GTA Online - The Saga Continues

Started by BinnZ, March 02, 2017, 02:00:32 PM

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Art Blade

you just speed up, quickly climb into the chopper, lob it over the bridge, and land on the truck again as soon as it appears on the other side. Then continue to the next obstacle, rinse and repeat. :anigrin:


I'd like to see a video of that, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Encountered another hacker tonight. I was doing a business battle, where you have to hack the laptop at the police station. I got there and having learned my lesson, scattered some proximity mines around the area to discourage anyone from sneaking up on me while I was hacking, be they players or NPCs. So I'm inside hacking, and see on the minimap some strange things going on, like a vehicle icon moving strangely. I didn't think to much of it, so when I got the info from hacking, I take off with the minigun in hand ready to paste anyone in my way. So, standing in the lobby is another player and I don't hesitate to give him a good burst of the minigun starting at his navel and ending at his head.

Nothing happens.

I didn't really think about it yet, as he says something like "I'll help you" in chat. So I kind of shrug it off and we hop in his car and suddenly we're under the map doing some strange moves. Here's the video:

So after a few hops that don't seem to be very controllable, we end up clear across the map near the target and I decide I'm leaving this guy behind next chance I get. I hop in the buggy and finish the mission.

So another hacker who wasn't being a d*ck and just helping people? OK, so that's a thing I guess. As you can see at the end of the mission I left. Since it was only a business battle, I'm not too concerned with getting anything by cheating, it's not a huge difference, and I probably would have finished the mission anyway.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Yesterday I participated in a business battle, full lobby. There was only one police station in the area and someone got in there first, I couldn't even find the entrance so I got in my buzzard, ready to paste them when they got out but suddenly two green icons popped up near El Burro Heights. On my map I noticed someone else was already there and on my way getting there, three more people were homing in on that location. I got killed, killed two other guys and the one who was there first (let's call him hacker) killed the third guy and me again. While I had no real problems killing the other guys, the hacker stayed alive and just waited there. Every now and then, he got me whichever way he saw fit. Minigun, explosives, some gun, and killed me seven (!) times in a row. I had thermal sights and could sometimes see him but apparently my explosive rounds didn't do anything to him, and somehow he always knew where I was while staying out of sight. I never saw him shoot me. Once he was even on a rooftop, the only time I saw him from my death-animation, then behind a building, always out of sight but still managed to get me when I tried to approach him. Eventually he used the feature to go off the radar. Meanwhile I had run out of explosive ammo.. but I could still use the thermal scope so I watched him. He was apparently waiting inside a building with a minigun (you could tell by how his arms were angled) but somehow he seemed to have radar eyes. Then I saw him running and then he was in a vehicle that wasn't there before and he drove away with the battle goods. I chased him in my buzzard but I couldn't lock on to him, and he escaped into his club.

I mean, really, that didn't seem normal at all. However, I'll use the "off the radar" feature next time I'm in a situation like that.


That does sound fishy, Art. I encountered a couple of people last night who I thought were getting in extremely good shots, but I don't want to outright accuse them of hacking, maybe they are just good. And I did manage to kill both of them at least once. I would have left them alone, of course, but they started it when the one, a CEO, shot my car with missiles from a helicopter. Granted, I was behind his friend going very fast in a car, but it was just coincidence we were both going the same direction. I was just catching up to him when I got hit by the missile. So after respawning, I took out the chopper with a homing rocket and then took out the other guy with the minigun. After that, though, I couldn't take more than a few steps out of definite cover before getting shot, sometimes from a very long ways off. So I just grabbed a vehicle and left after that. Soon enough the lobby emptied except for one other guy and we ignored each other until a business battle came up and without any interaction, finished it, splitting the goods. The only time anything was said was when I was approaching the one pick up spot and said in chat that the other one was his, I wouldn't try for it and we both grabbed one and went our separate ways. So the night about balanced out as far as interaction with other players went.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I have noticed that for some reason the amount of hackers has increased a lot recently. I not only notice it by the amount of times I run into one myself, but also by the amount of players driving (or flying) extremely expensive stuff while they are only rank below-100. Which is literally impossible, except for when it's their second char and they bring the money from their first char. Which is highly unlikely.
"No hay luz"


Either they spent a shitton on microtransactions (this game is totally not grindy) or, had some cheaters drop some money on them. Or, they got carried through mutliple heists. I think the cheater argument is more plausible than the others ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

yep. And the constant text chat messages that keep popping up in any public lobby:

"are you a cheater? I need money"
"I lost 250k can you give me some money I'm broke"
"any modders here?"
"can you give me money?"

and all that bull


Some players should learn to manage their money more efficient... ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

that, too. :anigrin:

You know, seeing messages like the ones above all the time shows me that people are USED to having cheaters, hackers and modders in their sessions and they EXPECT them to be in their session which means, there's an awful lot of them.

And you keep seeing players with rank 8,000 which are the obvious cheaters.

Art Blade

Pegassi Oppressor Mk II
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to get that "bike" you need to purchase a nightclub first, then buy the Terrorbyte truck and then you can buy the Oppressor Mk II. All in all, it cost more than $6,000,000. It took some time earning that amount of dough :)


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I want that bike. I mean, in REAL life :gnehe:


Yeah I was wondering about that a bit ago, hackers that is. I saw in one game a person who was level one, so I turned on the TV to spectate them, they were in the clothes shop getting an outfit, so I looked at the other players a bit then went back to that player and they were driving one of the super cars that has to be ultra expensive I would think. OK, so maybe they stole it somehow, somewhere, then the next time I check in on them and they are in the office building, alone, so I would think that would mean they bought or had access to an office, which isn't cheap.

So one question I had, if you make an alternate character, you just start at zero, right? You don't have access to all the money and stuff from a previous character? Can you give stuff from one character to another? So, the only way I can think a level one player had access to that kind of stuff would have been someone gave it to them or they cheated.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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