigrin:

the matrix
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Art Blade

oh man, I ran into an unexpected problem.

I've got all those industrial containers with 2 inputs and 2 outputs. All of them get their stuff from my production through ONE input each. Now, I've got a production that actually requires two times my maximum output (limited by 2x480/min conveyors) and, no problem, or so I thought, and connected those two outputs. It went nicely :) Of course I'd run dry eventually because I was pulling twice as much from the containers as I was feeding them but that's not a problem, I can still stop that particularly "hungry" production and allow the containers to refill while I'm doing something else.

However, I noticed after a while that only one output was running normally while the other one was sort of "drip feeding" the other half of the module. After close examination I found out that the upper container had been sucked dry and now the stuff coming from the bottom got channelled through all containers at 480/min (remember those "clamps" or "brackets?" Those are conveyor lifts which connect the containers bottom to top) so I was only getting the feed from bottom to top through a 480/min lift. Of course that couldn't serve 2x480/min outputs.

Unfortunately, that column of containers was wedged in tightly between a whole lot of columns, forming that huge container wall. I really didn't want to rearrange everything from productions (their inputs would have to be rerouted and likely being blocked by whatever massive constructions) to containers left or right (meaning to rebuild half the wall worth hundred thousands of parts and that would likely cost time worth several real life days) so I really had to come up with an "easy solution."

And I thought up one that actually works :anigrin:

I left the bottom and top containers for structural reasons and removed the four from in between. Then I set up two new columns behind the original column. Let's call that double pack "Back Column" I split the one incoming feed in two and put one of each in the left and right bottom containers of the back column. Now I'd end up with two top containers getting their "fill" independently and therefore I connected one output of one of each top containers of the back column with the two inputs of the original top container.

Now that top container supports 2x480/min output because the feed is now 2x480 coming from the back column. :gnehe:

In pictures.

back column pics 1-8

2x480/min outputs (I still need to fix this one but it's best for showing the outputs)
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1x480/min input (same as above, still needs fixing but now I know how to)
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THIS is the one I fixed.
See there's a gap (note the pink sky) and behind you see the back column
you also see 1 input at the bottom (original container) and 2 outputs on top from the back column and hard to tell but you can also (barely) see the two outputs from the original top container
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this is behind the container wall, looking at the bottom of the back column.
You see there's a splitter at w0#k, dividing the content of the input in two, now filling two columns
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looking at the top of the back column (I'm standing on the container wall)
you see there are two outputs going into the container I'm standing on
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looking from the container wall at the YellFac.
Focus on those three blue lines. Left and right are those two outputs going into the YellFac. They're coming from the original top container (which is now being fed by two inputs) and the middle line is actually the "resupply" (production) line feeding into the bottom container.
That's the one input I split in two to feed the back column :)
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that's what the back column looks like (ignore the containers to the left, they're in the background with plastic and rubber and stuff)
You can see the splitter at the bottom and the two outputs at the top feeding into one container.
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That's what it was all about: reinforced iron plates. Input iron plates and screws. TONS of 'em :anigrin:
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Art Blade

my next module requires rods and I tried to find a way to create a backlog but of all things, only those screws need rods so far. Turns out that when I created the iron rods module (output 480) I had tons of rods to spare.. I checked and I can actually double the screws module using only 240 rods but creating 2x480 screws. So I'd still have a good spare output of rods for my new rotor module but I'd get rid of the bottleneck with those TONS of screws needed for those bloody reinforced iron plates.

Turns out that I don't have room in the wall to create a second feed for the screws..

..unless I actually pull the back column to the front. That means that I'd have to do what I said I REALLY didn't want.. move half the container wall...

..but I'm somewhat lucky. The wall to the right where I'd have to shift stuff to is actually a lot of mostly empty containers and the two full columns are far to the right so I can even leave them where they are and continue further to the right of them. Or upwards. The higher the floors my modules are, the longer the conveyor lifts down to the containers and I actually hit the maximum length of those lifts so I had to add another lift to prolong the first one. Crazy, So I'm thinking about starting a second floor of the container wall. I already built the floor to place them on.

Bloody hell, I don't have a choice if I want to be reasonable.. I'd get the lacking screw input without doing TOO much. Especially without creating a lack of rods.. I already have what I need.. "only" double the screws module and shift a few empty containers around..

Dang. Who knows, I haven't looked into the containers in the first two pics, limestone > concrete. I recently acquired so much limestone that I had to stack the conveyors on the main stream only to be able to create sufficient concrete for ONE input and "encased industrial beams" need SO much concrete I had to use two outputs only to speed up production (takes forever to create a few, same with those reinforced iron plates) and I can add a container column left of the wall, like move the start to the left by adding one there, to do the "back column" trick but up front. Two container columns but I'll have to split their input, I really can't produce enough concrete for 2x480 input, unlike those screws, there I'll easily manage to get that many.

I love this game :anigrin:


I .... whut?  ???

Not sure what is going on anymore, you sure everything is OK? Is this a cry for help? LOL  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

see, that's the difference between those who play online grinding games with micro transactions lingering in the background along with hackers and cheaters, and those who play a relaxed single-player session without any of the above. :anigrin:


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

cheers. :anigrin:

But that couldn't last long.. deep down I knew it was only a clever trick but not a proper solution. I'll have to put those two containers "up front" to actually be able to fill them with two inputs and take components (in that case, screws) from two containers as well in order to guarantee a steady flow. I will have to shift around some columns. And now that I'm at it, I might as well consider future complications and avoid them.

So here's how that sort of thing is going to continue: The higher the production floor, the more likely I need higher end components from the floors below. That means, it's kind of silly to let them dig for ground water when I can siphon a mountain lake :anigrin:

May I present to you: higher levels for the higher levels :gnehe:

2nd container floor
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That is cool! But won't it in the long run throw a lot of shadow on the YellFac?
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thanks :)

And well.. only when the sun shines. :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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