GTA Online - The Saga Continues

Started by BinnZ, March 02, 2017, 02:00:32 PM

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I guess you found a reason to play this game again? :gnehe:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

yep, and I spent silly amounts of dough on silly stuff like a fully maxed-out armoured truck with rocket batteries and all that, so I might want to earn some cash again. :gnehe:

Now that I had to do some missions in a public session to unlock the club, I feel somewhat comfortable when erm, joining, an empty session. Indeed it stayed empty all the time I was doing missions, and I tried that more than once. With unprecedented determination, I acquired the courage to unlock the hangar-related missions for that dimwit Ron and I unlocked the PC in my office. I wasn't able to do that in private sessions and never cared about that stuff. But now I might make some dough doing those public missions, as long as I can stay alone (or with fellow OWG members) in a session. :)


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I'd love to come and join you but that'll have to wait a bit more  :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I found out that once your club is up and running, the "promotion" missions can actually be played in an invite-only session and of course, on your own. :thumbsup:

Those missions, if successful, bring the club's popularity back up. Your club's popularity will drop over time and by that, your daily income. You start with 100% popularity indicated by a purple progress bar with 5 digits. From what I've observed, every in-game day that popularity drops by about one digit and at the time your income by $1,000. If you don't have the upgrade with more bartenders and security to slow down that drop, you'll have to do three or four missions to go from 4 back to 5 digits. With that upgrade, the drop is only a fraction of one digit and you'll only need one mission to put it back up to full. You can still do those missions even if your club's popularity is at maximum.

Art Blade

you'll just buy the whole lot, man :anigrin:

Art Blade

Quote from: Art Blade on July 27, 2018, 10:12:00 AMIndeed it stayed empty all the time

well, it wasn't at a weekend. Now, at the weekend, it doesn't take long and the first guy pops up (maybe leaves again but still, no empty session) so I might want to play in the week IF and when I want to play that public online stuff.


Sure, but man, 30 garage spaces, that's a lot to fill 🤪
And I'd like to find out what happens with all my other businesses once I have the club up and running... I read somewhere that you can order your employees to fill them up for you, or at least the space in the club... that sounds very promising 🙂

And about empty public sessions; usually they stay empty most of the time, even in weekends. If not, just do the resource monitor trick again.
"No hay luz"


The more players are in a session, the higher the attraction to other joining players. So if you're alone, it's the least likely that anyone joins. As soon as you're with a friend, others may start joining.
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

ok. :)

and yes, you can get five guys to start filling your club storage space. The first guy is for free, the second cost me $142k and the next would cost about $180k so hiring them is getting more and more expensive.

just some pics.

Meanwhile I got the upgrade in the middle.
club upgrades
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warehouse techies
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going to post a pic of the sales details, need to fire up the game.. brb.

Art Blade

here you go.

sell goods menu
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club home menu
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club management menu
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Interesting. Well, if you need someone to join and I'm around, I'm up for it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I have been thinking about that, actually. Cool :)

Some stuff I did, meanwhile. And that's when you'll come in. ;)

club's DJ booth
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here I come
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I'll be poor soon
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weird plane accident
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I am poor now
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one man biz
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Art Blade

I screwed up three missions by not stealing a car.

The first car had a bomb on board and I panicked. What I should have done would have been to drive faster than 56 mph to defuse the bomb but I misinterpreted the progress bar and timer. I thought the bomb was going to go off anyway and it did.

The second was a location I was supposed to bring a fast bike or car in order to race. I thought I could shoot the driver but couldn't find any. Then a countdown started, telling me to get the car within some 3+ minutes and I had to just beat the guy's time, not the guy himself. All the way to Paleto Bay, I made it, 6 seconds to go when I arrived. I was relieved, took a breather and then noticed the countdown was still counting down.. get off the bike and into the car right in front of me! I failed, by an arm's length, literally.

The third I was supposed to steal using a cargo bob (big helicopter to lift cargo with). I had no idea how to get one except stealing one from the air strip IF and WHEN it spawned there. First I scoped out the area (humane labs) but couldn't see the car, nor goons. So I went to find a cargo bob. Then a countdown started, some 3+ minutes to STEAL the car. I raced to humane labs in my buzzard, and there I found the cargo bob sitting there and military guards shooting at me :banghead: Of course I didn't make it.

But I kept the cargo bob and stole the next car with it, although it wasn't a requirement. Just a test. It worked  :gnehe:

And I sold a car, again just a test to see how that goes. So not only do you get shot stealing cars, you get shot selling them, too. So I delivered a car with a few bullet holes, that's the negative value you see there. Sold it for $100k -damage -upgrade costs = about $77k profit. Maybe some $5k for repairs when I acquired it, so around $70k+ for a high end car. Getting one and selling one takes perhaps 15 minutes each, so the result is better than any mission I could do on my own. Cars I can steal and sell on my own. So far, so good :)

Thanks to BinnZ for all his tips  O0 and +1 :thumbsup: :)

some pics around my car business. First steps, so to speak.
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Art Blade

Something like frustration.. the following is the message (minus the orange text) that I sent to Binn after I had to chase "my" car (to steal it) for the first time, knowing I was supposed to shoot the driver without triggering the event to make the whole thing easier.

" 'the Seven-70 is *just* parked there.'

I flew there, near the airstrip/lake (actually, its nearer to the quarry)

I wasn't even very close, then I noticed a police chopper and then that the car was driving away with the police after him. I died twice during a chase ALL around the FUCKING map. I stole a bike and chased after that *bleep* (no police anymore) and put a bullet through his head when he was on a road without danger to ram anything when dying. I grabbed the car and three star wanted level, paid Lester and drove home. ONLY $2,850 damage plus 600 for Lester.

Man. :) "

Now I had that same location, different car, and I was in a cargo bob (the white-red one, more powerful, kept it after a club mission, after I had sold goods—to buyers at an offshore platform—those two clowns in the basement of my club had been "accruing") and again, I triggered the event. I wasn't very close and still it was triggered. Now with that cargo bob.. ignore the police, just fly over that speeding car and hook it up, driver included, on a nice straight coastal road.. yep, well thought-out yet those massive overhead road signs can be a killer if you don't see 'em when giving chase in a cargo bob. :banghead:

bloody hell, those signs..
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Although, I did chase that guy in a random stolen car that was conveniently parked right next to that sign where I had crashed, shot the driver of the car I was chasing, got killed by the police (instant three star wanted level plus their helicopter was already there) so I chose to get killed to get rid of the cops. Only they stayed.. after a little hectic get-into-that-car-and-call-Lester-while-the-police-is-chasing-me, Lester got rid of the cops for me for $600 and the car only had around 2k damage. So, mission success. But damn, those are hard. I have yet to figure out how far away I've got to be not to trigger that fricking chase :anigrin:

That Turismo R was actually a unique car, it's part of a collection.
25 cars in stock, plus one that I sold, so I stole 26 cars now.
There are 32 different types, plus those unique collector's cars.
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My club is doing well, too.
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🡱 🡳

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