Salmon candy

Started by PZ, September 12, 2017, 04:16:53 PM

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Instead of starting a new thread about smoking foods I'll put this here where PZ's most likely to see it.  I don't know if this is a commonly known practice but it was a new concept for me.

Keep in mind that I wouldn't want to suggest something that would gunk up PZ's pellet fed Traeger though I seem to remember that he does have another smoker (or two?  :undecided-new: ) as well that this approach may be more suitable for.

I was watching a cooking show and saw that in addition to the woods bringing flavor to something being smoked, the show host added a couple good sized clumps of fresh herbs to the burning/smoldering fuel being used to generate smoke.  In the show the person was preparing lamb so they placed their own fresh homegrown Rosemary directly onto the ready coals to the right and left of the meat above before dampening down the smoker to lower the temperature and encourage smoke production in their grill.

He commented that there were many herbs that could be employed in this manner, among them his favorites were Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Oregano, and Sage.  Probably because those were the herbs he had readily on hand out of his garden.

He didn't go into it but I suspect that a dried herb stalk would likely flash burn off without lingering long enough to impart as much of it's own characteristic to the smoking so I would think that giving dried herbs a soak to rehydrate them would be needed if dried is the only thing you have on hand.

I've not seen this discussed before so I thought I'd toss it out for consideration.  O0

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


That's a very interesting idea mandru - thanks for posting.  :thumbsup: +1

I can definitely throw fresh sage and thyme from the garden onto the fire in the pizza oven, and if nothing else, it sure would make the place smell good.  O0

It will probably w0#k though, to give the pizza the herb flavor because I can taste the wood in the finished pizzas.

I even have a little rosemary, but the plant is so small I doubt my wife would let me use it.  Sage and thyme plants in the garden are so large I cannot possibly use it all.


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Nice, mandru O0

PZ, be sure to let us know how it goes if you ever try it. I'm sure you would anyway :)


Most definitely fragger  O0


That sure looks good!

🡱 🡳