The Outer Worlds

Started by Art Blade, October 24, 2020, 06:38:43 AM

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Art Blade

even though I write this post a lot later, I actually took a break from the game shortly after the last post. But I wanted to add something that I just remembered.

After that nest fight I went on to collect a last finger (3 wanted marauders, for bounties in Edgewater) and I came across more Primals which ended in an offer I could refuse: a flaw for getting repeatedly beaten up by those Primates. This time I said no :gnehe: I'll stick with one flaw only, I guess, because I want to play through without constantly running into flaw triggers. I mean, I managed to play through with three flaws and I was able to navigate around them for the most part but really, I want to be able to use SAM without losing half my power and I want to kill Primates without losing half my power just looking at them. I will be lacking two perks, one of which added 15% damage thanks to three flaws. Well.. I want to see how it goes with just one flaw: The encumbrance flaw is useful because if you kept running out of inventory space (actually, kept hitting the weight limit) then the free perk can be used to expand your inventory. A free perk is as good as two levels, and that means you can actually increase your perk count beyond level 33. So yeah, that is an option. And free inventory space? That I can't refuse :anigrin:

So after killing the Primals, I came across a dead end with some of those dog creatures and more loot. Then some marauders and more marauders.. I was already using a set of armour with a +20kg carry weight mod and still or already on the limit. I thought I keep going, get that finger and more XP so I might level up there and then, being close to the next level already. And when that happened, I automatically grew stronger and that increased my carry weight and ta-dah, not encumbered any more :anigrin: What made me do that was the fact that I had looted a light machine gun that I didn't want to drop, nor any of my other stuff. So I already got a gun for the vicar or whoever it will be. I'm looking forward to finding Felix, I need my favourite team back.


I like that deadend area with the Canids.  They area fun bunch to snipe off before they realize what's even happening.  The primals leading into them are a bit more of  handful though.

It seems at times I have a better kill rate per shots fired if in a single shot I take off one of their back legs with the primals (at least the smaller ones - possibly undisclosed weak point?) than trying to put a round through their thick skulls.

Well I'm off Terra 2 and docked on Groundbreaker.  Now that Max is a companion before we debark I'm trying to get his gear leveled up and him outfitted should action arise.

I've been dragging my heels on this as I'm still trying to find a Developer access to the console but it seems that the Steam release of the game is too recent for anyone to have posted a tutorial for this version of the game on YouTube.  Or maybe Steam has reached an agreement with YouTube and is having the type of tutorial I'm seeking pulled down as fast as they are being uploaded.

So far everything I'm finding on unlocking the dev console is aimed at the epic game store TOW and one other site that I'm not remembering the name of right now.

I did come across a couple sites that (with printed word instructions) claim to have an unlocker method for Steam's TOW.  But I've tried their methods seven ways to Sunday and have been met with failure on each attempt.  ::)

I need a video to step me through the process to find what it is that I'm doing wrong.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


I finished everything I think there was to do on Roseway, though I would have liked to have brought back some of the raptidon musk but my lie skill wasn't high enough. I gave the one pistol back before I realized I could have sold it to Gladys, as I kind of did that mission backwards by going to the outpost before going to the town. Ah well. I kept the toothpaste formula though, which I'll sell to Gladys as I've been using a lot of money to tinker up weapons. I did get light machine guns for both Pavarti and Felix but haven't used them in combat yet, we'll see how that goes, as for the melee weapons, I usually scrap those telescoping hammers or whatever they are called so I'll have to pick up a couple. Though I gave Pavarti the special hammer from the Groundbreaker but I'm still confused to when they use the melee weapons you give them and when they use their special melee weapons.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

dweller, the next post is for you.

mandru, I'm sorry to hear that you can't get those cheats to w0#k. I have no idea what to do because I don't use cheats. Given the time you spent on research both on the game and on cheats, I suspect it would have been and still might be easier to simply start the game, try out stuff, and learn while playing. You could always start over and try something else. Even if you don't care about anything statistics and such, you'd still be able to play. I'm sorry that you can't get to play much because of all your worries. I hope that you'll manage, whichever way, because this game is great and you're going to like it I guess.

Art Blade

dweller, I think I'll have to clarify something and maybe that helps:

If you set up your companion to "mixed" combat they will use "your" weapons (the ones you stick in their weapon slots) except for special moves. They'll use "your" ranged weapons if enemies aren't right next to them. If they are next to them, they'll use "your" melee weapons.

If you set them to "ranged" well, there won't be melee. If you set them to "close/melee" combat, well, they won't use  ranged weapons.

However, no matter their combat setting, special moves are unique combat moves.

