St Louis style spare ribs

Started by PZ, March 01, 2017, 10:26:52 AM

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Art Blade

cheers, fragger :) Better now and some medical exams ahead.


Good to hear old bean, hope all is well :)

Speaking of health stuff, I had a skin tag removed this morning (I shouldn't really talk about this in a food topic, but it's not worth starting a whole new topic for). This is a growth like a tiny lump of flesh attached to the skin by a stem, a little like a tiny mushroom. I've had a few of these ugly-looking things since my twenties, they look horrible but they don't cause any pain, so I just lived with them (they're all under my armpits, two under one arm and three under the other, but you don't normally see them unless I stick my arms up. They're tiny anyway, it's not like I resemble a sideshow freak or anything :gnehe:) They never bothered me or caused me any pain before, but a large one under my left arm apparently got twisted and was causing me a good deal of discomfort (over the years, it had grown to about the size of a pea). It wasn't painful in itself, but if I moved my arm in certain ways like reaching up to my face it would rub and sting like a bee. It nearly put me through the ceiling when I got into bed last night, so this morning I had it checked out and the doctor removed it then and there, and took off the other one under that arm while he was at it. They're nothing to worry about otherwise, it's a genetic thing and they're not malignant in any way, my Dad gets them and so did his dad. I'm going to get the three under the other arm done in the next couple of weeks.

Having it removed didn't hurt. Getting the needles to deaden the pain of having it removed DID. He had to stick the needle right into the stem of it. Ouch... One pain to lessen a greater pain, but it might have hurt less if he'd just cut it off with a pair of scissors :undecided-new: I might liquor up right before I get the others removed :gnehe: They won't hurt as much to get removed though as they're not inflamed like the bad one was.

Hope I didn't ruin anyone's appetite with that little tale...


Well, at least the story didn't make me hungry!  :D



St.Louis style ribs, so yum, we need a drooling smiley  :D

Art, hope you get well soon

Art Blade

Quote from: PZ on March 15, 2017, 05:08:51 PM
Well, at least the story didn't make me hungry!  :D

:laughsm: :laughsm:

Durian, thank you  :)

🡱 🡳

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