Shadow Warrior 2

Started by Art Blade, March 04, 2017, 08:16:04 PM

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"Nobody mess with Lo Wang!" (said with caricatured Chinese accent) :anigrin:

I remember the original game, it was built on the Duke 3D engine (Build). I also remember the very un-PC way he would say, "Ah, so!" when he began a new level :-X

Art Blade


There is still a lot like it in the game I think. They did a wonderful job :)

There was one cutscene when Lo Wang called the master smith "old man" or some such and the smith countered with, "... I'll cut your Wang off."  :laughsm:

Art Blade

today we finished my game on T4 just to finish his game back to back, on T5 this time. Wasn't even that hard. I think we died two or three times, each. During the whole game. :)

Now the tougher T6 is waiting and then the final stage T7 -- but that is a different league, still.

Art Blade

Here the specs for insane difficulty, tier 7.

Read the specs in awe. :anigrin:

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Big specs ???

lol "The Way Of The Wang" :laughsm:

Art Blade

hehe, the game is FULL of stuff like that  :)

Art Blade

damn, had to resize this one to get below 978 or something kb max file size.

Scrap Metal -- these are the remnants of a quite large robotic enemy.. he didn't last long, though. :anigrin: The turquoise bar in the back reads "g-mann" which is the health bar of my co-op partner. You can't see him because the metal debris is so large  :D

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Nice!  :thumbsup:

Sounds like plenty of funny stuff in the game  O0

Art Blade

thanks :)

And yes, it is childish, politically totally incorrect, mature, sexist, chauvinistic.. Lo Wang is a self-inflated egomaniac with a heightened sense of humour that just scrapes along the floor but he doesn't take himself too seriously and lacks any evil attitude. Just only when it comes to fighting, then you need to control him.. with mouse and keyboard or game pad. :anigrin:

Art Blade

Today g-mann and I met again for some co-op, this time "grinding orbs" was on our minds. Imagine, on normal difficulty you'll earn three (3!) orbs winning any trial. Since we already played through on T5, we thought we might give the hardest trial (Trial of the Ancient God) a shot on T5. Before those playthroughs we used to die more than we won that trial on T5 so we reverted to T3 and T4. Today, we were surprised that we never died on T5 so we decided to crank it up one notch.. T6. We managed! Almost never died. And we were quick, a matter of a few minutes until we were victorious. Whoa :) We earned 52 (!) orbs per trial.  :bigsmile:

I tested some free roaming on T7 today. Boy, did I die a lot :D Still quite a bit of research and crafting and grinding and so forth to do until we're ready for the ultimate tier of insanity :gnehe:

Art Blade

Today we actually started a playthrough on T7. ??? :)

The first few missions were like a test for the loadouts, as it was absolutely necessary to adapt to the highest difficulty. You read the specs..

So, what I did: I sacrificed quite a bit of the weapons' power in order to get more of a tank build. Way more resistance to damage, way more hit points aka health. I had to abandon the amulet that used to favour melee weapons (+30% boost, yet -30% for medium and heavy weapons aka flavours of firearms) and I replaced it with one that removes the 60 seconds cooldown for the so called second chance.

Second chance means you'd be dead without it and if you got it maxed out, you may survive for eight seconds during which you deal +500% damage (funny though, you're unable to move) and if you kill an enemy, you'll get your health restored to 20% of your max and.. you won't die this time. Second chance, then. Now, without that amulet, you'd be dead for real (well, virtually, in the game..) if you were lethally wounded during the next 60 seconds.. and that WILL happen once in a while.

So, the amulet rids you of those 60 seconds, you can die just right away again and revive yourself IF you manage to kill another enemy.. I think it's a clever way of getting through the hell of T7. I survived a lot thanks to that amulet. Actually, I died only once for "real."

However, it was just the start of the playthrough.. I wonder what those "named enemies" will be like. They're like mini bosses. Which inevitably leads to.. what on earth will be those real bosses be like.. WHAAAaa.. :o :anigrin:


Dang AB, you really get the most out of a game.  O0

Art Blade

I paid for it, didn't I :anigrin: But yes, this is one of just a few games that I went that far in upping the difficulty. Most games don't have that many levels of difficulty, either  :anigrin: Also funny, I still tend to play games on "easy" yet when there is a co-op mode, I'll likely go for the hard stuff sooner or later.


I wish I was that way - I purchase a game intending to get the most out of it, but rarely do  :undecided-new:

Art Blade

you need time and patience for it, grasshopper. :anigrin:

🡱 🡳

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