The Outer Worlds

Started by Art Blade, October 24, 2020, 06:38:43 AM

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Art Blade

Well.. nobody is perfect :anigrin:

Maybe you simply love the juicy CRUNCH noise when every bone in your lower body gets shattered on hitting ground. The higher the ledge you hurl yourself down from, the more satisfying the crunch and the agony. :gnehe:


Mandru and I must take the same approach to ladders, LOL!   :D

"Oh right, you have to select the option to use the ladder, it's not automatic, ah well, here comes the ground, let's hope it will be friends."
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

level 8 power
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Haha :anigrin: I spent some time on Scylla after leaving Edgewater and I earned over 72,000 XP killing mostly Primals (like this Mega Primal worth nearly 6k XP) but also the occasional marauders and robots. I'm just a shot away from turning level 10 now :anigrin:


Went to Scylla myself last night, to find the missing smuggler with the medical equipment. Wandered up to the giant terraforming machine and got zapped by the plasma which gave me the option for the plasma damage flaw so I took that one, as it seemed to be not too bad and a decent trade for the perk point, which I put into decreasing weapon and armor degradation. I think only robots give plasma damage, so it's not like you see them all the time, at least at this point in the game, that might come back to bite me later on, but it's a 25% increase so I'll just have to be careful around them. As it is, I rarely take damage anyway, and the entire time on Scylla the only damage I took was when I experimented with what happens if you walk outside the barrier holding the air in, lol.

Oh yeah I left Felix at the ship and took SAM this time, and there's some funny dialog between him and Pavarti, and he does a decent job with enemies. You can't upgrade his weapons, not that I could tell so he's pretty limited that way I think, so I'll probably go back to Felix or give the doctor a try next time, forget her name. I need to get her armor and weapons though.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Hehe, SAM.. thanks to my robot flaw in the last playthrough, he was my most useless companion. I haven't unlocked him yet in my current playthrough as I still need to find something he needs for waking up.

And plasma.. yeah, sounds like a halfway decent choice. Until you end up being surrounded by plasma-shooting enemies :anigrin: I'll avoid flaws this time except the one for encumbrance I already said I'd take and which I already got.

Amazing how many different options I already came across that differed from my last playthrough and they're either related to my different attribute settings (I never had a strength-related speech check before) or because I tried stuff I simply wasn't aware of before. Not going to spoil it for you guys because it's cool if you find out new stuff during your own next playthrough(s) which is when we might actually finally discuss details. :bigsmile:

And I reckon you'll find time to catch up with me because I'll pause playing this game starting Dec 10th which is when CyberPunk2077 is scheduled for release.

Art Blade

it's fun for me now with the knowledge from my prior playthrough to be able to kind of coordinate certain missions (like, what to do in which order) for maximum benefit and efficiency :)

For instance, on the Groundbreaker I can combine missions that are actually connected if you know about it and therefore I can first avoid a kill which gives nice XP and then try to avoid the same kill for a second time. If the second time I fail avoiding that kill then it doesn't matter much (apart from well, that someone died..) and I can do both "attempts" in a single go. Cryptic? You'll have to find out yourselves or you may ask me straight and I will answer in spoiler tags because it is a spoiler. ;)

Also, I brought a very valuable item from Terra 2 on board of the Unreliable for safekeeping so I can sell it for a massive amount of money when the time is right. Cryptic? See above.. :-X ;)

Anyway, I've got Felix and Ellie on my crew now which means my dream team (Parvati and Felix) is finally ready for action. :bigsmile:

Art Blade

just within reach of level 15 now. It's so much fun to do all those missions again and with my knowledge from the previous playthrough it has been going even better this time :bigsmile:

Felix and Parvati continue to be my favourite team mates. Both for their skill sets and for their random commentary. And they're just really great body guards. O0

Art Blade

at level 15, I reached Roseway and looted the heck out of the area around it, returned very slowly to my ship with 250kg of stuff in my inventory. Then I flew to the Groundbreaker and sold all the *bleep* (I've got better sales conditions there so I rather sell it there to make more money) and then I returned with an almost empty inventory :gnehe:

Art Blade

Level 17 now, I just cleaned out that lab Dweller posted his vid about. I managed to gas them all (12 rapts) and THEN for the XP, we killed 'em all. :gnehe: You can actually still check in the mission log how many you saved or killed, there's still that counter like (4/12) or some such.

