GTA Online - The Saga Continues

Started by BinnZ, March 02, 2017, 02:00:32 PM

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The minigun isn't unlocked until rank 120. I guess the modder apparently ran a "unlock all weapons" hack on you
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

D_B, I think resetting your rank was more cosmetic than they thought. I think when the hack pushed you above 120, the game mechanics just followed along unlocking everything up to 120 and by that, you gained access to everything that was restricted for lower ranks. For the game mechanics, resetting your rank obviously didn't reset the "he was there, once, he shall keep it, forever." That explains both full access to level-restricted guns and car upgrades. :gnehe:

Next time you go on a killing spree, you may want to use the beach around Del Perro Pier and the pier itself. Lots of peeps there ;) I unlocked my $250k there in about 5 minutes.

Oh and I got the free cars tip from Binnatics O0



I found another tip for you guys, but it's a nasty one. There is an Easter egg in the club; you can find a Kifflom T-shirt. You already found out that when you pass out because of drinking too much liquor you will find yourself in weird random spots. If you happen to wake up on the roof of the Epsilon building or on top of Mount Chilliad you have a 50% chance of waking up with the Kifflom T-shirt. Might take a while though, I heard there's 30 different spawning locations 😜
"No hay luz"


I wouldn't be surprised he got above 1000+ RP, it's just the game needing to cycle through all the XP bars :-X
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

there's a bouncer in the restroom and all he can say is, "Kifflom!" You can see him in my vid when I was checking the club out until passing out.

Here are my free cars. Upgrading them to the max (requires a MOC with arms&vehicle modding bay, and it includes bunker research projects) "only" cost me about $700k (not counting the costs for the aforementioned prerequisites). So much for "free." ::) :anigrin:

Nightshark (left) and Revolter (middle)
and to the right, the expensive Oppressor.
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<Record Scratch>

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You might be wondering how I got myself in this situation? Well, it all started a few days ago.... <cue flashback music>

I got on a server that had a lot of people on it, there was apparently some kind of battle going on between CEOs and some were accusing others of hacking, etc, so I left for another server. This one had two other people on and one left a few minutes later, so it was only me and one other person. So I got out the new Revolter to take it for a spin. It's pretty fast, but the handling can't keep up some times. Anyway, I head up to the north for no other reason than to see what the other player is up to, he was in a helicopter once I got there. He was just getting the cops mad at him so I went further on, saw a gang battle marker and went to take that on, they are usually pretty fun. So after I cleared those guys out, I walked around looking for the crates and couldn't find them, which happens to me about half the time for those gang battles. Anyway, it was at this place:

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and I walked into the front doors there and either it was a glitch in that server or the model of the building itself, but the front doors had no collision and I walked right through them. So I tried walking a bit further and immediately died. I'm sure they have most of the buildings set up with kill zones inside so players can't glitch into the buildings and be invulnerable because they are inside an otherwise inaccessible place.

So, after respawning I decided I'd had enough and headed back to my apartment with the intention of logging off for the night and playing No Man's Sky or something. Plus I wanted to drive the Revolter a bit more. Well, I drove past where the other player was fighting the cops, still in the helicopter and must have clipped a cop car or hit one of the cops in the road as I got one or two stars of crime rating. No big deal, I'll just head up into the hills where they can't find me, and hide until it cools off and then head home. So I drive off the highway up a hill, launch off the top and land perfectly in that tree. Can't move the car. I was just about to get out when a stray rocket from the other player's battle with the police caught me and the car exploded. They said sorry right away so I figured it was just an accident, as he had plenty of chances to shoot me before that, as I had plenty to shoot him down with the rocket launcher so I left it at that.

We got to chatting and he wanted to do some motorcycle club missions so I joined him on that, getting some supplies and then destroying some vans, which was tougher than I thought, as they are apparently immune to rockets until you kill all the occupants. Anyway, that was a fun time where a random encounter on a public match turned out pretty well.

As for getting the hatchet challenge, I had thought of going to the beach, but I was too far away and didn't feel like going all that way. I got enough people at the stadium so it worked out.

My rank reset was just the rank itself, nothing else was reset as suspected. Looking at the stuff for modding cars and buying weapons, all the stuff that's normally locked until level 100 I can get right now. So they didn't bother to reset all that stuff, and apparently once you've unlocked it, a change in rank after that doesn't block it again. I'm not going to complain, it wasn't my fault and it's up to them to check that sort of thing, but with how much hacking there is in the game, it looks like they don't try too hard.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice parking :anigrin: Next time, do it with a jet :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I'll have to ask Art for tips on how to land planes in strange places, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade



Nice story D_B! I think you are right about the unlocking mechanics and the back reset. And indeed, they don't try too hard. As far as I know they do ban waves, often just before a new update arrives but also randomly. I think they mostly aim for money glitches since their in-game monetizing system is being affected.
So maybe we should consider their micro transactions a pro given the fact that it forces them into some action upon hackers at least. In earlier games they did nothing as far as I know.
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I think both of you confirmed or repeated just in other words what I already said.

Quote from: Art Blade on August 08, 2018, 10:50:02 AM
D_B, I think resetting your rank was more cosmetic than they thought. I think when the hack pushed you above 120, the game mechanics just followed along unlocking everything up to 120 and by that, you gained access to everything that was restricted for lower ranks. For the game mechanics, resetting your rank obviously didn't reset the "he was there, once, he shall keep it, forever." That explains both full access to level-restricted guns and car upgrades. :gnehe:


D_B, did you actually reach rank 120 or above due to that hacker? I thought you only obtained somewhere around 50?
"No hay luz"


D_B, the car in the tree looks like one of my parking jobs :gnehe:

Funny story :D


Yeah it was a one in a million parking job. Couldn't do that again if I tried. Well, maybe I'll try, see how it goes.

When the hacker boosted my level I was at 125 when I left the server, starting at the 25 I had originally. So yeah, it unlocked everything up to that point and that wasn't effected when they reset it back to what it was. Their tech support seemed bored about the whole thing, there sure was no indication they were surprised or even concerned, it was more like they were annoyed that I'd bother them with something so trivial.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That happens when you don't bother to have proper anti-cheat measures ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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