Covid 19 at home and in the news

Started by PZ, January 28, 2021, 01:29:43 PM

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Other than a couple of trees falling on my house and a bout with Covid 19 all is well on my end.  :gnehe:

I'm playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla right now, and was working my way through Watchdogs Legion (which I put aside for a while). I did not think I would like the new AC, but it turns out to be one of my favorites.

Good to see you online again KingRat  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

whoa PZ, I'm VERY glad you're still with us.. that virus can be lethal. Congratz :thumbsup:

KingRat, away but not forgotten :anigrin: Still alive here.


Thanks AB  O0

Ours was nothing worse than cold-like symptoms, but different enough that my wife wanted to get us tested just to be sure. She was shocked to learn that we were both positive. The good thing is that we are likely not among those with a specific genotype that allows for the devastating consequences.

Art Blade

you're lucky in two ways. One, you survived without having to endure a severe case. Two, now you KNOW while the rest of us who haven't been tested keep wondering: will it hit us, will we survive it, did I already have it? You're a lucky man, I'm glad to say. :thumbsup:

If you want to be really macho about it you may drop this line:

"moss doesn't grow on marble." :gnehe:


Thanks man, we do feel very lucky because in a way it projects a possible outcome of a future infection. We recently heard that for every case that is reported positive, there are three others who recovered that go unreported. It is estimated that nearly 1/3 of our population has now had the virus.

Art Blade

future infection? I think you guys shouldn't go to those illegal rave parties again.



Reports are people can become infected more than once, and since the discovery of the South African mutation (vaccine is not as effective against this one) people are worried about becoming infected again.  :undecided-new:

Art Blade

this virus (including its variants/mutations) will very likely keep us busy for the rest of this year. I don't think that it will be "over" soon.



Glad to hear all of you are ok PZ, a bit more than a week ago I came down with something
having all the covid-19 symptoms, my temp was around 102F so mrs nex rushed me to
Hospital to do the test, lucky it came out negative. My GP reckons there's a stomach bug
doing the rounds, after a week's medication I'm back to normal.
Tell you one thing though, this covid-19 ain't no joke, not having covid-19
but having all it's symptoms, man, I sure felt like hell.
So guys, do whatever it takes to not get this virus.
Respect is earned, not given.



Respect is earned, not given.


PZ and nex, I'm glad to hear that you and yours are all okay :)

@PZ, you're the first person I "know" to have contracted the virus. Geez, I'm glad it wasn't too serious :undecided-new: You and Mrs. PZ appear to be a pretty fit and he@lthy couple (going by the photos I've seen over the years), so that may have aided strongly in your recovery. In any case, I'm glad you both are on the mend.

@nex, also glad you're okay :) You must have had mixed feelings - finding out you're COVID-free (yay) but still feeling like *bleep* (boo). Hope you're well now, mate.

This virus is a horrific thing. I don't think many folks have a proper understanding of just how physically devastating it is. They seem to think it's like having a very bad cold and if you're extremely unlucky, you might not wake up one morning. Nope, I've heard it's more like slowly drowning in your own bodily fluids. And if the worst outcome transpires, it's a terribly lonely way to go because your family and friends aren't allowed to be near you as a precaution against further contagion.

We've been pretty fortunate in my area. There was one case about six months ago in the nearby town, but it was mild and the person recovered (and he or she wasn't a local, but a visitor from Sydney). Other than that, we haven't had a single incident in my local region. In Australia the virus has largely been confined to the cities, but we yokels are always on our guard. The big Kombi festival that takes place here every year had to be scrapped in '20 due to COVID concerns, and I'm glad it was - I wasn't crazy about the idea of 10,000-plus out-of-town visitors descending on our little haven and bringing God-knows-what with them.


Thanks fragger - we are among the lucky. We read that genetics plays a large role in the severity of the disease. If you are unlucky enough to have the "gene" then the prognosis is not good.

Really inspiring that you folks in Australia have a good handle on the problem.  O0

Art Blade

(Bill Gates predicted in 2015 a highly infectious virus and warned "we're not ready for the next pandemic")

🡱 🡳

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