This time I had SAM with me and without that robot flaw it was fun, I also wanted to (and did) hear Parvati and SAM chat with each other. That's indeed funny :bigsmile:

Art Blade

a TIP for collectible items and stuff you can interact with for loot

You'd be surprised how much stuff you just don't notice. Try this, maybe with a savegame if you're not sure:

Add a mod (to at least one set of armour) that highlights stuff in a +5m range without looking at it. And if you select a perk that does the same, they will stack so you can actually see stuff glowing from 10m away. :)

2x +5m highlight distance
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The only thing I can think of on the Groundbreaker where you might have to kill someone is the guy in the back bays, captain whatever his name. I didn't kill him the first time, but they started shooting as soon as I got off the elevator the second time to get the bounty so there was no choice. I was sure there was probably a way to get around that but I wasn't in the mood and just shot everyone.

As for picking stuff up, I search every place pretty thoroughly, so I think I've found everything there was to find, but having a highlight from farther away was one of the perks I was looking at, just haven't gotten it yet as there were others that were more important.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yeah, those perks.. you've got to get your priorities straight in your head and the game will be great.  O0

Else, not quite as great but still ranging somewhere between good and abysmal. :anigrin: Keep in mind that you can respec, though.

As to that guy, I too ended up killing him the first time around (albeit I first saved him when dealing with that bounty and then I had to kill him because they wouldn't let me get that item needed for stopping the heat wave) but this time around I actually checked my options carefully and the order in which I wanted to do some quests. That led to saving and sparing him so he and his buddies are still alive after two quests that led me down there. I even stole that little drone for Parvati without causing a bloodbath :bigsmile: I might still kill him if Damascene gets bored..

I just respec'ed for the first time during this playthrough, at level 17 right before levelling up to 18. Got rid of stuff needed at the beginning and changed it so I'd benefit now. That led to a massive payout after a mission for that fence called Gladys Culkelly on the Groundbreaker. I made about 15,000 bits (this time I managed to do a few things differently which I didn't even consider during my first playthrough and this time I also lied to the fence and sold her a formula for toothpaste as a valuable formula for rocket fuel :laughsm:) plus XP worth a whole level (from 17 to 18 and I respec'ed in between that mission) Also, that sum of money includes selling a rare gun (for almost 1,000 bits) from that mission and selling two samples of raptidon musk, one to the quest-giver in Roseway and one to the fence, and selling an item from Emerald Vale (for nearly 2,800 bits) which I had hinted before.. now the time was right to sell it because I've now got those +33% for selling stuff. Kind of cool to go from 11k to 25k bits.. Now I can afford buying a few things or tinkering quite a bit, if needed :bigsmile:


Yeah I did a save right before selling the formula to Gladys and I think they way it went for me, it was the same whether I sold it as toothpaste or rocket fuel, though in one of my passes I got more XP and leveled up, but wanted to try again with some other options and no matter what I did after that couldn't get whatever XP boost there was to level up at that point. Not sure what I did that one time but it never happened again. I think I did that exchange 6 or 8 times trying different options and such and only once did I get that XP. But the bit amount was the same either way.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

if you want to sell it as rocket fuel, you have to pass a double speech check for both lying and science and each gives additional XP.


I'm on Groundbreaker now.  I've got the lockdown on the Unreliable lifted.  I expected the corporate rep Udom to have a job for me but that wasn't in the cards.  I don't have my Lie skill anywhere near being able to access some of the interesting dialog options so that may have been what blocked side missions from him.

Captain(?) Red in Backbay insisted on cooking me and Parvati so I forced the dialog towards the result where he attacked me and set off hostility from all of his followers.  I'm running under the premise that self defense gives better karma points than murder or at the very least lower rep damage.

That is "murder" by being the (dialog optional) initiator of a series of fatal incidents no matter how much the target deserves having their atoms returned to the Groundbreaker's air recycle scrubbers.

Rescuing the techie for Groundbreaker's head honcho Junlei from the Backbay squad earned me no respect from the hostage.  She seemed to be quite disappointed as she was rather enjoying herself among the ruffians.  ???

I should have first talked to the hostage so she would have left the area to return to her duties on the main deck but I grabbed a lock pick tool and she called me out for stealing.  With no Lie option available to me I had to bribe her off.  I didn't want to kill her under the premise of "no living witness no crime" so that caused me to lose some reputation on the Groundbreaker.  :(

Over all completing the Backbay series of side quests and installing the solution for the overheating earned me a needed 28000 bits (that's 7K bits per mission  :o ).  Hopefully those three quest completions gave me back some of my lost reputation.

I've come to the understanding (from screening videos and lurking other forums) that even though speaking to the fence and getting the side mission to Roseway is one of the first side quests you encounter on Groundbreaker that mission is actually the very last mission you want to undertake.  In my understanding of the warnings it's seriously helpful to build your stats and prep up appropriate weapons and armor for yourself and team as much as possible before fulfilling Glady's wishes.

Sweet old Gladys never did offer me any of those cookies.  :(

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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