The Outer Worlds

Started by Art Blade, October 24, 2020, 06:38:43 AM

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I saw that and wondered, thanks for confirming. I think I might have come across a pristine weapon here or there, I'll have to check. But I usually go by damage, as that's all that counts to me, so no matter what it is, if the damage isn't up to snuff then to the vending machine it goes! Unless it's something decent I can give a companion, that is.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


As I was preparing to return to my ship and log out prior to my leap into the void beyond Emerald Vale when with a final kill I received a notification that I had reached Level 10 and a fresh allotment of skill points to spend.

I'm currently playing in Story Mode which is supposedly the easiest setting but I'm still swarmed and killed regularly.  :banghead:

Three times now I've received the chance to accept a flaw and gain a perk for Fall Damage but that flaw is at the cost of being Permanently Crippled with a reduction of 30% run speed which would more than kill the buff for the perk point I spent on Cheetah sprinting.  So there's no way I'm going to accept that.  :(

I have been repeatedly going back out seeking respawned critters and marauders to gain what I could in scavenged XPs and bits.

The slow going has made me wonder do the more difficult settings give better rewards and more opportunities to have combat encounters?

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I think it's like this: When you start out and see those King Kong monsters near the Unreliable, you simply can't kill them. They're too strong. Then you advance a bit, get better gear and eventually your level will match and surpass that of those monsters there. I believe that at least those enemies in the starting area are scripted so they keep their level.

Everyone else doesn't.

Which means, mandru, if you keep levelling up, you won't be in a better position elsewhere because your opponents will level up to match you.

Essentially there are a few options for you to avoid getting killed all the time:

- Change your tactics. Like, don't storm a bulk of enemies head-on as if you were on god mode because you aren't. ;) Instead, try to single out enemies and kill them one by one. At least try to reduce their numbers before everyone else is on you with murderous intent.
- use your companions. I'd rather send them ahead and let them take the blast. Then follow up to finish off the survivors.
- Keep your enemies at a distance.. unless you're a tank build and melee specialist.
- Make sure that your perks are at least in favour of one weapon type. Sniper? Long guns. Long guns are great as they also comprise shotguns and assault rifles.
- use that "Q" key (TTD, tactical time delation) a lot. It's a bit like VATS in FO4. Damage dealt is higher and there are tons of perks that are built around TTD. If you combine that with "sneak" attacks, you'll do some serious damage.
- prepare: Try to assess the situation. Then change your armour (for the built-in skills) and weapons accordingly before you attack. Like, sniper or shotgun? Stealth kit armour or or heavy build? You're going to be better off if you adapt to the situation, even on the fly (use the inventory and change gear if you have to)
- use the workbench to spice up your gear with weapon/armour mods that are useful. Like, boost specific stats, not just any random stats.

All of the above is what I've kept doing and I've barely ever died after the stupid initial stint in the starting area that I guess all of us did and we all know it just too well :anigrin: Also, when I died, it was because I was too reckless. It simply doesn't pay off.. ;)

Art Blade

mandru, regarding your possible flaws

it would slow you down 30%.. that's bad, a really bad flaw. However, I have no idea when it might kick in. Like, only when you're standing on a cliff? Or is a balcony on the 2nd floor already triggering it? No idea, I was actually thinking I might try that one but I realised that I will never get it this playthrough because apparently (there's an achievement) three flaws are the maximum you can get and I got three. Also apparently I won't get offered any new ones for that same reason.

But I can tell you about mine, and one I'd recommend.

I'd recommend "encumbered" and it's easy to acquire.. just drag your heavy self around for some time with a massively loaded inventory. It will slow you down, too, maybe that's the same speed you'd get from that heights phobia. But once you've sold or otherwise lightened your load, you'll walk normally again. Same goes for that flaw, as soon as you're not encumbered, the effects go away. In your case you could get a perk that allows fast travelling when encumbered so you can make the most of the situation until you got perks that crank up your inventory max weight limit a lot if you get all of 'em. When you decide to respec your character, get rid of the overloaded fast travel perk because you won't need that any more as you'll know how to handle it, getting down to within limits and then fast travel to sell or stash the stuff. I think that's the best flaw for a free perk.

My second flaw is about primates (just keep your distance and snipe them) which only kicks in when I'm fairly close to them. Also, primates are only on the starting planet and Scylla, so that flaw isn't too horrible, either.

