Death Stranding

Started by BinnZ, November 02, 2019, 12:37:32 AM

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Remember to come up for air once in a while!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Okay so I continued playing a bit today. The game really is something different. Getting used a bit to the whole walking and balancing thing. However, what I don't like about it is the constant blathering about 'reuniting America'. I understand it's part of the story and it makes sense that way, it's just that I have started to dislike America in general. Every time the game brings it up, I think; "yuck!" Can't help it. I also find the personal interactions with 'family members' a bit too polished. Those perfect, begging eyes would NOT have convinced ME into doing something that I didn't want to. It would've scared me away even farther.

I try to put that bullshit aside and go along with the story. I believe there's more to it than just those family affairs and as long as I pretend the word America doesn't fall each conversation I might start to enjoy it.  :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

think of an older version of America when you still liked it. ;)


I ordered a refund on the game. It is just not what I expected. The visuals a good, but it is boring as hell. Stupid conversations, incredibly complicated menus and whatever happens on the road, while actually 'playing' the game, seems to always end up in some sort of cutscene. There's tons of things you need to do while walking, for which you need complicated key combinations. I just don't have the interest to actually learn all these things. I'd rather watch a bad movie.
Hope steam will accept the refund, since I've already played the game for 5 hours. So they might reject it. We'll see :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"


"No hay luz"


Well, I'll dig a bit deeper into the game then, see if it has some overtime joy :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

there is one thing you might want to research and get: zip lines. ;)


Ah too bad Binn, always a bummer to get a game you're excited about and not be into it. I know from the videos I watched that it seemed there wasn't a lot of "game" in the game, at least from what I saw.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

when I watched the playthrough, I was constantly thinking about Binn being excited to get it and how I wasn't. :anigrin:


Well, I am digging further into the game. As with many complicated games you get used to all the commands and menus over time. Still think it's odd in some ways, but since there's so many options it is obvious that things get a little complicated in the end.
The story, saving America and connecting everybody, still is dumb. Every time this Amelia comes and talks to me I feel treated like a toddler in Disneyland. I don't like that. And well, America, lol
Besides this part of the story, there's some interesting conceptual world design and history to the phenomena Death Stranding, which seems some sort of newly established link to the world of dead souls. It slowly unfolds while progressing in the game. Sometimes I wish things were more obvious, and also I find certain info hard to discover. A proper tips section would help. There is one, but it will only give you tips by little chunks. Other info is being displayed on screen while doing things. And some other is being told during cutscenes. Hard to remember everything right away. In my case at least.

Anyway, now that I have progressed a little farther into the game I am starting to like it. What I am actually doing makes more sense, and the historical aspect of this scifi setting is intriguing. That makes it a lot easier to live through the cliche story parts :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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