This was my favorite funny thing to do in GTA5

Started by PZ, January 03, 2022, 10:37:24 AM

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Dry in the morning, but because the weather prediction was for more snow and warming I knew it was going to become sloppy.  Sure was heavy by the end of the day. The 3320 is 4x4 and all four were spinning at times trying to pile the snow.


Funny reading you guys' posts about snowfalls and seeing PZ's snow piccies when It's sweltering on this side of the globe :anigrin: Of course, it's the middle of summer here, so I'm doing the shorts, singlet and aircon thing at the moment.

My favourite thing to do in GTA V was climb onto a high-end motorcycle, zoom at top speed down the wrong side of the freeway in first-person and see how long I could last. It got the juices flowing... Some of the rag-dolling which would result from no longer lasting was hilarious, in a slightly-too-close-to-home, I-felt-that kind of way :gnehe:


 :D I recall doing the same  O0

The thing that got me to quit the game was a stupid timed event that had something to do with riding a motorcycle on a train. I do not recall the particulars of the mission, but I was cussing enough to alarm the poodle.  :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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