I started a new FC2 playthrough...

Started by LinkHero, June 09, 2020, 05:30:41 AM

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It's amazing how I come back to FC2 when I'm bored, no matter what game I'm playing. There is something about the player not being in complete control of the situation in FC2, that I find challenging. FC3 did the whole "overpowered BAMF" trope, and FC4 aped it, and both those games, while fun, feel different to play than good ol' FC2.

So I decided, lets start a play through. The only modifications which are being used is the rearmament of the mercs, with all mercs having a 50% chance of using SMGs instead of pistols, and mercs with an assault rifle having a 30% chance of using LMGs instead of rifles.

I have noticed that I don't often complete my playthroughs for the Far Cry 3 and 4, because there is so much *bleep* to do, abd I get distracted with it and lose interest in the main story. Also, I find the concept of taking down an outpost with a silenced 50BMG sniper rifle from miles away rather boring. (But maybe that's just me.) I'll try to complete my FC2 playthrough this time, hopefully I will be able to do it.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


For me FC3 and 4 were only OK, I enjoyed FC5 for the most part more than the previous two, but FC2 is still the one to beat. Sure it has issues, but really it's a damn near perfect open world game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep.. only those invisible walls were a real bummer


@T.V., agreed, FC2 is still the best in the series in my book. I like that it had none of the drug-trippy or mystical silliness that plagued the later titles (dunno about FC5 though as I never played that one). FC2 was a far more rugged, down-to-earth affair. Despite its shortcomings, I still think it's a damn good game.

I enjoyed FC4 more than FC3, even though FC3 had the more menacing villain, Vaas. The actor who played Vaas did an outstanding job, possibly one of the best video game performances ever.


Quote from: fragger on June 10, 2020, 05:04:50 PM
the drug-trippy or mystical silliness that plagued the later titles (dunno about FC5 though as I never played that one)
Still there fragger, not as bad as FC4 though, but still there  :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah that's one thing I could do without or much less of, the drug trips. New Dawn had none that I recall (or very few and limited in extent so that I've forgotten them), and if it had a full sized world, would have been an excellent game. Still was really enjoyable, just more limited.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I remember watching those streams of yours, they stuck with me. Great to watch but nothing I'd want to play.


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I made a discovery in this playthrough of FC2.

I had my 'signature for this playthrough' loadout of the Dragunov, the suppressed Makarov, and the PKM (I'm playing as Marty Alencar, ex-US Special Forces, to the irony of using 3 Soviet Union made weapons is not lost on me.), and had just obtained the camo suit for enhanced stealth. I was near some checkpoint with a sniper, and decided to test the usefulness of the suit. So I crouched down  in knee-high foliage, in view of the sniper, and began observing him through the monocular that comes with the map.

Initially, he was scoping the area around him with his sniper, as is typical for merc snipers. But when he tried aiming in my direction, his point of aim changed to a point about 10 feet above me. He literally raised his rifle to point in that direction. At the same time, he was swiveling. and as soon as his lateral line of sight shifted far away from me, his rifle fropped so that he was looking at a zero degree inclination. Then he reached the end of his swivel, and started going in the other direction. Again, when his Line of Sight was near me, he shifted his rifle upwards, and a similar process occurred. I haven't seen this behaviour occur without the camo suit, but then again, I haven't looked for this specific behaviour either.

I'll try to record this behaviour, if I can.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade

it's a bug.

Everyone else will use your camo suit to zero in on you.



A little before halfway through my playthrough, I encountered a bug, where one of the assassination missions wouldn't unlock, no matter what I tried. Playing a 100% playthrough, as is my usual, I was disappointed. I haven't seen this bug before, and the forums say that the only way to resolve it is to reload a previous save. I keep 3 previous saves, and also have no idea when the bug first occurred.

So:  bye-bye, current playthrough, hello new playthrough. THis time, we'll step down the difficulty to normal; I'm somewhat tired of the rapid health drops of hardcore (I am not as good at this game as I think  :-[)

Also, I found a solution to the Jackal Tape glitch that occurs during act 2 of the game. THe correct order of tapes can be heard using this fix.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


Interesting, so a complete restart from the beginning? That's a kick in the pants to take for sure. I'm not sure I'd start over in that case, lol, just take the lumps and move along!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I was going through youtube for something to watch, and I came across behemoth of a video. I watched it, and found it intriguing.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

🡱 🡳

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