Extra cheesy pimento and cheese sandwiches

Started by PZ, August 09, 2017, 09:23:10 AM

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We're all greedy gutses :gnehe: And PZ makes it all look so good...

On a recent trip to Sydney, I stayed with a good friend whose wife is doing a chef's course, so he gets to be her guinea pig. I got to be a guinea pig too when I was there, and one night she made THE BEST Chicken Kiev I have ever had in my entire life. It took her hours to prepare as she made everything from scratch, garlic butter and all, but the result was amazing 8)

She was already a terrific cook to start with. She's a lovely and highly intelligent Indonesian/Chinese lady and she is already well-versed in the arts of various Asian cuisines. Once she's added Western cuisine to her CV, she's going to be a culinary force to be reckoned with.

Her hubby will be lucky if I don't try to steal her off him :evil2:

(Just kidding mate, if you happen to see this and you somehow figure out who I am...)

Art Blade

(psst. yes, it's him.)

<watches the show and steals the chef>



🡱 🡳

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