13 Grand Theft Auto 5 Facts You (Probably) Didn't Know

Started by PZ, May 23, 2017, 09:11:42 AM

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Wow, the only one I knew about was the Morse code in that hatch underwater, which is indeed a reference to Roman Bellic. All the others were new to me too. After 3500 hours of playing :-[
But to be honest, I hardly played 200 hours in single player :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I knew 5 (sleep schedule, made use of it when making millions at the stock exchange) and 9 (James Bond / DB5)


Oh damn, forgot the bond car. I knew that as well :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


I may have come across the drug deal gone bad (No Country For Old Men) as it sorta looks familiar, but either I never looked further for the suitcase of money or didn't think anything of it when I got attacked later, as that was always happening anyway it seemed. I never saw the movie, so the reference to that was lost on me.

The James Bond car was obvious right away. I think I ejected the chick accidentally though I don't think that effects the mission, either that or she got scared and jumped out when I slowed down for a turn or something. It was pretty funny either way.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I think you get an achievement if you chuck her out through the roof  :anigrin:


"5. Each character has a different sleep schedule." Really ?? :)

Art Blade

yes, I can second that.

You may remember Lester's assassination missions. Every target killed has a significant impact on the stock market. In order to pass the time in a way that you neither have to sit in front of your PC for hours nor "sleep in" and miss the opportunity to sell, it is good to know those different sleep schedules and make use of it. Of course, it works at any given time but only makes sense if you're speculating and doing stock market deals. :)

If you are so inclined, you can find my extremely detailed how-to in the archive, the old forum. ;)

And welcome to OWG  O0

🡱 🡳

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