Shadow Warrior 2

Started by Art Blade, March 04, 2017, 08:16:04 PM

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That's really cool, like you can go into easy mode to amass money and stuff, then go back to difficult mode and use that dough to buy goodies with. Wish more games were like that.

Art Blade

yes, indeed.. the game has a lot of potential.

I also like to change difficulty levels for the fun aspect. I just feels good if you're insanely overpowered and show those demons who's boss. They did that to us when we were little new players. Now it's payback time -- and we can teach them what a boss fight feels like. :evil2:

Playing on lower difficulty levels (hey, we're still talking insane difficulty) is also relaxing. You can actually take your own time and explore to your heart's content, collect stuff, whack a pesky demon or three just as if they were flies buzzing around your head. And then smite the blow flies with a roll of newspaper when they sit somewhere. It's almost like that. :anigrin: When you think it's all too easy, hell, you can always crank it up a couple of notches and play on T7 for some challenge. :)

Art Blade

new free DLC Bounty Hunt Part 1 is out, around 990MB, with two new weapons, 4 new skills and 14 new missions O0


That's rather impressive - especially for free  O0

Art Blade

indeed :) and those missions have been fun so far, too :)


A free DLC ? It's extremely rare nowadays. Other pubs would charge $20 for an add-on pack which contains a new difficulty mode, an outfit and a new mission (I'm talking about Nintendo's new game Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild).

One of the things I like about this game is the new game + which allow you carry over all your weapons, items, level and the ability to change difficulty level anytime during play. I'm cioi sidering to get it at some point down the line.

By the way, +1 for you Art, for your efforts in making this thread.
Edit. Bah, I have to wait for one hour. "Sorry, you can't repeat a karma action without waiting 1 hours."


Yep, free DLCs are becoming a rarity these days. Good on Flying Wild Hog for doing that :thumbsup:

Art Blade

thank you, durian :)

And it actually is the SECOND free DLC. The firs was "The Way of the Wang"

QuoteShadow Warrior 2's The Way of the Wang DLC opens up a new area within the game's hub town, presenting seven special trials for Lo Wang to unlock and overcome. Players will be able to earn new crafting abilities, weapon gem slots, and base weapon stat upgrades upon completing each new trial with the new Fist of Gozu battle axe awaiting those warriors that complete all of the trials. The DLC also includes three new tiers for Insane difficulty and five new achievements to unlock in the campaign.

Art Blade

I found two vids that are quite good regarding how to build your character (simply put: use critical chance and critical damage gems) and then a demonstration of it.

I'll start with GUNS so you non-sword guys start with the right impression :anigrin:

Note how fast the game is IF you want to play like that. I can tell the vid is at normal speed because of the sounds. And because I sometimes play that fast. Also note that those vids show a first person view that I'd call "fish eye lens view" (probably Field Of View 120) which I don't like and that high FOV makes the game look even faster than it actually is.

I'm on FOV 65 I think. Normal would be around 90. And a personal note: "spend XP on ... and feel free to spend the rest on whatever you like" -- I have every skill card maxed out and still tons of XP points that I can't spend any more. My character is now rank 370+ while he's playing at some 50+ rank. For such a low rank he did an excellent job, though.

Sometimes I play fast, but only when dodging and escaping or for a surprise attack and withdrawal. I use 5 "swords" (including short blades and an axe) -- one pure physical damage and four different elemental damage -- and three firearms, so I use a hybrid build. For me the guns are just a fun factor: pistol with explosive ammo for ranged attacks, sawn-off shottie for surprise "in your face" moments and a mounted (turreted) mini gun that I just drop literally as a stand-alone weapon that works like a second stationary player against really mean enemies or for thinning out hordes of attackers.

I like swords because they don't need ammo (never short of ammo) and they can't overheat. Plus.. I can see the enemy in the eye when I kill them :evil2:

Alright, the gun build.

And the sword build.



Shadow Warrior 2 is now free ("giwaway") until October 6th, 2:15pm UTC, over at  :bigsmile:

Art Blade


you should get it, it's an awesome game, best played co-op but also fun single player :thumbsup:


I'm actually downloading it right now.  :anigrin:
Got to have something to play when I get tired of FO4.  ;)

Art Blade

it is an insane game. I am sure somewhere in this topic I mentioned the multiple insane difficulty levels, like 7 or 8, it is really crazy :)

🡱 🡳

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