FO3 GOTY Level Caps

Started by mandru, February 27, 2017, 01:02:14 PM

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Art Blade

I think you've just started to play it the way it was meant to be  :anigrin: And that is no reference to nVidia's slogan, however. :anigrin:


Maybe, but talking with a friend who's also played it (he's the one who gave me his old discs when he upgraded to the special edition) it was meant to be a slower game I guess. They made concessions going from the first two games to the FPS version to allow players of the first two to be able to play at a pace they were used to. So, they invented VATS to allow a person who has no experience with FPS games and how to aim with the mouse to be able to hit something. I find VATS just something to get in the way. So I play it like any other FPS and once I met the game mechanics halfway, having a much more enjoyable time.

Though the level cap is a bit of a drag, even with the DLC that increases it, you still can't get a lot of the perks and abilities maxed out, which is what I like to do. Heck, at the level cap, you can't even get all the perks, there's not enough XP to allow that. You have to pick and choose which ones you want. I suppose this was done to increase replay value, as you'd have to do several runs in order to get all the perks, just spread across several save files. That doesn't interest me. I know there are mods that remove the cap, but I've heard that can cause issues when accessing menus that were never designed to allow that many of the perks to be active at once. If it becomes an issue, I'll see about it. I've already loaded the mod that replaces the map screen for a better one, the original map was just terrible and useless.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I did Pip Boy mods that greatly improved the maps and got rid of that awful green line screen.  Made the game much more fun.


If you google "fo3 (weapon name)" and go to the Wikia fandom site it will list all of the various stats for every weapon and often compare it to all other variants in that class of firearm or weapon type.  There's quite a range of measured qualities for each weapon.  It starts with initial damage per attack at full repair, damage over time (lingering effect like fire, poison, radiation, and so on), the number of shots/uses to expect over the lifetime of each weapon (if you don't keep it repaired) before it breaks, weapon weight, and even right down to the over all value of the weapon based on the caps spent to acquire it.  In all there's 14 specific unique qualities listed in those comparison charts.

These comparison charts will also give you a good idea of what other weapons (or for that matter armor types which also has comparable stats and needs repairing too) can be sacrificed to keep your favorites in tip top shape.  (As in sniper rifles can be used to repair the far superior and also scoped Reservist's Rifle)

Lincoln's repeater is a .50cal that holds (I believe) 3 rounds but even though its a pure iron sight the built in variable spread is 0% which means it rarely doesn't hit its mark outside of inaccurately allowing for proper lead time on a moving target.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Interesting, I'll have to look that up. Right now I'm just keeping anything that I can use to repair what I already have. Asking other people to repair stuff costs too much. That's where getting the perk levels on repair skills is important to me, so I need to focus on those plus lockpicking and hacking, I hate finding something I can't hack or lockpick, then I have to try to remember where that was and find it again when I have higher skill.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I like my hat though? It's kinda cool, keeps the sun of my head, and rain, works pretty well.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


🡱 🡳

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