GTA Online - The Saga Continues

Started by BinnZ, March 02, 2017, 02:00:32 PM

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I have two (both characters). Sad I can't give it to you in some way or another :-\
"No hay luz"


I probably couldn't afford the upkeep, hehe. I bought a facility a few weeks ago when they had them on sale, just because. Went there once and looked around and haven't been back.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

so you're still in that facility?



Just checked the new content. It's good. I mean, it's all minor things, but there's these cool details that really improve stuff. For example; NO DRIPFEED vehicles!!!! All accessible from scratch!
2 new apartments available, no new apts but you can just buy 2 more. So no selling cars this time, just BUYING!!!!
They did a lot of quality of life upgrades. For example, now you can send a car back to your garage in the interaction menu. Haven't checked the yacht missions yet. They should be good :) Will report on it as soon as I did them.
I was listening to Broughy's livestream about it and he named all the good stuff they changes, just to make life better. And damn, I played on 2560-1440 res and it looks SO GOOD on this new monitor, damn! And no hiccups, framerate drops, it's all good!
"No hay luz"

Art Blade


No, I left the bunker and haven't been back, lol. Basically I only buy things like that for the garage space.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


R* did something really, REALLY great; they stopped the annoying phone calls from LJT and the likes. Instead, now you get a text msg telling you what's on his mind. I haven't had a single annoying phone call since I got back, which is estupendum :bigsmile:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

OH MAN, those phone calls! ??? :banghead:

The fix came WAY too late for me, unfortunately.


Which one is LJT? I still get calls for various quests though not nearly as many. The one who keeps pestering me is the woman at the casino for that quest line that I never did, but she still calls me every time I log on.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I think you might still get calls from people who try to convince you to play new DLC content that you haven't yet toughed. I can imagine they leave those in, because it has a function of making (new) players aware of the options in the game.
It would be nice though if it stops after you picked up the phone the first time. Maybe with a simple text message still offering the info later throughout the game.
LJT (Long John Teabag) is the lameass F* from the biker business. He used to call you every time, typically those calls you can't ignore and auto-pick up, when a business is out of supply or full of product and needs sale.
You will probably still get calls from the guy who talks you into bikers business, however I doubt that is LJT.
"No hay luz"


Ah, OK I haven't done anything with the biker stuff, don't even own a hideout or whatever it's called. Also don't own an arcade for the Casino stuff either, so even if I wanted to do that mission, I couldn't, so the lady who keeps calling me is just wasting time. I hang up on her immediately. At least Lester doesn't call me anymore, I don't even remember what he wanted at this point.

I did win another car at the casino wheel last night though. So there's that lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Along with the cars, I've probably made a million or more in cash and about 10 XP levels off the casino wheel, and who knows how many t-shirts lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Wow, you must've treated that wheel like a daily challenge the last couple of months :D
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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