Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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That's just the back side right? The front side I'm sure is all clean looking and unobstructed.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

I'm happy right now because of the recent changes I made.

The tailback has become an essential part of my modular building strategy. I fixed the screw production, now twice as many as before, can feed two columns with screws and the bottleneck is gone.

The best part is that I managed to route iron rods from the screws production through 2 floors (literally, going through floors and ceilings) up to the latest rotor production which requires iron rods and screws. So I am simultaneously using those rods to produce the screws and to produce rotors while the screws needed for the rotors are also being produced at the same time. And I've got free outputs for screws and rods in case that I need those for other productions and I am quite certain that I will. I am already using the tailback of screws for the rotors, the screws are coming from reinforced iron plates. Then the tailback of rods coming from screws.. every new tailback that I can use saves me the trouble of looking for new resource nodes and a lot of production lines. The modular setup is really worth it and fun to engineer those production modules along with tailbacks. :)

Also, having started that 2nd container floor, turns out to be absolutely perfect for my screws. The input of new screws for the containers is on the same level/floor with my screw production and the output of the screws containers is on the same level/floor with the rotor production that needs those tons of screws. No more prolonged conveyor lifts, just plain conveyors in this case.

It is so good that it looks as if I had planned that but I just tried to make the best of a bad situation and actually improved it so much that it's now not only better but actually perfect. :bigsmile:

here you see the new screws columns through the window
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not screwed up :anigrin:
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Are you sure in the second picture that it's not screwed up? That looks awfully complicated to me lol.

Funny how you're dealing with screws and in Fallout 76 I'm constantly in need of screws to repair guns and armor. Send some over along with that steel, OK? LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

screws and steel? It's in the mail :anigrin:

And yeah, it is complicated but not screwed up there. I really had to rack my brain in order to siphon components off existing modules without disrupting those productions while still creating double or triple tailbacks so I would get the maximum out of one source. AND then I had to deal with limited space on some floors, adding or doubling modules without "escaping" to other floors. It's a bit crammed on some floors but the productivity on those floors is impressive. :anigrin:


Quote from: Art Blade on August 20, 2020, 03:34:35 PM
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If that picture is a resemblance of your brain, I mean it looks like spaghetti to me...  :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I'm quite thankful that I didn't have to see my own brain yet. However, that pic reminds you of spaghetti? I don't want to know what it was you thought were spaghetti.. Well, sorry to disappoint but I believe my brain looks more like a quiche lorraine sprinkled with gold nuggets. Anyway, better to look like in the pic reminding you of spaghetti than an empty pic reminding you of the vacuum of outer space. :anigrin:


"No hay luz"


How do you get at things in that maze of machinery? :huh-new:

Art Blade

I have a traffic warden guiding me through.

I wish. :anigrin:

No, seriously, look at the windows, the size of them. My character is not as tall as one of those windows and this room is 4 windows tall. Meaning, the machines and stuff you see is way bigger than it appears to be, so the "small" gaps you may be able to imagine exist and are big enough for me to slip through in between stuff or I climb over stuff. :)

Art Blade

geez guys, I've actually reached the top floor (not the roof) and that means, the YellFac is a tad too small now.. :anigrin: Also, now I need plastic so those odd containers in the background will be used. And that will eventually lead to starting oil-based productions again which is going to happen in the same area outside of the YellFac where my old refinery used to be but it will be different this time.

YellFac about to grow taller
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Art Blade

for those who thought my stuff looked like a maze or spaghetti, and too crammed or too complicated. You can see how spacious the floors are. It typically starts like this and then more modules get added and then it starts to look like a crammed complicated spaghetti maze :anigrin:

This is "under the roof," the 9th floor, showing 16 assemblers in line.

Those assemblers have two inputs each. Hence there are two resource streams to split evenly. Because they'd entangle and block each other out, I use a conveyor lift for each "input 1" and keep to the floor for each "input 2" so that's why you see that stuff in the background in two layers. Each input stream is split in two, then again (4) and again ( 8 ) and again (16) which eats up quite a bit of space.

I had to walk all the way back and to use a wider FOV to show the whole assembly line and to give you an idea of the size.

You really should enlarge it to full size to see some details.

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Wow, good pictures! It looks like a monster entering the room :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

thanks :)

I was thinking through a ton of options and decided to opt for an experimental use of the module shown above. You see two containers to the left that hold 8,000 units of plastic. To the right there are also two containers but only one on level with the ones to the left. This container holds 4,000 units of copper sheet. The rightmost container on the ground is receiving the module's production: 2,000 circuit boards. I set up the exact quantities needed to get exactly the amount of circuit boards needed for a specific task.

experimental use
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I did this as an experiment because of various reasons.

First of all, I finally want to tackle that last space elevator "mission" to unlock the final tiers 7 and 8 of the game.

The mission is to provide a huge amount of high tech. Had I used the module for the largest amount of products needed for the space elevator, it would have taken around 30+ real time hours (*) to produce those 2,500 units. And it's limited to the mission, the module would have been useless in that configuration and would have had to be reprogrammed and "rewired" regarding where the input streams come from. I don't want that.

I could have started to use this module as one of two more production lines still needed to cover "the basics" but now I don't want to lose time and therefore want to produce something that I need for the mission. Those circuit boards require plastic which at this time I don't have a production for, it's all in containers from my old refinery. Setting up this module "properly" for circuit boards would have required me to build the whole oil production including plastic production and logistics to route that up to the 9th floor.. nope, don't want that now. :anigrin: However, I wanted to use the already existing plastic anyway. Not to waste it mindlessly by producing just something random until the plastic is completely used up, I checked what I could use it for and those circuit boards are currently what I need the most using plastic. Funny enough, I even had a surplus of old copper sheets on the roof so I didn't even have to tap the container column coming from my copper production.

And all that.. the two basic modules still needed, more advanced production modules.. I told you I was running out of space. So while I'm going to build a couple more storeys on top of the existing YellFac, I might as well have some temporary production going on downstairs :anigrin:

Enough writing, back to gaming. :gnehe:

(*) edit: I'm glad that this was a mistake, it's actually 30+ minutes :D


Cool! A temporary use of a floor to cover temporary needs O0

But won't you need lots of cirquit boards in the future, when you maybe want to produce computers?
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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