If you make them perform their special moves, it depends on the companion which weapon they'll use. Parvati uses her own hammer (even if you gave her a knife) while for instance vicar Max will use his (own) shotgun even if you gave him a pistol. Nyoka will stay at a distance and machinegun the enemy while Felix will literally jump in and use his feet to tackle the enemy.

Art Blade

Taking out Primals at the Old Wreckage with Parvati, at level 7. This is how I use companions, tactical combat.


Hey chaps :)

I've got some reading to catch up on here :gnehe:

I've sort of been away from civilization for the last ten days or so - well, far enough to get out of range of my telco's coverage, anyway :banghead: Got home earlier today, it's a bit late here now but I'll pick this up tomorrow.

Glad to see the party in space is preceding apace 8)

Art Blade

good to "hear" from you mate :) Have fun reading up O0


Thanks for the clarification, Art. Since I rarely remember to use the companion special ability, I guess it doesn't matter. I did use Felix once and Pavarti once, you can see Felix in the video I posted but I forgot to include Pavarti's scene in that video. Just doesn't occur to me to use it. Heck the only time I've told them to go to a certain spot was in the raptidon video when I didn't want them messing up my stealth so I told them to wait outside. Usually I just start shooting and they join in as they see fit, though I think I'll set them to ranged so they stay away from the melee action which just ends up with them getting in my way.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

you're welcome, Dweller.

Maybe take a look at their stats again because it makes a difference how you set up their behaviour: I use "aggressive" because I want them to do the fighting for me and yes, they will happily storm ahead of me and engage as soon as the opportunity presents itself. While on aggressive, I order them to stay their ground in situations that I set up as shown in the vid. If you choose a different behaviour, they shouldn't get in your way.

Same goes for their "distance" between them and you while they follow you. I prefer a medium distance so I rarely see them but they are still close enough to jump in for me if I get into combat.


And a few TIPS regarding N-Rays.

That violet stuff.. it bypasses armour and keeps dealing damage and it's kind of multiplying if it jumps back and forth between targets. Somewhat like an infection that actually stacks up the more often you get hit. In practical terms, it can infect a group and wipe it out or at least weaken it significantly. It doesn't affect mechanicals.

While I rarely came across situations that allowed me to take advantage of all that, unfortunately enemies dealing N-Ray damage keep finding plenty of situations to hit me and my companions with it.

What I learned from that is as follows:

N-Ray weapons are essentially useless. Especially since the actual damage of your weapon is only half of its normal damage. So modding a weapon to N-Ray is halving the actual damage and it's completely useless against mechanicals. And you can almost never use it because shooting a single enemy with it is kind of pointless because the real potential lies in mass-damage done to groups of enemies which is almost non-existent. In other words, sell them and anything related to N-Rays unless you really want to wait the entire game for a suitable situation and that means you'd be carrying dead weight around forever.

The other side of the medallion is as follows: If you or your companion(s) are "infected" with N-Rays, KEEP YOUR DISTANCE so you won't cause multiple damage to yourself and/or your companions. Which brings us to their distance.. if they are set to following closely..... you get the picture. In my vid you can actually see how Parvati is being hit by N-Rays and if I had been close to her, she'd have infected me with that N-Ray and damaged me in the process. Because I was at some distance to her and she was told to stay her ground, she couldn't do that to me :anigrin:


Hmmm yeah I'll take a look at what they are set to for fighting. I did set them both to ranged so I'll see about what the other settings do. We made short w0#k of Captain Redd or whatever his name is in the back bays and I claimed the bounty on him. I hit level 16 which means I'm nearly halfway to the level cap and I'm barely even into the game, as far as the quests go. I'm kind of bummed that there isn't a higher level cap, since at this rate I'll be max level before I'm even halfway done with the game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, it won't be that fast as the XP needed increases after each level but still, the cap is silly.

Art Blade

I was offered a flaw related to fall damage but it was conditional. It wasn't the "Permanently Crippled" flaw mandru was offered. Seems to be a bit random what you're being offered.

Art Blade

I got my ship now but other than expected from me, I flew to Scylla. There Parvati and vicar Max helped me hunting those massive Primals and that made me level up to 9.

I was also offered a (permanent) flaw for taking loads of physical damage. +25% physical damage in exchange for one perk..? Thanks, but no thanks :gnehe:


Quote from: Art Blade on December 02, 2020, 03:09:50 PM
I was offered a flaw related to fall damage but it was conditional. It wasn't the "Permanently Crippled" flaw mandru was offered. Seems to be a bit random what you're being offered.

When I received the offer for permanently crippled it was probably the 4th time I'd been offered a flaw for fall damage.

Let's just say that I excel at falling in this game.  :-[

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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