And the last flaw is about robots. That one is the worst because robots are everywhere. Hell, even my own crew mate SAM, a robot, triggers that flaw, even inside the Unreliable :D I wouldn't ever want to pick that one again :anigrin:


I was hoping upping the difficulty would allow more respawns and more profitable looting options.  ::)

Permanently Crippled is permanently 30% slower.  With that flaw I should just consider myself lucky to be able to get up the gangplank and through the pressure lock of the Unreliable with my crutches.

I'd be slowest of the slow and yet possibly able to out hobble the Leather Boas.  :anigrin:

However when It comes to falling off stuff I'm up there with the best of them and I would be as fast as anyone could be.

If the permanently crippled flaw had been forced on me I would have scrubbed this run through the game and started over.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

that was one funny post, mandru :anigrin: thank you for it, and the valuable information within.

That flaw sounds way out of proportion compared to the other ones that I described.

Also, don't give up hope. There are loads of things to discover and loot, many of which are both useful (at least for some time) and valuable should you think they outlived their usefulness. They typically sell for a good price. :anigrin:

What I don't know and which you might want to explore is how the DLC works at a low(er) level. There have been quite a few really good items to loot. Just to give you a taste: some come with two (!) positive skill boosts and without (!) negative ones. I also acquired one that boosts an attribute (!) which are those you cannot respec and change by any means once you finalised your character at the start. There has been only one such item towards the latest stage of the game in the vanilla story line. It's a discovery tour across the planets and such where you will have to visit places marked with a beacon. On finishing that side mission, you'll be rewarded a nice hat that boosts (at least in my case) "perception" with +1. I don't know whether those attributes are random or fixed or related to your character specs. However, try the DLC if possible because there's almost abundant loot and unique stuff to be found. It might give you the advantage you're looking for. What I don't know is whether or not the enemies there are linked to your own level (which would be good for you) or start at a high level. If it's too hard, just leave it for later.

The DLC presents itself by a message from ADA and some parcel delivery service dropping a package in your ship's cargo hold (close to where the workbench is) and again, I don't know what triggers it and when.


I was a little slow picking up on it but the machine shop in Edgewater is connected to Pavarti's home.

I'd gone through earlier and looted that location before gaining Parvati as a companion but dropped back by to tinker a weapon.  I noticed a magpick that I'd missed on my earlier sweep and grabbed it.

Parvati stiffened and said "Uh well umm... If you need it."  She was clearly disturbed that I had taken it even though I don't believe it was marked as a "Steal" item.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Yeah I've refused all the flaws offered so far, the permanent debuff you get from them is way to high a price to pay for a perk point gain in the short term. With a level cap of 33 (I hate level caps) you'll be there soon enough, so why rush it in exchange for a trait that hampers you for the rest of the game? I did get offered the crippled one when I jumped off the ladder in the Unreliable that leads from the engine area to the workshop area. I do that a lot as I'm used to ladders that you automatically use when you approach them in other games. So I forget and walk to the top of the ladder and promptly fall down crunching my legs in the process. The pop up for the flaw was amusing, something like "We noticed you fall down a lot" or some such, but as to trading it for a point I'll get anyway in time, no way.

I don't recall if I looted Parvati's house before or after I met her, probably before, but I think I was thorough so there was nothing to pick up when I went back there with her. Might have been funny if she said something like "Huh, where did all my stuff go?" LOL. But she did say something about her Dad when I used the workbench, though I don't recall exactly what.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Parvati (and actually any companion) doesn't mind it in the least if you pick locks and pockets or hack terminals. Typically they even utter some words of admiration. They like it if you find fair solutions to problems (dialogue options) and don't like mindless killing of innocent citizens. I think most or all of them dislike "the board" but to a greater or lesser extent. Felix really hates the board.

As to the flaws, you guys keep using "permanent" in a way that I'm not sure how you mean it. I got flaws, those are permanent, but they aren't active all the time ("permanently") Only if something triggers them. Like, "every time" I am close to any robotic NPC, all the flaws' combined effects kick in for as long as I'm close to a robot. It stops instantly if I kill the robot or if either one of us moves away. Then I don't suffer from any flaw. Same principle with primates and then the "encumbrance flaw" only kicks in for as long as I'm overloaded.

