OneNote Web Clipper

Started by PZ, February 27, 2017, 11:28:38 AM

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For those that want to keep track of things they find on the 'net, the OneNote Web Clipper is an excellent tool.  As most of you know, I love to cook, and recipes become a bit difficult to track after a while. I have used the free application OneNote for both business and home use, and it is an excellent tool. Now I find that there is a Firefox addon that allows me to clip a recipe into my recipe notebook simply by clicking the icon when in a recipe I like. It works not only for recipes, but any kind of information on the 'net.

I have always wanted a recipe/shopping list that I have from available from every device, and OneNote certainly works great.  I can be on my PC in the morning and enter my shopping list, and when out and about in town, all I need do is open the OneNote notebook and my list is ready and available - this works much better than other solutions I have used, like Evernote.

OneNote web clipper

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