But other than you, if you don't allow flaws, I've got three more perks to play around with. One is +5% damage dealt per flaw which means I'd always deal 15% more damage than you guys if all of us had otherwise identical stats.

Art Blade

mandru, I was editing while you started posting, please check my post for changes ;)


Quote from: Art Blade on November 19, 2020, 08:21:05 AM

As to the flaws, you guys keep using "permanent" in a way that I'm not sure how you mean it.

Art as you stated (in your post with the edit) your flaw in respect to being afraid of robots/mechanicals and losing stat points when in their close proximity is what I would call "Conditional".  Yes, that flaw is stuck to your character with no way to remove it.  But keeping your distance from mechanicals prevents the flaw from becoming active.  So there is a w0#k around for you to be able to fight normally.

I would use the term "Permanent" when a flaw hurts your stats and outside of future perks you are stuck with it expecting no possible relief from the infliction.  I already have the Cheetah Run perk and in examining the future perk options I don's see anything to make me faster.

I think there's an option of being able to move normally when hitting the "Q" button for compressed time.  That's not useful for travel but would be a cool function for inside dirty w0#k against enemies when you have good melee stats and a high level poison or plasma enabled blade.  :evil2:

I've not encountered enough flaws to know if there are other flaws beyond being crippled that I would call Permanent flaws (as opposed to Conditional) but at least for myself that is how I am using the word permanent.

I've seen videos where players have intentionally collected several flaws to get the extra perk points.  Taking actions like standing in a sulfur pool while healing themselves huffing Adrino to take the corrosion damage flaw and shooting grenades at their feet for the flaw that comes from explosion damage and so on.

But I don't see myself following that example.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

thank you, mandru, now I fully understand that there are different flaw mechanics at w0#k. I can indeed live quite well with my conditions and I wouldn't want any permanent afflictions.

Interesting what you observed other people do to acquire certain flaws.. I'll have to see what the end of the game is like and then decide for the next playthrough what to do or not to do regarding those flaws.


Yeah it would just annoy me if I was going along and all of a sudden I wasn't performing as expected and then I'd realize that oh yeah that stupid flaw must have kicked in, great. So, no, I'll most likely refuse all of them. The added damage you get from having them and the perk active isn't worth it to me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

when I was offered my first (encumbrance) flaw, I thought nothing of it. It seemed OK. Once I spent that perk, I got greedy and grabbed what the game threw at me. The next was those primates, then the robots. And THEN came the first time one robot next to a w0#k bench or a similarly harmless situation triggered all negative "features" of all three flaws at once. That's when I thought, hmm, maybe next time I'll try without.. ;)

But I accepted the challenge. Thankfully my base attributes (charm maxed out) affect my companions, +40% refresh for their special move cooldowns and a good amount of companion skill points to start with, I set those to 60 each and with some gear I've got I crank that up to 90. All of that, and more, is why I prefer to let my companions take the heat and duke it out in my stead. I stay out of flaw-triggering reach and send them in to deal with primates and robots for me, as well as anything enemy in the company of primates or robots, while I stay back boosting their abilities and spamming their special moves and I might snipe a bit to support them.

That's essentially how I deal with my flaws but I'm really looking forward to the next playthrough without any bloody flaw except perhaps that encumbrance one which I can completely avoid triggering.

Art Blade

here's some new info

I've finally managed to test some stuff.

1) crew:
if you fire companions, they take all their gear with them. You need to replace their good stuff with some *bleep* if you want to keep their stuff.

2) consumables:
- you can keep eating stuff in order to stack up their effects until you reach a 10-minute duration of their effects (TAB>character>details) after which it won't add any more
- those "+200% health regeneration" items don't regenerate faster if you eat a "20 seconds" item compared to like a "2 minutes" item. The time only refers to how long it will be available for regenerating and not how fast it regenerates 200%.
- you can actually prepare for battle by eating regen and +25% base health items (check character>details) especially if those last for minutes rather than seconds. Of course you can prepare by using other consumables as well. They don't have to be in the inhaler, just open your inventory and use them.

Also I have to correct myself: my two attributes are not maxed out with three arrows (which is "very high") as seen in the very first pic in this topic. Four arrows is the "maximum" and it does say so in the description if it is.

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